Just in case you were all suffering a withdrawal... Then there's the massive exhale as we pass the Armistice. When we reach for all the drive and energy that sustained and suddenly find it missing. <Cue the sound of the Hyperdrive not starting in 'Empire Strikes Back'>

À la Recherche du Temps Perdu - Part 115

12 November 1918
No. 24 Squadron RAF
Bisseghem, Flanders

Armistice night continued into the predawn hours for all ranks. Let us hope the Huns keep to their side of the bargain. To that end, at 10.00 I joined Carruthers and A Flight on a defensive patrol. No German aircraft sighted.

Our mail, long overdue, finally caught up with us.

[Linked Image]

Last edited by epower; 12/26/21 06:44 PM.