The Windsors are in the States? Didn't know that because I haven't seen any media coverage.

Mind you...they do that sort of thing every now and again, just buzzing off without a by-your-leave or kiss-my-butt. Thought they might have kept me informed. That reminds me - the Duke still owes me 50 quid from Ascot week. The horse he backed still had the rubbing marks on its flanks from the milkcart's shafts.

Can't blame them though. Things have gone to the dogs over here to such an extent they could well be considering moving the Palace brick by brick to the New World and are there on a checking out trip. What better location than the gentlemanly Southland?

Honi soit qui mal y pense

'Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant.'

Manfred von Richtofen