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#4595907 - 04/02/22 12:11 PM For those who want to play F4 with Easy settings *****  
Joined: Sep 2008
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XenonS Offline
XenonS  Offline

Joined: Sep 2008
Posts: 115
There are some reasons to play with Easy settings, especially Easy Avionics. For example you want a simple way to show your children how a F16 works, or you play yourself and are not intereseted in the many hyper-realistic features of bombing procedures or MFD radar modes. In short, you want to quickly go in the campaign and play without all complex fuss. Which version of F4 is the best for that purpose?

Simple answer is: RV (Red Viper), v.

Forget all other F4 versions, forget FF5+, forget F4AF, forget BMS.

Forget FF5, FF6, because they play only with realistic avionics even if you change it in the Setup, FF5.5.1 can still play with Easy Avionics but all weapon modes for laser-guided weapons are broken, so I don't recommend this version.
Forget F4AF because algthough it can play with Easy settings, it doesn't support today's widescreen resolutions for 2D cockpits. It will show 3D-clickable cockpits in widescreen but hey, you want to play with EASY settings...that's not for you!
Forget Falcon 4.0 for the same reason like F4AF
Forget BMS, it's not a game, it's a simulator with hyper-realistic settings for flying including its avionics. No 'Easy' settings there, and a limited amount of theatres you can load.
The only version with many different PMC Theaters and widescreen support, also still acceptable grafics is therfore RV v., Only negative is: It has a broken mouse cursor in the UI in Windows versions higher than Win 7, you need to fix that, I have never found any fix but it should be possible.

What follows now are some notes and keyboard shortcuts which should work in all FF, F4AF, RV versions for Easy Settings (I include the Simplified Avionics in the easy settings).


Falcon 4 is the flight sim that has been modded with success to an incredibly large extend. First, major grafic improvemets were made like the terrain, the weather, subtile cloud formations, dense fog, photo-realistic objects. Then, a huge number of planes and weapons have been added, modeled. A little industry was born to provide the most realistic cockpits for the planes, both 2D and 3D. Naval operations were implemented, including complete CV operations, both in TE and in campaign.
With all these new planes and objects the most extensive changes in the AVIONICS were necessary. The learning curve from the "basic" Falcon 4 sim (with realistic avionics) to REDVIPER or FF5 is very huge.

Some people would like to just jump in the sim and learning while doing. They also want to use the EASY AVIONICS first and get to tougher settings after they have seen the whole thing playing. Finally, they will play with the realistic settings and see the flight sim evolving in a simulator, the best ever done for the F16 and even other planes.

This doc is made to REFRESH YOUR MEMORY after a long pause with Falcon 4, in order to get in again very QUICKLY. It will describe the easy avionics, the BASIC procedures for flying, and for combat. This doc should include most (if not all) basic keyboard commands which will be resumed at the end of this document for reference.

Important note:
Easy Avionics are only playable in FF3, Cobra, Redviper and FF5. In earlier versions like SP3, SP4.2 using easy avionics will get you a CTD for sure! So, you MUST use realistic avionics in those versions. Also, using the easy avionics in the newer versions may CTD for some unknown reasons because the development was of course focusing on realistic changes, not caring very much (if at all) of any easy settings. So be prepared to go with some "strange behaviors" or even CTDs when using easy avionics. Anyhow, the Cobra patch, Redviper and FF5 have shown to be very stable.

Simulation and View commands

SHIFT-p...........freeze the sim (views, MFD, radar still active)
ESC.................Exit menu

1......................HUD only
2......................2D Cockpit
3......................3D Cockpit

SHIFT-§ (left to 1)....Action Camera
§ (left to 1)..............Satellite camera
0.............................Orbit view
SHIFT-9..................Flyby view
9.............................Chase view

SHIFT-7...............Weapon view
ALT-7..................Weapon's target

SHIFT-6................Target view
CTRL-8.................Enemy Aircraft
ALT-8...................Enemy vehicle
SHIFT-. ................Next object
SHIFT-, ................previous object

NUM-1...................Zoom in
NUM-7...................Zoom out

Flying & HUD settings

SHIFT-ALT-l......Aircraft lights


s......................Next waypoint
SHIFT-s...........Last waypoint

F11....................HSD range increase
F12....................HSD range decrease

SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-z.......HUD brightness down
SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-x.......HUD brightness up
n...................................Night vision toggle

SHIFT-CTRL-a...........Terrain Following Radar
SHIFT-CTRL-ALT-a.......Altimeter type


t......................Control Tower

r......................Flight command
e......................Element command
w......................Wingman command

Takeoff & Landing

t....................--------..Communication with Control Tower

CTRL-ALT-l.............Landing light

g .....................Gear up/down

CTRL 9.................Flaps fully retracted
CTRL 10................Flaps fully down

b......................Air brake
k (hold)............Ground brake

CTRL-k.................Hook (in CV operations)

SHIFT-d................Deploy drag chute

SHIFT+"-"............Nosewheel Steering; you need that to steer your plane on the ground with the rudder controls
ALT-p..................Parking brake

SHIFT-CTRL-c...........Open canopy

Using your radar & selecting targets

Asking the AWACS:
Your radar is not the only asset which detects Air Targets: The AWACS can tell you if your zone is clear or give you the range to the next air threat!
q......................AWACS communications

F1.....................AA mode
F2.....................AG mode

F3.....................Range increase
F4.....................Range decrease

END........................................Lock target directly in front
PAGE DOWN.........................Toggle targets further away
DELETE................................Toggle targets that are closer
CURSOR...............................Move the cursor keys over a target directly to lock it with NUM-0
SHIFT+DOWN-ARROW.........Reset the cursor (center)
NUM-0...................................Lock a cursor-designated target
NUM-del................................Break radar lock

You can set the speed of the cursor in the F4 Configurator. With FF5 and higher, the Reset Cursor key combination may differ, but generaly it´s SHIFT+DOWN-ARROW

Targets must be in the front cone in order to establish a lock. Locked targets will however remain locked and visible, even if behind the cone.
Enemies, friends and neutrals have different colors: Red, blue, green.

The keyboard commands for selecting and handling targets are the same as with AA Radar;
Big squares = buildings
small squares = vehicles (tanks, trucks...)

The keyboard commands are the same as for the easy radar, but this radar is quite different and much closer to the realistic mode, many functions are automated.
The main difference is an additional ACM mode, Air Combat Mode for dogfighting. Switch to it by pressing d.
Other differences:
- instead of a 360° view, the radar looks 120° forward
- the radar can only look within an altitude range marked by 2 numbers near the cursor; this range depends on your altitude and pitch.
- no colors distinguish friend or foe, also the type of the plane is not always determined, especially if far away.
- missiles don't appear in the radar; you must rely on the EWR and the launch alerts.
- targets that use counter-measures cannot (or hardly) be locked on
- additional information about Aspect Angle, Target Heading, Closure Rate are displayed in the upper part of the radar screen.

d...........................ACM mode (Dogfight)
q, declare.............Ask AWACS for IFF

The keyboard commands for selecting and handling targets are the same as the easy radar mode.
The differences are:
F2 toggles between GM Mode, showing buildings and GMT Mode showing ground vehicles (moving or not).
You can only lock on targets within a 60° cone.

Defensive measures

j......................ECM on/off

Using your weapons

Master Arm:
Before firing any weapon, you must switch on the Master Arm with SHIFT+M.
In FF3, Cobra and FF5 the Master Arm is OFF when entering a plane; in RedViper he is always ON by default.

In order to jettison, you must also switch the Master Arm on (in Cobra or FF3). The fastet way to jettison is with CTRL-J which will drop your AG stores or the carriages. To make a selective jettison, go into the SMS page, then into the S-J page. Select what you want to drop and hit SPACE to jettison your selection.
Don´t forget to jettison your bomb carriages once empty! A carriage on a bomb slot will support 2,3 bombs and remain there after the release, a certain disadvantage when it comes to dogfight!

Using Bombs in Easy-mode:
Switch ON the Master Arm (Cobra, FF3, FF5); chose AG mode with BACKSPACE; hit BACKSPACE until you get the desired bombing mode: CCIP or CCRP.

