You mean building buildings? Not development? I do something like this

If it has a trade bonus (entreport, natural harbor, estuary etc) it gets the market line

If it has a valuable trade good (cloth, salt, copper, iron, spices, paper etc) it gets the workshop line

If it has good base manpower, and is farmlands or grasslands it gets the barracks line

If it has good base tax it gets the church line

If it is coastal eventually it will get the shipyard line with a few docks spread around to increase the sailor pool

If it is otherwise useless like a mountain or forest province without a good trade good it gets the regimental camp line

If it is mountains, highlands or hills, and is strategically located (front line, chokepoint, vital or strategic province) it gets the fortress line. As my borders expand I will cull interior forts and build new ones on the frontier

there's more to it, and eventually you'll be able to build manufactories, which give a flat +1 to production. All of this is further filtered by the development in the province. You'll do better with wheat in a 15 base production/dev province than a spice province with 2 dev.

I tend not to build any of the government buildings (except university) or coastal defense installations.

I pump excess monarch points in to certain provinces to both boost their income and to help spread institutions. For example in 1650 my Constantinople has 54 dev. I love farmland provinces and these get the royal treatment with pumping development. Every 10 dev grants an additional building slot. So if you have a province with say 8 dev, just two points brings it to 10 development and grants an additional building slot.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!