

Your fiendishly clever plan to reach out into the dark and pull in a few passive readers seems to have worked with but one lurker. We shall see if it draws more or just more of the same. And what then is your next 'Grandmotherly odd thing' that you wish to post for our late reading enjoyment? Take a big swig from your economy-sized bottle of 200 proof Uncle Rolf's Scientifically Distilled Septuagenarian Tonic and type away, you dear old thing, I simply cannot wait to read it. smile

A super model eh? Do share with us all the exciting details. Perhaps you are now a happy card carrying member of the elite "Mile High Club"? Not to be confused with the "Mildly High Club" which is an entirely different thing altogether.

No such luck for me. I always seemed to get all the unattractive, stuffy sort next to me and on especially long 'red-eye special' cross-country flights, it was always crying babies with fretting mommies.

Lest you begin to feel sorry for me, let me quickly add that I once danced with a delightfully well endowed US TV star. Alas, the beautiful brunette was much taller than I and so my widdle nose only came up to mid-way her ample cleavage. There it stuck throughout most of the night as we danced and danced. It did not seem to bother her and although I'm not exactly sure what my feet were up to all the time... between my ears at least, I was a very happy dancer..... smile

No doubt if only our Dux's alcohol saturated mind could recall all those good times he has had playing Rock and Roll with various bands, he could regale us all with some delightfully titillating tales.... wink

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"