The CCIP mode is easy and fast, but you must be precise in order to hit the target: When the circled reticle from the HUD is on the target square, its time to release the bomb.
There is also a Delayed CCIP Mode: With BSUs or retarded fall devices like the MK20D the release of the bombs are a 2-step procedure:

as with the normal CCIP, get the target in the reticle and press the pickle button, but HOLD THE BUTTON.

Still holding the fire button, go into a climb while following the vertical bombing line; hold the fire button until the bombs are released. If stressed by AA fire you may want to make a sharp climb, 30° or more and turn fast after the release in order not to be hit by AA.

Notes about the INV page:
With the normal CCIP, you can chose the RP (ripple), SRL/PAIR (single release or paired-release).
With delayed CCIP, other than the above you can also chose RL (Release interval in feet when 2 or more bombs are released).
The HUD looks pretty the same in the 2 modes, so the only way to know in which mode you are is this additional RL option in the INV page.Also, when using dumb bombs like MK84 or MK82, only the normal CCIP is available; with CBUs or retarded fall bombs, only the delayed CCIP mode can be used.

The CCRP mode is much more difficult to handle and also the most important one. You must get familiar with this mode in order to drop laser-guided bombs, JDAMS, JSOWS or GPS-guided bombs.

In F4AF Easy Avionics, LGBs are only working in SLAVE mode instead of CCRP. With the SLAVE mode, it´s better to lock the target, but you don´t need to, it´s enough to steer the cursor over the target once the bomb is released, if you maintain the cursor at the target, the LGB will most certainly hit. Otherwise, the approach and procedure is the same as here below.

Important note: In FF5 Easy Avionics, CCRP and SLAVE for LGBs will NOT WORK because the targeting pod, that is the bomb´s laser view (FOV+EXT) will not show up. Too bad, so you must use the realistic settings!

I will explain here only the basic steps for CCRP, read the docs for any finesses.

You should begin CCRP at least at 15000 feet at 300 knots 10 miles away from your target. Chose AG mode with BACKSPACE until you get the laser-guided bombs (e.g. GBU-10).
A bomb release with CCRP is a 3-step procedure. Begin at a good distance from the target, because the first step will take some time (Hint: use the SHIFT-p to freeze if too busy!).

a) Get a Radar lock:
Once you´ve selected your bombs, go in the INV page to show the bomb´s laser view. Move the cursors over a target looking at the AG radar or following the laser´s square in the HUD to orientate first; then look at the right MFD´s laser view to tune the cursor exactly over the objective; you can also select FOV which will zoom the view (or use SHIFT-v). Once the laser cross is exactly over the target, lock the target with NUM-0. To unlock the target and return the laser in search mode, press NUM-PERIOD (right from the NUM-0).

Wingmen Commands:
Tell your entire flight to switch on Radar and give the command Weapons Free.
If you begin far away from the objective, you will have the time to order your wingman to attack that target with the commands
w-1-Attack my target. If you lead a 4-formation, you would switch and lock to another target and give the other formation the same orders with the command e-1-Attack my Target.
Finally, chose a third target to attack by yourself.
If you don´t have all that time, then make your wingman and flight busy by giving the command r-8-Attack Targets; this last command *should* make your flight attacking other targets than your own.

b) Get the flashing circle:
You should still be far enough away from the target. Now, point your nose to the marked target aligning your flight path with the vertical bomb marker. A flashing circle should appear in the HUD telling you that you are in a good situation for releasing the bombs soon. Press the pickle button once for 2 seconds.

c) Watch the Horizontal drop line:
Return to level flight and align exactly with the vertical bomb line. Take notice of a little horizontal line coming down along the vertical line. Just before this horizontal line reaches the 0-pitch line, press the pickle button another time and HOLD THE FIRE BUTTON. The bomb will then be released and you get a spoken message like "paveway".

Notes and tips:
If you are too near to the target or in a too sharp descent, then you may NOT get the flashing circle to appear. In this case, you must turn around and retry, as you will NOT be able to release the bombs!
Of course, you want to release the bombs at the highest altitude possible. You are not here to make an air show.
If you fly too fast, over 430 knots, the bombs may NOT release in step c), so fly between 380-400 knots before releasing and make a sharp climb with afterburner as soon as the bombs are away. In RL you must stay within a 60° cone in order for the Pave Track to guide the bomb to the target, in RV and FF5 you probably just can make a Sucker 90° high G turn to avoid AA and missiles.
The most common error is to approach the target too fast to get all these steps done correctly and eventually not being able to release the bombs.

