Again, by exposing the faults, by discussing the negatives, we are keeping an eye on the state of things. I agree with you that we need a change in attitude, but this will not come from disgruntled and disappointed customers. If the current ED environment exists, both in terms of forum moderation and product support/release, there can be no change in attitude from the customer-side. We are going nowhere, yes, but the onus is not on US.

The hope here is that more modules come out but less and less money gets sent their way, forcing them to clean up their act.

Get them to tackle the issues that are so passionately discussed here -- long-standing bugs, mis-used activations, incomplete releases, lack of content... and then come back and see if the community attitude has changed or not. To keep things "as is" on ED's side but calling for a change on our side is, well, incomprehensible. I hope I'm just mis-reading your post.

- Ice