

Ach! Und ess Vee awl gno, vat SWMNBN vants...,Himmel, she gonna getz, Donder und Blitzen.

Yes, indeed you have have so magnificently blundered right into the truth of the pictorial. That spanking new pistol was a gift worth the trouble of writing 'danke' to famous Onkle Hindy. I've been experimenting with a few B&W graphics in which one element is in full color. You see evidence of that in the photo of me peeking out of the envelope. Did you also note that I had altered the famous painting of Hindenburg and Ludendorf at the top? They are playing checkers.

After getting a bit shaggy this summer and tiring of having to wear that paper bag when Lady "T" and I went out in public; I got a flattop haircut which is something I have not sported since Junior High days. If I pass someone my age from a German descent they tend to stiffen a bit and click their heels. Otherwise I find the style comfortably short and best of all it requires no combing whatsoever.

Back in 1968 just a few years before I was married and such trips became problematic; I found myself in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. Wandering around in the vicinity of Jackson Square I chanced to enter a very large gun shop. There I found they had, among many other wondrous items on display, two large wooden whiskey barrels filled to over flowing with broom handle Mausers!

I examined one or two and they seemed in excellent firing condition. They were going for around $20 apiece. Even at that modest price they were apparently not selling. I'm not sure they could have given them away. I was mildly interested but faltered in the end. I kick myself often for not buying several. To my shame I bought not even one.....

Later on the film "Young Churchill" came out and because it was featured in that film the pistol became all the rage again. Everyone wanted one. I had to settle for a non-firing model which I was able to build in just one day. I kept that on display for several more years until our little son was old enough to get hold of it and drastically rearrange several key parts.

MA is doing well but the skittishness of the Saber and the polygon ugliness of the aircraft skins still bother me. I'll keep a sharp eye out for the cure. MG had previously sent along some files and mods that I am beginning to explore. There is nothing I am aware of however that will help increase the dead zone of the Saitek 290 Pro. I wonder if the boffins over at A2A could be of service? Some of them worked on the MA code and produced those excellent BDG patches.

Good luck getting those two large planes past the Lady "J".

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"