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#4648752 - 06/30/24 11:32 PM ON startup PC restarts  
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Hey Guys,

I within the last few days my PC when I goto startup it does not even post and it restarts sometimes it does it 2-3 times. Now about 2 weeks ago when I got my new GPU I ran OCCT Combined test twice and it worked without any errors. I just tried running OCCT Power test and my PC BSOD both times I ran the test..

Not sure if it is the RAM, PSU or GPU?? but it is hard to say what it is as any test I seem to run it either freezes and I need to do a hard reboot or the PC BSOD on me.. I was going to take out the GPU and run some tests same with the RAM I will take 1 stick out and put it in the 1st slot but I was wondering what else or how else I could best diagnose this issue? specs are in the sig..

Thank you

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
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#4648753 - 07/01/24 12:16 AM Re: ON startup PC restarts [Re: The Nephilim]  
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well I was taking out components to test and when I rebooted my settings where reset, so on a whim I replaced the CMOS battery and it seems to be ok now.. not sure why the CMOS batrter would cause a BSOD on the test but I guess that was it as I reran the test for 10minutes and no BSOD, I will do some further testing..

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
#4648760 - 07/01/24 11:13 AM Re: ON startup PC restarts [Re: The Nephilim]  
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kksnowbear Offline
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FWIW I doubt seriously that replacing the battery of itself is what corrected the problem you were having. It seems far (far) more likely that by removing/replacing the battery (which in turn resets CMOS) that some BIOS setting somewhere was also returned to a 'default' state.

The symptoms you describe at first sound kinda like memory to me - specifically, the restarting several times sounds like it's struggling with speed/timings. They'll often go through that process more than once when they're not happy with RAM settings/values - sometimes failing to boot, sometimes trying several times before deciding it's OK. Just for academic value, you might have a look at the RAM profile and/or settings you're using to see that everything's OK.

Sometimes, I've also seen where something just gets so pissed off that it takes clearing CMOS to get a machine to settle down...this IMO is more prone to happen when you're changing settings a lot (as you might be with overclocking, as one example). It's not really common, but it's happened a few times where I can't get a machine happy for whatever reason, and clearing CMOS is always on the list of things to try in that case.

Maybe that'll help. Hopefully now that you effectively cleared the CMOS, it'll be happy.

(PS: Also, as you were in the process of taking things out to test, what you've effectively done there is 'reseat' those things - typically RAM and GPU at least - and that could also have corrected whatever was going on.)

Last edited by kksnowbear; 07/01/24 11:33 AM.
#4648796 - 07/02/24 12:14 AM Re: ON startup PC restarts [Re: The Nephilim]  
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3rd Stone from the Sun !!
Well I just started having issues after a cold reboot the PC kept starting several times. I am going to run a battery of test to see what I can find.. any help appreciated in trying to figure out what is wrong here..

Last edited by The Nephilim; 07/02/24 04:19 AM.

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
#4648823 - 07/02/24 07:04 PM Re: ON startup PC restarts [Re: The Nephilim]  
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3rd Stone from the Sun !!
OK I was just running the Power test in OCCT and it locked up about 22minutes into the test.. I am leaning towards the PSU.. frown

EDIT: I just ordered a new PSU hope that was the issue but I am 90% sure it was.. should be here between 5-10pm today good old Prime ..

Last edited by The Nephilim; 07/02/24 07:18 PM.

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
#4648825 - 07/02/24 07:22 PM Re: ON startup PC restarts [Re: The Nephilim]  
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kksnowbear Offline
kksnowbear  Offline

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IIRC you have a high-quality 850W PSU...honestly wouldn't think of that as a potential problem (unless there's something you haven't mentioned like it's 20 years old lol or you dumped soda inside it while it was running...)

Unit was fine (no?) until you recently changed to a 4070Ti - but that PSU should be more than capable of running that new GPU.

Maybe a bad connection? Try reseating power connections, RAM, and GPU (though it sounds like you did already).

The constant restarting on cold boot to me sounds like memory; usually that behavior is associated with 'training' and/or the machine trying to get the RAM to run at the specified settings. Try setting it for "Auto" (so that it runs not at XMP, but the default speed - often this is 2133 for DDR4). Note this is *only* a test, not suggesting it should have to stay that way to run. Something else to consider is trying a single module, I'd say MemTest is the easiest, most reliable test for memory modules.


#4648835 - 07/03/24 01:15 AM Re: ON startup PC restarts [Re: The Nephilim]  
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3rd Stone from the Sun !!
Yes it was a very good PSU and that was not the issue., but I sure thought it was. I was forced to reseat all my components and it seems I have a defective PCIe slot.. I thought it was the M.2 slot but when I put the GPU back in the reboots happened I then knew something amiss with the PCIe slot.. I am just going to get a new mobo and CPU Plus memory sometime down the road but 1st I am going to probally finish paying for the GPU then get some more components..

This could not come at a worse time.. So far the PC booted up and I have the GPU in the 2nd PVIe slot but @3.0 speeds the 1st slot did 4.0 with the 11xxx series CPU.. but no worries at least I have a functioning PC and that is a good thing I will just have to relocate my 2nd sound card and PCIe USB Slot..

and I think alot of people are saying maybe the 15 series to come out soon so maybe I'll wait until the fall of course barring any more failures..

Well I solved the mystery, it turns out the thing that was bad was my PCIe USB Card. I am relieved I do not need to buy a new PC Parts that is a big relief. and my PC is back into working order and the GPU is in the 1st slot again. I just need to maybe purchase another PCIe USB card for my G2 but right now it is in a USB slot on the motherboard if that continues to work ok I may not buy another USB card..

Thnx guys . smile

Last edited by The Nephilim; 07/05/24 12:01 AM.

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /

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