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#4104499 - 04/10/15 11:42 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Welcome to the front Old Hat!

Never approach a bull from the front, a horse from the rear or a fool from either end.
BOC Member since....I can't remember!
#4104666 - 04/11/15 10:26 AM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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High over the Front
Bit slow lately WOFF-wise because of real life and fine tuning the new video card. Think I got my settings where I want them.

Saturday, April 7, 1917. On patrol. Despite the poor weather we made contact with the enemy as the British ramp up for the Arras Offensive. Was on the tail of one but MvR jumped in front of me and finished it off. Oh well. No action shots as I was waiting for a action shot that never came.

Sunday, April 8, 1917. Morning patrol in Jasta strength. Because of the nice weather the British and French are quite active on the first day of their offensive. AA bursts are everywhere. We are circling near the front when the Kette leader turns toward the closest group of AA that is soon revealed to be 7 N23's. Their 7 versus our 5. That would be fine except as we maneuver for contact another group of 6 enemy single seaters (unknown type) come out from behind a cloud and are escorted to the party by AA fire and they also charge us. And there are still other enemy groups in the area. Where the heck is Kette 1?
In real life vs N23's (plus the other 6 coming in) I probably would have called it a day under the "discretion is the better part of valor" doctrine but can't leave my comrades hanging. By some "clever maneuvering", i.e., trying not to put myself in a stupid position, I get on the tail of a French N23, score some hits and constantly looking over my shoulder, try to finish him off. Lothar (in the upper right) dives on my target and another N23 gets on his tail. As I try to save LvR both N23's collide and go down.

Sorry this is the only shot of this massive (and one sided!) combat as I was much too busy trying not to be killed. I finally got on the tail of a N23 and, even though my shooting was absolutely horrible (my kingdom for Se5-type gun sites for my Alb) I finally bring him down north of the Lens east of the north road. Getting back to my airfield was another adventure as I dodged three additional groups of enemy aircraft (per the AA fire) to get back. Whew.
Unfortunately the Kette is destroyed with two non-HA's being shot down and killed (including my guy Kurt Hammer) and both Richthofen boys also being shot down, aircraft destroyed, but walking away with just wounds. Kette 1 misses combat much to my amazement. I could have walked back to my field on all the Entente aircraft flying about it seems.
File my claim for one N23 and it will be victory #6 if confirmed.

#4104722 - 04/11/15 01:37 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Those furballs seem like they only last a few secs, heh. I hate being ambushed, but it's such an adrenaline rush for survival when it happens....

If you're interested or want to kill off the Richthofen boys from your squad, there's a simple way to do it.

#4104739 - 04/11/15 02:13 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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High over the Front
Hehe. Yes I know however this is a special "Aces DIH" mod with the Richthofen boys specifically added back in as the ONLY J11 aces.
Felt kind of funny without them.

And yes indeed I was quite surprised to get out of that one alive. The old DIH would have been dead but I have become more "circumspect" in my old age.

#4106774 - 04/15/15 07:02 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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DukeIronHand Offline
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High over the Front
Saturday April 7, 1917. First patrol in France with a new 56 Squadron career with British HA enabled (its complicated).
0815 take-off for a DOP with B Flight - Captain Ball leading,into the grey, cloudy skies. No sun today.
Flying over the front. Either my new card or video settings are cool as the smoke used to flicker. Two days prior to the start of the Arras Offensive British artillery tunes up for the upcoming fracas.

About 6 miles behinds the lines Capt. Ball shallow dives in a gentle turn. I dont see them at first but they are Huns - 4 of them - either landing or taking off from a field I guess as there is one close by. As I am in my gentle turn and dive I hear this horrible noise. At first I think I am diving too fast or steep but no way. Look behind me and Maxwell (HA) has takeen a direct hit from AA fire and plummets down, minus his wings, on fire. First time I have seen a flight mate hit by AA. Guess I'll be a little nervous in the next barrage.

The Huns however don't care and continue their attack. I get behind this one and shoot him up till he goes out of control and crashes in a plume of dust near a treeline.

See another that Capt. Ball is trying to get a grip on and intercede and shoot him down in flames. He crashes about a half mile from the Hun Field.

Back at base B Flight files 4 claims two being mine. All return and land safely except for unlucky Maxwell.

#4106812 - 04/15/15 08:33 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Robert_Wiggins Offline
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Nice screenies and report Duke! Thanks.

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#4106817 - 04/15/15 08:50 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Robert_Wiggins]  
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Originally Posted By: Robert_Wiggins
Nice screenies and report Duke! Thanks.

+1 thumbsup

#4107838 - 04/17/15 05:12 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Busy at Auchel aerodrome

Al and Phil's first encounter with a two-seater

#4107892 - 04/17/15 06:21 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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High over the Front
Old Phil is getting to be a real slayer!

#4107951 - 04/17/15 08:15 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Yeah, wonder how much longer they can hold out until newer EA start appearing.

Mental Note - don't taxi and steer over bomb holes.... or you'll get your tail chewed up.

#4107957 - 04/17/15 08:27 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Interesting screenshots and details!

