
At 6:30 this morning I woke and looked out of my window and saw very little. It was all there, I just couldn't see it. I wasn't going even more blind than usual, it was incredibly foggy. That has burned off now and it is now warm and sunny around these parts. It was a very bad start for my former daughter-in-law who is now on her way to Huston with a large contingent of first responders to help out down there. She may get back just in time to greet Maria if that storm comes calling on the Tarheel state. Then again, she could stay longer if needed and miss it altogether. I've been busy and I haven't even kept informed of the track of the third big storm. I know that it has wrought havoc in that islands down there. It seems tragic that an area where the population has so little has been so devastated.


This crazy cat is not in heat today (neither am I) but now she has taken to ambushing me and sometimes she forgets to keep her razor sharps sheathed. OUCH! @#$$%#@@@!! If I am not up when she thinks the day has begun she is now pouncing on me still in the bed and dancing around until I show some sign of still being among the living and eventually notice the sun is up and get up. Thoughts of justifiable felineacide have been abandoned though they were considered a few times. I might leave a window open with the screen out one night so she can do the job herself. It would be a long drop to the grass below the window..... No, I am rather tempted but not so inhumane as that. She may think she's the boss but I will soon sort her out. I'll make her drink cold milk. I'll keep her food and water bowls brimming full. I'll even hold and stroke her fur when she is cold. That'll show her who's boss. wink

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"