

I have received your forward and although I've only had time to glance over it once; I think it's grand. Thank you.

I will forward the er.. forward to everyone shortly. \:\)


Great news. I spoke briefly with lovely Sharon today. She claims not to know you. But that is her way. Never kiss and tell is her motto. Yet after I told her all about you she said she wishes she did know you. Poor woman, she has recently had a mild stroke you know. Must have damaged the portion of the brain that creates rational thought. ;\)

Then I was reminded of those kind words of praise for my unworthy story, and knowing how you feel about her, I asked the lady if it would be too much of an imposition for her to drop by Toronto on Christmas Eve for a little get acquainted visit. I assured her you just got a new hard drive and that you would give it your very best effort to make the visit entertaining. She does not particularly care for the tuba so I promised her you would play a lively tune on anything else she desired. That seemed to please her. She was wavering in your favor and I could tell it. I rushed to close the deal.

Sensing her weakness I pleaded that it would not only make your entire day, week, month and year but pretty much make your whole damn century if she'd just drop by. What a generous heart she has. The accommodating lass consulted with her secretary and business manager to see if a trip to Toronto on Christmas Eve was actually possible. Imagine my utter disappointment when after ten minutes and several interruptions by the rich and famous she said with a tear in her voice that she found she simply did not have twenty minutes to spare on that particular evening.

So sorry old chap. \:\(

I will speak to her again on next Monday so I'll keep trying. Perhaps she'll change her mind? If not, how about Meg or Jennifer?

Originally Registered January,2001 Member Number 3044

"Blessed are they who expect nothing, for they shall not be disappointed" - Edmond Gwenn, "The Trouble With Harry"