Graphic by JRT 2007


Well men, unless C51 pops in within the next couple of minutes, it looks like that at long last we have filled the post of Lord Musician, Sanitation & Disposal Coordinator. He's it! I'm sure that presented with this high honor C51 would be struck speechless so we will not wait for words from him before we get on with the formal ceremony held in absentia as it were. All in favor of bestowing this high honor on C51 signify by saying aye... AYE!, AYE! OK, clearly the Ayes have it and, there being nary a dissenting vote, the motion is carried. C51 is our new LMSDC. Congratulations C51 where ever you may be.

OK then, with me risking my life down in the murky depths constantly mucking out those acres and acres of archives, with Dux dashing off verse and taking care of the 22 lavatories and C51 providing entertainment and carrying out the garbage 4 times every day and 5 times on Sunday, we are all set. With those chores out of the way I think it is safe to hire another beermaid Dux.

The last one left without even bothering to put her clothes back on. Lets put a help wanted ad in the 'Daily Grinder' over at Studley Grange. Good point Dux...if she can read she's way too smart to agree to work for us. I'll have to put some more thought to it. Word has spread and pickings are getting rather thin around here.

Thanksgiving is about over now. The turkey fry went well. The emergency room quack says my eyebrows and most of my beard will grow back within about 6 weeks. The real guest of honor was of course the pig. I do not cook the pig. For some reason they will not even let me within 100 feet of the cooker until the fire is out and the meat is chopped. Perhaps it was something they read in the paper?

We all love the distinctive flavor of NC barbecue and for the pig itself it has to be pretty much a lifetime commitment. I carried a few plates of food over to the Lizard Lick Volunteer Fire Department, Chess Club & Marching Brass Band. It was the least I could do considering their concern for my safety over the years. They were all so relieved and happy to see that I had survived yet another Thanksgiving cook out.

Everyone was very sympathetic regarding my singed eyebrows and my scorched beard. Before we left old Arson E Burns, the self-anointed fire chief, handed me several informative pamphlets on fire safety. I was mighty pleased to get them too...they will make excellent kindling for the barbecue coming this weekend. ;\)

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"