I feel almost tempted to take up the gauntlet and venture forth with blonde head held high, classic aqualine features directed toward any threat 'and discharge my duty as I would wish to do.' - to quote a famous Royal personage...

Trouble is...would that be the very 'Faulty' gas mask which you hastily constructed from an old baked bean can and a length of old dehydrated sheep's windpipe which you intended to wear at the 1940 Annual Anglo-Soviet Fancy Dress Party? It might have fooled Olga but it won't fool me...

Shame on you Sir! To think that such a transparent contrivance would be used to inconvenience a proven hero of HWH Squadron. Dammit! I've half a mind to call you out at dawn. What was that? 'You've always thought I had half a mind?' Mmm? MMMM!???

'Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant.'

Manfred von Richtofen