
Zerosan2, your recent account was magnificant and just what we needed. The action you shared is so representative of what BoB delivers. Made me want to jump directly into my Spit and go hunting. Very very well done. SALUTE!

Sir Bader, I feared I had not posted the graphic in the way you had intended. I will try to do it correctly at the front of HWH. I scare myself some times. I can put a pc together and make it go but cant seem to grasp what you are so patiently trying to show me. Thank you again.

JR2, I am glad you are contemplating a pc upgrade. You will so enjoy BoB on a machine that can make it really shine. I see you too enjoyed Zerosan2's account. As I mentioned I thought it was awesome. It is the kind of report we have not produced much of lately and I for one need to get off the stick.

Regards to the MP event I hope it all works out. The thought of actually flying with everyone here would be sooooooo coooooool. I'm not quite clear on how to join in but I asked for some guidance on the Saturday night thread. This is exciting indeed. And probably long overdue.