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#4346511 - 03/24/17 01:25 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns ***** [Re: DBond]  
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So there I was....

I flew a strike mission out of Brnik (Block 50/22nd FS) to hit the gas plant northeast of Zagreb. Loaded four slammers, two 9x and two -84s. Ingress was uneventful and I really shacked the target in a 30 degree CCIP drop. Pickled the pair with 444 feet interval. Destroyed every structure at the facility in this pass. Took some AAA coming off target, which missed. With the rails still full of missiles I headed south toward Bihac and Udbina. Picked up a pair of Fulcrum-A's and turned to intercept.

At about 20 miles they must have picked me up and they turned toward. At 14 miles I fired at the lead ship. I transitioned to TWS and at 9 miles I fired at the wingman who had offset to the northeast (left), while I lost sight of the leader. I watched number two explode in a fireball and I initiated a turn to find the leader. I swung the nose about 30 degrees while frantically scanning outside when wham!. I instinctively reached for the Oh Sh!t handle and wham! Dead.

The camera showed the MiG, smoking, but alive. I had hit him but didn't knock him down. He had then flown past at the merge while I was tracking his wingman. He got around behind me and fired two Archers, both of which hit and killed me. I've been shot down a number of times since getting in to BMS, but this was my first death. Had to happen sooner or later. The ironic thing is I was shot down and killed by a MiG-29A, the same airframe I had dismissed as little threat a few posts back.

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#4346646 - 03/24/17 08:24 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Originally Posted by DBond
... Hope to hear your beer-soaked AAR smile

Hell yeah!
Friday beer is the way to fly it seems.

Retry on previous failure went alot smoother, as usual when one puts a little more effort into this magnificant game-sim.

This time I didn't just fly the laid out steerpoints but added the minor effort of actually looking at the map and adjusting the path to avoid big cities (that's where the SA-6 killed me last time) and airbases.

This gave me quite a narrow corridor crossing the coast but a fairly open space inbound target.

Also adding some alititude from the suggested 22kft and choose to cruise at 26kft - each thousand ft gives me a little extra from bandits trying to intercept us, two airfields, one each side this town I dearly dislike nowadays will most surely launch intercept attempts at my flight (seen a bunch MiG-21 roaring the skies last time).

Just as we reached the first dogleg going north of the town'of'horrors this time I asked wingman to engage the SA-3 in said town, just like last time, but this time just as I called rejoin on his "Magnum" that darn SA-6 showed up on my HAD and I just couldn't direct my wingman to target that son'o'b.. soon enough - my joy seeing that 6 disappear from the HAD soon after was given another zip of beer, I tell you smile

Saving my two 88's for the main target of the mission I had my wingman go "clear my six" and felt muh more optimistic moving in over main this time around.

Un-opposed I could unleash my HARM's on the target area airbase SA-3 site. After my first Magnum the little bollock went all red on my HAD so I decided to launch my second HARM too - rightly so as it later showed that my first actually missed but that tracking status was all my 2nd HARM needed.

Question: Do we need to wait for tracking status before launching HARM nowadays or is it still good enough to just see the number on the HAD? Just curious as my first missed, could be a coincidence I guess.

Loaded with 4 slammers I was hoping for a few 21's to show up flying back but never got anyone in my scope - AWACS sure reported a handful hostiles close to my bullseye for fellow Hornets but I was happy enough to have accomplished my mission so I never stretched my luck looking for them too much but kept my altitude for a safe ride home (to that base with a name I just can't get into my head)

Saved Campaign and will run another flight soon, just need to air-refuel in my fridge.

Btw, I met two flights (Tornado and Hornet) very close on my long leg back over the Adriatics - This thing is so alive! And all chatter from other flights engaging targets of all kinds - and other reports of course! Gotta love Falcon Campaign Environment!

