

I think delivery of the Spring Creators update is on hold until they kill that bug. Of course one has to wonder if thousands of man hours on that thing were unable to spot the bug and it got to the very day of delivery before the warning claxon sounded, what other evil gremlin( s)might have been missed? Imagine a world where every machine using MS Windows was updated and suddenly failed. Ugleeeee! Keep us informed if you have any problems running your game tonight.

I watched none of yesterday's coverage of Zukerberg's testimony before the Senate. I did watch about an hour of today's event. Yup. Mark made ZUKERS of everyone on Facebook for years. He may have to swallow some oversight but I doubt one dime of the ill gotten gains will every be shared with those trusting souls who's data were misused. Losing dollars and lots of them would speed the process of and encourage progress in restoring security like nothing else. The guy seemed far too young to be a Bazillionaire. Now Warren Buffet, he's the elderly poster boy for insane wealth and he is attempting to share it. Go Warren.

I closed out my Facebook account within weeks of opening it a decade ago. A concern for privacy then proved correct today. Testimony today indicated browsing data was recorded even after you closed Facebook and data for many people that never even had an account with Facebook was somehow collected. "We need to develop more AI tools. so we don't have to wait for someone to flag something inappropriate." said Mr. Zuckerberg over and over. Or words to that affect. You think so?

When you fill out a questionnaire o Facebook you gave someone a lot of data about you. You NEVER should did dat you know people.

I have a Twitter account and never tweet. Your choices say a lot about you. What photos you look at, what YouTube videos you watch. What forums you visit and what you post. If we and our data are not individually interesting then we are collectively. Take care. We need a safe Facebook. Some places in the world have no other way for their oppressed people to communicate and be informed. We are in danger too of becoming more like countries whose people are tightly controlled as we try hard to protect ourselves from them we can become more like them.

OK, pay no attention to this guy hiding behind my curtain. The only time I really know what I'm talking about is when I say "I don't know."

Remember what Pogo said in the funnies. "I have seen the enemy, and he is US." winkngrin

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"