

How nice to have you posting daily. Dux must still be down at the pub. There's a new beermaid down there that is from out of town and therefore hasn't been warned about him yet. Speaking of beermaids, this is a good time to post my favorite limerick once again for any who have not read it.

There once was a beermaid from Sayle
On her chest was tattooed all the prices of ale
Whilst on her behind, for the sake of the blind
Was the same, only printed in Braille

I've always been partial to that one, don't know why. Dux claims that I am a dab hand at writing such doggerel myself but I know better, as does anyone else who may have read any of same.

Sitting on one's laurels can be rather uncomfortable if not down right painful, not that I actually have any laurels to sit on. Others more accomplished than I have told me so. Yes, 'breeze' is a nice word and so is the word 'splendid'. I have always liked that word, though I seldom have much use for it myself.

I certainly have never heard that particular word used in any sentence describing myself or my work. Pity too, for I do like that word a lot. If the breeze could truly be shot it would indeed be full of holes by now. Dux has proved more than once in combat that he is a crack shot with his service pistol. Of course if the enemy had been facing him at the time rather than the other way round then he would most likely be called another kind of shot. ;\)

Keep on trying. Eventually someone will stumble blindly onto the right thing you have to do. In no time at all you'll be complaining about how much time you are wasting playing the game and loving every minute. \:\)

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"