Originally Posted By: BlueRaven
It's a 150, but all the single engine Cessna's have pretty much the same pedals. I'd have to measure it, but I would say there is probably only about 2 inches of clearance between the pedals at the base of them. I know I can't get my foot between the pedals where as on my CH pedals I can easily put my foot between the pedals.

Huh! "Four or five times" may have been an exaggeration, but I distinctly remember them feeling farther apart. Maybe it has to do with the fact that I can't get far enough away from my pedals at my desk as I was in the real airplane. [briefly scoots back out of reach of joystick] Nope, still feels wrong ... huh.

And I know for a fact that the P-47, for example, did have much wider-spaced pedals than the CH ones, because I specifically measured the spacing when I sat in a real P-47 (on the ground, sadly). http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:4TqZS...t21.jpg&t=1

Originally Posted By: BlueRaven
The only way to have them 4 or 5 times further apart than the CH pedals would be to sit in the middle and use the outer pedals only.

What do you mean?

Update: I think I've figured out why I perceived the Cessna pedals to be farther apart; the pedals themselves are wider, and unlike the CH Pedals they do not have "grooves" forcing your feet into a specific position, so you can rest your feet on the outside of the pedals in the Cessna. Thus my feet were indeed farther apart on the Cessna's pedals than I can get on the CH Pedals, in addition to me being farther away.