Originally Posted By: JimAttrill
Lederhosen has 14 victories in a Rumpler C IV - do you shoot them down or is it the gunner? What gunnery accuracies do you have set in Workshops?

I have what the rules say...cant remember at the mo, but I've flown in a number of squads with different aircraft. I wanted to try a Rumpler just to see if a 2-seater career till the end is possible. As it stands I have had 4 combats in the Rumpler with only one confirmed, and thats about right as I actually only watched one myself go into the ground.

Most combats have been against underpowered enemy so I knew that if I just ran straight they would be sitting ducks. And yes then I do jump into the back seat and fire long range which the AI wont do. I remember firing at a Spad with one shot and he looked like he was going to go in. But, if they get close I have to try to move and put off their aim a bit and I beleave the one flamer was from the AI rear gunner...but at such close range that he could not miss, (still it wasn't confirmed.)

The Rumpler is a flying brick. It needs lots of speed just to fly straight. It has no inherent gun sight view so firing forwards requires moving the POV which id a pain in the __s. It will not turn fight and on the level the newer N23/24 Spads will catch up...but slowly (nice). The Sopwith B1 / DH2 are ancient tech and are powerless againt a Rumpler formation.

The Rumpler also climbs to 4000m quite well and outpaces any Hun escort. Infact, I am forced to turn and wait about 7km from the front before going over. I never take the DFW's with me as they are hopeless at keeping up.

The DFW can fight but is slow. The Rumpler is fast and is hard to fight with but.....

make mistakes and learn from them

I5 4440 3.1Ghz, Asrock B85m Pro3, Gtx 1060 3GB