Many thanks for your appreciative comments on the floral presentation offered. J is much flattered and considers those many hours of careful cultivation well spent. I have been instructed to tell you it is some sort of climber, the name of which I have forgotten already, and which seems to be firmly attached to a ground level existence.

Mercifully, we have been put on 'stand down' and it is just as well because several of our pilots who rather coincidentally attended last night's 'hands across the steppe' extravaganza have been overcome by a fatigue far and above what one might expect from mere combat with the Luftwaffe. The station Medical Officer gave the malady his fullest attention but he has not been seen since attempting to question the Soviet entertainment troupe. In fact, his underpants are at this very moment affixed to the parade ground flagpole and appear to be badly torn around the gusset...

'Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant.'

Manfred von Richtofen