Originally posted by Osram:
Sorry, another one of those posts .

.....Even of the scientists, too many colaborated. For example, my mother was IMHO a "Mitläufer" ...

Unfortunately most people were Mitläufer, also in the occupied countries. Watched and looked but did nothing. Of course most people are still like that.

I think even engineers reacted differently to nazism than scientists. AFAIK almost all helped the nazis as much as they could.

As a medical man myself I fully appreciate your assessment of engineers
However, in medicine some of the worst excesses of nazism occurred. I agree that in itself people's education has nothing to do with whether they supported the nazis or not. In Holland it was the dockers of Amsterdam who showed most courage against the occupying forces.

Certainly the germans as a whole did not put up a fight against nazism or against the war.

The number of german prisoners of the nazis is actually surprisingly large. I forgot the exact number, as I am not good at numbers, but I remember being quite astonished by it.


To be technologically advanced does not mean that you are emotionally or ethically advanced. IMHO evolution is so slow that the people themselves, disregarding the education are much the same as, say at roman times.

Actually, from an evolutionary standpoint we are no further than the earliest homo sapiens, and prolly no further than Cro Magnon man.


What hopefully has changed since the 3.reich is things like the internet, better radio, TV, Fax etc that can help people in opressed countries to form their own ideas.

I fully agree with that. The world has changed irrevocably, at least in our part of it. Therefore I don't go for the "oooh here come the nazis again" histrionics invoked when some skinheads are pictured sieg-heiling in a railway station, or destroy a jewish headstone on a cemetery. Mass travel and media have brought those thathave access to it together. These days it simply is no longer feasible to paint germans as evil hun baby eating cannibals, british as decadent corrupt colonialists, french as.... eh, well, OK, perhaps with the french we can
Unfortunately the developing world has not taken part of the progress of the last 50 years, and especially in Africa war continues to rage.

Oh well, I wish some of our japanese friends could be convinced to join the fun. Nanking..... eehhh, where is that????

Dolle Dolf