

Kate is a pretty lass, she should be busy. I'm not entirely sure which might be the performance of a lifetime to see, Kate playing Olga or Olga portraying Kate. Both would take quite a bit of acting and a good bit of imagination from the audience.

I don't know about you broadband folks but for those of us struggling along and still using a dial-up connection, the Internet is as sluggish as I've seen it. Thousands of people are doubtless sending their electronic birthday greetings to C51 I suppose. That might account for the slow down. His birthday is this coming Thursday the 24th of May. Let us raise a glass in his honor now or on that date. Hmmmm. Let's do both. And while we are at it, we unforgivably missed OSRAM's birthday on May 4th. Let us therefore drink to them both.

Speaking of raising a glass, Dux you typed "APRES MOI LE DELUGE".... well of course, when you drink like a fish the flood will surely come... one way or another. Perhaps it should have been 'APRES GUINNESS LE DELUGE'. ;\)

C51 has written to me today after his 3 day weekend. He sends his greetings. The long Victoria Day weekend offered an opportunity for him to escape from the wild classroom into the quieter wilds of southern Canada for some recreational sketching and painting. I understand he has been offered an entire wall on which to display his collected works in a prominent Toronto area art gallery. It is about time he received recognition for his delightful work. You can check out his work here:

In case you do not know it, you Dux are also a dab hand in the art department IMHO. It is high time you posted another sketch of some recently visited crumbling pile. And I do not mean that growing mound of disgusting organic material rising just beyond Farmer Drubbin's pig sty.

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"