
I'd have to agree with OldDux that perhaps it is indeed the aforementionoed negatives that are responsible for the huge increase in views?

Happy New Year to you gents, and to our readers, and let us hope they made a New Years Resolution to post more frequently, those that pass by but seldom find the time for steppng into the mess to share a tale or two over a pint, no matter how incredible those tales may seem.

Godt Nytår Roger, your Danish is now perfect and I'm not talkingabout the pastry. smile

My new Years Eve was spent in bed, the sordid details forthcoming.

It was in the company of a little slim thing from Japan, a device that wishpered sweet notes into my ears. With my eyes closed I managed to miss all the flashes and bangs.

Hurrah! Finally success! I've come up with the perfect solution to escaping and nearly becoming invisible!

Jens C. Lindblad

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