Last edited by theOden; 03/24/17 08:26 PM.
#4346689 - 03/24/17 10:10 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Retribution. Nicely done! The more SA-6s we take out the better, and that's now two between us smile

You don't need to have the radar tracking for a HARM shot, because I've hit plenty that were not. But it does increase the hit probability. On the SA-6 I hit two days ago it was same as you. First missile missed, second took it out.

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#4346796 - 03/25/17 01:06 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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My BoP has completed day one and Blue has launched an offensive toward Zadar (well actually across the whole front, but that's what it says). I fooled around with the weather a bit and now have gusty weather with restricted visibiilty, a little misty and cumulus with the tops around 10,000.

Check out this thread for some options to customize the weather in BMS.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
#4347824 - 03/30/17 12:59 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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My Balance of Power campaign continues on. Things are going qute well. I must say this is a great campaign for a hands-on player. Because firstly, the ATO handling of defensive air coverage is abysmal, so a hands-on player will be able to mitigate that.

Secondly, Blue gets a hell of a lot of aircraft reinforcements. There are so many different aircraft types. In KTO Rolling Fire for example, Blue has maybe a 20 different aircraft to play with. But in Balkans BoP, it seems to be every aircraft type in the game. Makes it fun and interesting to run the air war. Both sides begin with just under 300 aircraft according to the Intel. By the middle of day two, Blue has expanded to over 700, more than doubling. A carrier group arrives and you even get a second A-10 squadron!

In my campaign the clock has just turned to day three. Blue has taken Banja Luka already which is good progress indeed. The advance along the Adriatic coast is lagging behind however, so attacks are being concentrated along this front to clear the way. I transferred from the 22nd at Brnik to the 78th at Palese. I am running my own little Italian campaign and keeping this front going. The ATO will not frag any defensive air here, so me doing so is quite beneficial to stop the Red incursions.

I'm really enjoying this Balkans theater. I got shot down again, by, you guessed it, a SA-6. I was zipping along at 300 ft AGL post-strike on a target near Belgrade (yeah I know, but what fun!) and that thing nailed me. Hate those damn SAMs!

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
#4347886 - 03/30/17 03:49 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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theOden Offline
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Oh those pesky SA-6's!
Did you have a SA6 lock on you or did they shoot by visual?
Sometimes I get this feeling those Gainfuls are overpowered (but then I realize I am a rather mediocre pilot haha)
Good work reaching Belgrade, quite a ride I guess.

#4347891 - 03/30/17 04:03 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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I didn't notice a lock, just the launch warning. I pulled 9G in to it but it still got me and I was quite low when it was fired. I was quite surprised to be honest.

I ran low level all the way from Palese to Belgrade without issue, dropped some BSU-50 on the target, but I must have taken a slightly different route coming home.

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#4348017 - 03/31/17 04:54 AM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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I remember when I flew AF, if I was lucky, I might see bad weather. Campaigns always started clear and calm, and if the campaign lasted long enough, or if the Falcon gods chose to grant you this gift, the weather would get worse, sometimes even getting completely socked in. So soupy that you could only see to about your wingtip. Needless to say, this makes things a bit more interesting, but was all too rare. It affects target and weapon selection not to mention makes navigation and operating around the base more challenging. Weather is an absolutely integral facet of air operations, but which flight sims have a good weather system? That list is short.

So I wanted to explore the weather system in BMS. I've only flown in good weather so far, no worse than fair, which might have a bit of turbulence here and there, some scattered cumulus and haze, but doesn't add any additional challenge or decision making in the campaign. That was good as I got back in to F4, but I feel ready for some stormy stuff. I posted about it over at the BMS forum, seeking guidance on how I could get my atmosphere on. I wanted to start generating weather that was variable and unpredictable, and that changed from location to location.

I had fooled around with the different settings in BMS. Probabilistic, deterministic etc, but have no clue what I'm doing. I do know that the weather never got bad, over several campaigns that lasted up to five campaign days. After getting some advice in that thread I decided to try the WeatherGen program by Tyrant.

