I started with some Logitech joystick that didn't even had a hat. Moved quickly to a Logitech with FFB, but the deadzone in the middle was so bad that i couldn't use it. After some time, i bought a Saitek Evo (no FFB) which was the first i liked because it had better precision than the previous ones, and was easy to move in any direction. After some time, i saw in a local store a HOTAS Cougar whose price went lower and lower as nobody bought it, so ... i bought it. Was impressed with its looks and software, but didn't like how it moved. Added U2Nxt and Hall Sensor mods, finally i could really fly it.

Yet, i heard that FFB was advantageous with RoF, so after another year i bought from eBay a MS FFB, and i can say it's great; great; great.

I was thinking to sell my modded Cougar, but! i talked with a friend who has some equipment and i intend in the short term to make a prolongation shaft for the handle, and in the long term, maybe, to make another handle - one which mimics a Sopwith Camel stick.

( Ideally i'd like a floor-mounted, long shaft stick with FFB, but this would be too expensive. Anyway i could trade my modded u2nxt+hall-sensors Cougar for a precise long shaft stick (without FFB). )

Anyway the MS FFB2 is great, those of you who have it, use it! smile