What do you guys do in the mid-game?

For me I always have some sort of goal. When I first begin a new run I usually plan out some sort of early, mid and late game goal. I think this is also why achievement hunting appeals to me. It gives me something to work toward. As long as I have a goal I am fine. As soon as I don't I usually start a new run smile

During peace time I still feel I have plenty to do. Much of it is just spent 'checking'. Checking standing armies, manpower, trade power. Who is fighting a war? What is the war goal? Who is winning? What has been colonized, what hasn't? Whose pirates are those? I mean I could go on and on, but that's what I do.

I am always plotting something. And I feel compelled to check everything even remotely related. I attempt to analyze every eventuality. It's rather abstract and difficult to write out.

But the bottom line is I always need a goal. One of my most recurring is to own Constantinople. In every game I play I see if it's feasible to own. Sometimes it's rather absurd. Like as Brunei I am not going to try and take it (probably).

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!