
JRT, C51,

That wasn't straightforward. The Greenish Warbler - Phylloscopus trochiloides ludlowi - delights in skulking and we had to return to the location before the precious life tick (for me) was secured. Also in the same bushes - a Yellow Browed Warbler which was rather more amenable to viewing. Beautiful day at Kilnsea near Spurn. Spurn Head, at the mouth of the Humber, is well known to birders but is gradually being eroded and will no doubt cease to exist in a few more decades.

Sadly, a birder on sea watch yesterday in his fifties just collapsed in this area and died but after he had ticked the bird he came for. Red line under list - finito.

'Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant.'

Manfred von Richtofen