Originally Posted by jakethescot1
I know this is probably not going to fly (no pun intended), but in a Nieuport, the windscreen is hinged. I assume it was so they could cock their weapon and then fix it back in place. Many times I've had my engine let go and oil gets all over the windscreen, making it all but impossible to see. Would it be possible to make a mod that would allow you to lower the windscreen so you can see where you're flying and to land. It would make things easier. I looked in the settings and didn't see anything labled 'Enter-W'. Just a thought.

We used to have the Nieuport 17 and 11 windows open/close, however it's not compatible with the oil on windscreen effect anyway now, so unfortunately no we can't do that.


OBD Software, developers of epic, immersive flight sims;
Wings Over Flanders Fields and Wings Over The Reich