I thoroughly endorse JRT's comments. Very satisfying to see new contributors to HWH - and old ones coming back. \:\)

Action which represents operations from the opposing side is also refreshing.

JRT carefully places the valued manuscript into his hand tooled briefcase, the one he had made from the hide of the excessively rare striped Himalayan mongoose, ( I think it was the last one actually) and treads solemnly towards the vaults of the HWH depository wherein such literary gems are reverently stored.

He pauses momentarily beside one of the marble pillars on which are carved all the names of our members, retrieves a carefully stored bottle of Jack D, takes a swift belt and meanders on into the dusty archive. Placing the folder gently in its appropriate section he pauses and sniffs. His eyes narrow, then open wide in terror as he recognizes the unmistakable scent of 'Springtime in Stalingrad'. We must draw a discreet veil over what happens next....

'Find your enemy and shoot him down - everything else is unimportant.'

Manfred von Richtofen