The framed portrait has been duly received and showing the distinguished and learned scribe in characteristic pose. Making no concessions to state of the art writing implements you seem ready to offer up yet another example of eloquence with what appears to be a swan quill?
That seems only appropriate - after all - it defies the imagination that the immortal bard could have completed his works with the latest ball-point or fibre tipped pen.

Such is the volume of your output that I can well imagine those swans taking to the reeds whenever you receive another shipment of parchments or hammered vellum. Surely those poor birds must be permanently lake-bound by now, having been denuded of most of their primary feathers?
What's that? You say another tanker of Stephens' blue-black ink is turning into your driveway?

'Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant.'

Manfred von Richtofen