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#4108711 - 04/19/15 08:27 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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DukeIronHand Offline
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High over the Front
After arriving in France with 56 we have been flying one mission a day. Since starting "High in the Empty Blue" I now know why. Nice work OBD...again.
Typical weather in the first half of April. We have had two good flying days since our arrival. Scored two kills on our first day (previous post)in France, also the last nice weather day.
Typical weather.

Did manage 1 confirmed kill on the 10th and had this unconfirmed kill on the 12th. In WOFF's defense he did manage a good landing despite my attempts to kill him some more.

Got some shots at this one but a flight mate managed more and claimed the kill.

#4108714 - 04/19/15 08:46 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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DukeIronHand Offline
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High over the Front
Saturday, April 14 1917. Our second nice weather day in "sunny" France.
56 is assigned to a Line Patrol west of Lens in squadron strength. 5 man B Flight is followed by 5 strong A Flight but just prior to crossing the lines our Flight Leader drops out with engine trouble.

About 2 miles into Hunland I spot this group of 4 V-Strutters and turn toward them and they accept the challenge! Thought it awfully brave of 4 Huns to stand up to 9 Se's but apparently they know A Flight better than I because the 5 man A Flight does not engage. So its a even fight. I'll have some words for Captain Ball when I get back. If I get back!

Heard a clunk and did a quick instrument check. Threw this shot in here as I like the shiny Se cockpit.

After some initial turns and maneuvering I manage to get on this Hun's tail and let him have it with both Vickers and Lewis. Victory #4! Unfortunately as I look back to clear my tail (being surprised by how close the Alb trash came) I see a Se going down trailing a thin black smoke and no wings.

I can't help my flight mate but I can avenge his death and turn toward this Hun and after two passes he goes down out of control to make a smoking hole in the wire in No Mans Land. Victory #5!

Back at base B Flight claims 3 Albs with two being mine. All return safely except Captain Chittford who obviously was the wingless Se. RIP and you did not die alone brave sir.
A Flight, of course, did not engage but managed to lose a man anyway who is still posted missing by afternoon tea. Time to break out the BJM Ace skin.

#4110697 - 04/23/15 04:03 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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OldHat Offline
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It's a blast when you can replay a squad's history through WOFF.... I enjoy it, too!

My first Gotha mission to bomb Paris factories and I get damaged by AA. Next time I'll take missions that cross the channel... me thinks it's probably safer.

#4111048 - 04/24/15 11:30 AM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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lecrop Offline
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Amazing OldHat, how many hours to complete the Paris bombing mission?

#4111147 - 04/24/15 01:49 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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It took me over 5 hours to run a mission like that, bombing Paris in a Gotha. We stayed in German territory as long as possible entering France near Soissons.

#4111194 - 04/24/15 03:08 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Banjoman Offline
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Wow, was that 5 hours of real time? salute

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#4111245 - 04/24/15 04:44 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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DukeIronHand Offline
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High over the Front
Saturday April 21, 1917. Dawn patrol with B Flight on a DOP to the Hun airfield at Haubourdon. After 4 days of poor weather and mission cancellations the sun is finally out.
Now that I am an Ace I took advantage of the bad weather and had my ground crew paint up my trusty SE. Skin courtesy of Banjoman with slight modifications by Cpl. Jones - one of my fitters.

About 6 miles over we come across these three Huns. At first they appeared to want to fight then changed their mind and tried to disengage. Unfortunately for them that change of heart came much too late as the SE was much too speedy for their old crates.

Pick out their tail end Hans and I hole his tank and he goes down out of control to crash.

Circle around to gain height and to try to form back up with my flight when I close on one that is soon revealed to be another Alb. Making a beautiful deflection shot I again hole his petrol tank and, leaking oil and gas, he goes down for a crash.

Apparently they were pals as he goes down near my first victory.

Circling for height again and trying to find B Flight I see a balloon at my level and close by. I feel that I may be pressing my luck but, so far, my new paint job has been lucky and I make for it and shot it down in a flaming fashion.

Feeling that my luck may be done for the day I finally form up with Lt. Cudley and Rhys-Davids and make for home. Unsure of where the other two are.
Back at base I file for my 3 claims and Cudley files for one. My wingman (Lt. Sheldon) is at first reported missing but turns up in the afternoon minus his Se which was damaged in some type of forced landing - probably engine trouble.
Of my three claims the first Alb is rejected but the second one, and the balloon, are confirmed making it 8 confirmed kills so far for Lt. "DIH". The war continues on.

#4111288 - 04/24/15 06:14 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Olham]  
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Antigua, Guatemala
Hey now, I didn't give you permission to go messin' with that skin I made. Oh shucks, I forgot to have you sign the "No messin' with the skin document".

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#4111298 - 04/24/15 06:36 PM Re: REPORTS FROM THE FRONT [Re: Banjoman]  
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a shack in da woods
Originally Posted By: Banjoman
Wow, was that 5 hours of real time? salute

Yes, day it was released. I took 3 short breaks, was leader and chose my own route, had to use the in game map a few times.... Never had an escort on a Gotha mission. Pilots don't last long because we eventually get swarmed by enemy scouts. I'm not very good at it, but manning gunner positions is hectic fun when under attack. Good fun bombing too, heck of a bomb load!

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