Ok, let´s get it short to the point...
Ideally, you should lock the target 10 miles away while flying HIGH and at LOW SPEED, then make a sharp descent to about 8000 feet with throttle to minimum and airbrakes on. At 5 miles from the target, you should fly at no more than 400 knots, align with the bomb line and press the fire button once you got the flashing circle. Finally, you go to LEVEL FLIGHT at the same speed and press and hold the fire button again when the dropping horizontal line reaches your 0-pitch.

All this is not a piece of cake, so all I can say is: train hard in the TE! Maybe, you realize now why there are 2 pilots in an F15E !
You are a Crack? Then, begin at lower altitude to delay radar detection, climb fast and decrease speed at the very last moment for release, but time your manoeuvre perfectly, otherwise the bombs will NOT release.

Using Mavericks in Easy-mode:
Switch ON the Master Arm; chose AG mode with BACKSPACE; Select your target; The SMS page will appear on the right; Go in the INV page and then click on a upper OSB button (OSB 1-5): The Maverick Infrared view should appear; you can zoom in the image with SHIFT-v. As soon as you are in range, a "Shoot" message appears on the HUD which means you are within releasing range. After firing, you can switch to another target with PAGE DOWN and fire immediately. Mavericks are the first choice against tanks and other moving armored vehicles. Don´t use them on large targets.
In RedViper and AF:
Here, it´s enough to lock the target and to go to the INV page: the Infrared view appears immediately; wait for the "Shoot" message on the HUD which means you are in shooting range.

Harpoon missiles in Easy-mode:
Harpoons are fired like Mavericks, but have a larger effective firing range of 40 miles and even more. What's important: in Cobra and RedViper, when you have locked the target, you DON'T get a "Shoot" message when in firing range, instead the HUD will show on the right a vertical bar and below a count-down in seconds telling you how much time the Harpoon will need to reach its target. So, the firing procedure is simple: If you are within 40 miles and see the vertical time bar on the HUD, just fire the missile and DON'T wait for any shooting signal.
In AF a "Shoot" signal will appear instead.
Tips for naval attacks: NEVER use any other weapon than the Harpoon if engaging CV groups or any warship formations. You CANNOT afford to approach them at less than 30-40 miles or even go near to drop GBUs, as you will get killed for sure. If engaging such groups, be sure to fire Harpoons at MAXIMAL range, give your wingmen firing orders as soon as possible and then turn the hell outta here, because as soon as the group will spot you on its radar, you must expect to be shot at with the terrible SA-N-6, the fastest and most deadly missile in FF3, RV, AF, FF5, that gives you NO RWR-warning. You MUST assume that as soon as spoted by such groups they will start to fire which gives you less than 1 minute to get out or eventually be hit. Also, tell your wingmen to rejoin or you will lose them all.
Note that even "harmless" tanker groups may carry manpowered SA-14 which also don't give you any RWR signal because they do not emit any radar signal. If lucky, your wingman will give you a "SAM Launch" message when he visually spots the SAM trails.

Taking off and landing from a CV:
There are 2 training missions available in TE for procedures with air craft carriers. Read about the CV operations in your Redviper or FF5 manual.
In AF, takeoff from a CV is NOT possible, however you CAN LAND on a CV. This applies for campaigns and TEs as well. In campaigns, this means that if you do CV missions you have to wait for the flight to be departed and then join it, and when returning from your mission you can then land on the CV; use the SEA radar to locate the CV when returning.

Keyboard usage for AA-weapons:
If you engage in a dogfight (BVR or not) you will use the M key to engage the Missile mode and D to engage the doghfigt mode with guns.
In Cobra, in order to switch between the modes, you MUST use the C key first in order to cancel the current mode. To return to NAV mode you must also use SHIFT+NUM_ENTER.

