
I'm gonna be sick, again. Burp! belch! Move over C51, quick. Ooops, I got some stomach bilge on your ore. Here let me wash it off a bit. Sh%t, I dropped it, JR2 can you reach it. Well, we still have two huh! Funny thing. I was listening to the radio just before the ship began to go down and I heard that the Royal Princes was going to have a sex change operation. I dont get it. What the hell is that anyway? Why would the princes want to become the prince? No.. didnt you hear the rest? You damned fool that was for her horse. I still dont understand, why the bloody hell would she want her mare to become a stallion? How did they ever teach you to fly a Spitfire SNAFU? You're a dreadful mistake really. C51, I would not begin calling names about, we must try to stay together. Wait, did you hear that, I think I heard an airplane. Yes I heard it too. Me too. Sit down or we'll all tip into the sea. Stop rocking the damned raft, we arent rescued yet.