Constantin Harms

Jasta 2, Lagnicourt, 22. November 1916

Our Staffelkommandant Oberleutnant Kirmaier fell today, and all further sorties
were cancelled. Split off from his flight, he was shot down by two DeHavillands
from No. 24 Squadron, RFC. His Albatros crashed at Lesboeufs, north of Combles,
south of Bapaume; at 13:15 h.
A single bullet had hit him in the back of his head.

I was not up with the midday patrol, but I will fly again tomorrow.
No. 24 Squadron seems to have several excellent pilots, and they definitely try
to put up something against our new Jagdstaffeln. We will see who will gain the
upper hand in the end - tomorrow we will search for them.

Vice-President of the BOC (Barmy OFFers Club)
Member of the 'Albatros Aviators Club' - "We know how to die with Style!"