Originally posted by Osram:

In Holland, from where Y.S. hails, whenever the Wandervogel, no matter how innocent, start raving about the beauty of nature, the woods, the water and the like, the old folks used to get ever that bit apprehensive. This includes a bit of suspicion toward the german greenies, who sometimes appear a bit too close the the geramn 'Boden' hehe.


That surprises me. Keep in mind the nazis closed down "WanderVogel", "Pfadfinder" etc. IMO the greens are probably the political party that is farthest from the nazis, I think parties left of it are closer to nazis in the socialist aspect (I sometimes think the political spectrum is like an "u" or like an almost closed ring).

I appreciate that this appears weird, but given the whole blut und boten, sacred german soil, the worship of the woods, germanic mysticism, rune signs and all that, as soon as poor germans display a bit too much of love of nature and campfire singalongs the eyebrows of some folks will rise and in their thoughts visualize book burnings and mass marches under the night sky with torches as shown by Lena Riefenstahl in Triumph der Wille,
..... don't forget also that the former nazi prisoners and resistance people are a very loud voice, and they are rather paranoid, and given their almost sainted status are above critisism
As soon as someone even makes a joke that may not quite be PC as far as WWII goes, the newspapers are full of it the next day.
IT is also part of the national trait, wagging the index finger like a dutch reformed vicar

Dolle Dolf