I don't know if it was mentioned already but I would be very happy to see flak smoke puffs even after I look somewhere else and then back to where I last saw them.
That would be very helpful in identifying enemy location very quickly so that I won't have to wait for a new flak to appear. I know that they can hang in the air for quite a long time but they keep disappearing when I'm not looking even for a brief moment.

Apart from this trifle WOFF makes me very happy. Thank you OBD!

P.S. I noticed that the disappearance somehow depends on the distance. Close puffs stay right where they were while distant ones disappear as soon as I'm not looking at them

Last edited by Rover_27; 05/08/14 01:18 PM.

i5 2320, 3.3 GHz
GTX 560Ti, 4 GB graphics memory
Windows 7 64x