Okay, I've found myself growing tired of flight-simming. So I though I'd dive back into racing with Forza 4...I'm picking it up after work today. I haven't played a racing sim/game since Gran Tourismo 2, and I have a few questions...

I can't afford a wheel, so will the controller be that much of a burden?
Should I even bother with "realistic" settings because of this?

How hard is it to "level-up"? In Real-Life I've got an '09 Mustang (V6 only), and I'd like to drive the '05 GT version as soon as I can. How long will it take to acquire credits? I know this is kinda silly, but back when I played GT2, it actually helped me in real-life (was driving a '91 MR2 at the time). Playing the game helped me understand cornering/braking/accelerating better. And no, I didn't go around racing in traffic. smile

Any n00b tips/hints/suggestions?

"Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."
-Dwight D Eisenhower