Thanks man, I do what I can smile

Yeah, it's going fine, but I haven't been in war much. That will change. Compared to my France and Ottos runs, where I was at war just about constantly, it's been pretty docile.

Speaking of Ottomans, I mentioned how strong they are, and if you do get back in to EU IV they are a great one to go with, especially if you try ironman. But aside from their strength at the start (they have a 12 year old 6/4/6 starting king!), they have a unique geopolitical-religious position. What I mean is they are the bridge from Europe to Asia and Africa too. What this means is you can alternate your wars in different directions. If you're France for example, all of your conquest is going to anger the same group of nations, and therefore the aggressive expansion (AE) penalties serve to put the brakes on, lest you become the target of a coalition.

Ottomans' position however means they can alternate. Take Christian land in one war, then Sunni land in the next. This allows the AE to cool off while you are involved on another front. Christians don't care if you attack Muslims and vice-versa. In this way Ottos can continue to expand without a coalition non-stop if the player chooses his targets wisely.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!