So far so good, that´s also true for FF3+BMS, except that in BMS you automatically return to the NAV mode after pushing C.
In Cobra, instead you must push C and then SHIFT+NUM_ENTER if you want to return to NAV mode.

In BMS, pushing D will put you directly to the AA-guns mode without any missile setup.
In Cobra, pushing D will put you in the AA-guns mode AND the Sidewinder-missile mode with the related reticle and sound.
If you want to have ONLY the cannon setup (in order to get rid of the missile sound), you must push C to cancel the current mode, then push D and go through the weapons with RETURN until no missile setup is shown.

Here the Cobra-keystrokes in brief:

SHIFT+M ......... Master Arm ON/OFF
M ............... Missile Master Mode
D ............... Doghfight Master Mode with cannons
C ............... Cancel the current Master Mode
RETURN .......... Switch through the different weapon types

Last edited by XenonS; 04/02/22 12:21 PM.
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#4596152 - 04/05/22 09:26 AM Re: For those who want to play F4 with Easy settings [Re: XenonS]  
Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 5,751
rwatson Offline
rwatson  Offline

Joined: Jun 2001
Posts: 5,751
New Concord, Ohio
Xenon Do you a link for the download..I've gotten old and loved flying Falcon4 but I'm not as sharp as i was..Relaxed flying is something I would enjoy..googled it but all dead ends..It is an older mod.

Semper Fi
#4596190 - 04/05/22 06:06 PM Re: For those who want to play F4 with Easy settings [Re: rwatson]  
Joined: Sep 2008
Posts: 115
XenonS Offline
XenonS  Offline

Joined: Sep 2008
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Originally Posted by rwatson
Xenon Do you a link for the download..I've gotten old and loved flying Falcon4 but I'm not as sharp as i was..Relaxed flying is something I would enjoy..googled it but all dead ends..It is an older mod.

I still have all these FF versions, but they are rather huge in file size, I must check if I still have my Mediafire account active. I guess you want the RV mod?

#4596204 - 04/05/22 08:45 PM Re: For those who want to play F4 with Easy settings [Re: XenonS]  
Joined: Jun 2001
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rwatson Offline
rwatson  Offline

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New Concord, Ohio
From your initial post it sounds interesting..I have falcon 4 and F4 AF..I quit flying them because getting older my brain couldn't keep up.A simpler F4 would be great

Semper Fi
#4596221 - 04/05/22 11:55 PM Re: For those who want to play F4 with Easy settings [Re: XenonS]  
Joined: Sep 2008
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XenonS Offline
XenonS  Offline

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Originally Posted by XenonS
Originally Posted by rwatson
Xenon Do you a link for the download..I've gotten old and loved flying Falcon4 but I'm not as sharp as i was..Relaxed flying is something I would enjoy..googled it but all dead ends..It is an older mod.

I still have all these FF versions, but they are rather huge in file size, I must check if I still have my Mediafire account active. I guess you want the RV mod?

If you own F4AF then I advice you to play with it in Easy settings, that's possible, also with Simplified Avionics (both can be set in the menu), the only downside to AF nowadays is that it doesn't support Widescreen resolutions for the 2D cockpits, only for the 3D cockpits. if you can live with that inconvenient then I urge you to play AF because it has by far the most interesting campaign options with its UI, for example you can add packages on the fly which is not possible in FF versions. There is also the possiblitly to buy Widescreen cocipits from Aeyes for AF, the link is here:

Also all theatres that work in RedViper will also work in F4AF, namely all PMC theatres, and you can still download them here if the links work, otherwise post a thread and I'm sure Snake Man can help you:

The alternative to F4AF for playing with easy settings is RV which has widescreen support, all PMC theatres you can load, a lot of different cockpits that come with the mod, I don't recommend any FF5 versions (why, see my main thread above) Alas it's hard to find the RV or FF versions on the net, please ask if someone has a Mediafire account which still shares these files, that's your best bet to get your hands on them.

#4596225 - 04/06/22 12:32 AM Re: For those who want to play F4 with Easy settings [Re: XenonS]  
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rwatson Offline
rwatson  Offline

Joined: Jun 2001
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New Concord, Ohio
Thanks for the advice XenonS.I'll dig in the archives and find my cd

Semper Fi

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