And it's great program. In just a few minutes I was able to generate a new weather map for my BoP campaign. I kept clicking random until the weather near my base was lousy and saved it. Loaded it to the campaign and fragged a mission. Stepped to the jet to find a solid overcast with rain. Forecast for the target area was improving. Not knowing exactly what to expect over the former republic of Yugoslavia, I made a simple BARCAP with a HTS and a couple of HARMs. This loadout is good even if the cloud deck is solid over the target. Unfortunately, my campaign is currently at night. I snapped a couple of shots, but I'll need to wait for dawn to get some good ones.

The whole mission I kept reminding myself to check the debrief to see what the wind velocity was. But of course upon landing I had completely forgotten. But it was stiff no doubt. Takeoff was only slightly more drift than usual, as I was more or less in to it. But as I turned right (east) coming out of Palese, I got in to the crosswind. Check the FPM here, almost off the HUD. The rain doesn't show well in the screenshot, it's there, but hard to spot.

[Linked Image]

I climbed out to 25,000, entering the clouds at 7,000 and breaking out around 12,000, and turned north, in to the wind. At that altitude and at full mil, I was barely clocking 270 knots. To test how much effect that was, I turned back to the east, and without advancing the throttle the Viper accelerated to 370 knots. So cool. As I neared the coast I shot down three J-22s and the cloud deck began to break up. As I flew further north, it became much nicer with calming winds and broken cumulus. This is what I wanted. And it's amazing. Big thanks to Tyrant, who not only made this cool program, but has been very helpful to me as well. I still don't really understand it all, but the fact I could easily generate an awesome campaign environment in just a few clicks is fantastic.

The landing was epic, as the FPM at times was off the HUD, just a little X in the corner thumbsup

Here you see the improving weather in the target area. Again, apologies for the nighttime shots, but there's a war on ya know.

[Linked Image]

Attached Files F4windTO.jpgF4target.jpg

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
#4348049 - 03/31/17 11:33 AM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Did you know you can call Tower to check which is the active runway and where the wind is coming from? Then again, you can also have that on the DED.

Cool mission, how'd you do?

- Ice
#4348064 - 03/31/17 12:34 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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I do yes, and I use both of those. I actually used the landing runway call on the mission you and I flew the other day, not that you could have heard that biggrin I'm not seeing how that may have helped me or made a difference. Can you expound?

I did just fine on this mission. It is the early hours of day three in a Vet BoP campaign. Frankly, the Red airforce is smashed and much of the map has been sanitized. The threat rings you see in the HSD are largely remnants from earlier in the campaign. After downing the J-22s, I made landfall and continued north waiting for something to light up. There was a search radar and a SA-3 very close to the Albanian border, but I withheld fire in case they might be friendly.

Eventually a ZSU-23 lit me up and was taken out. Then further north toward Belgrade a Flat Face radar from an SA-3 battery ate an ARM. I turned back toward Palese and landed with one slammer still hanging. 3 air kills and two ground kills. Total mission time 1 hour. But the weather made it one of my most memorable missions since I've gotten back in to Falcon thumbsup

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
#4348132 - 03/31/17 06:28 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Hi DBond,

Nice and cool screenshots and mission report!
Actually I have a similar problem where I never get "bad weather" like what you got on the screenshots - I'm using Probabilistic weather of Falcon.

I guess I have to use one of those "Weather Generators" (never used one before to be honest).

#4348136 - 03/31/17 06:42 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: ricnunes]  
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Originally Posted by ricnunes

I guess I have to use one of those "Weather Generators" (never used one before to be honest).

It's too easy. Click the weathergen link I posted. It's all browser based, nothing to install.

These are the directions I was given that I used to create that stormy stuff

- Under "Load/Save", enter the mission name or (easier) click the folder icon to load the campaign file.
- Under "Weather Parameters", click "Random" until you see something you like.
- Under "Load/Save", click "Save Package"
- Unzip the resulting zip file into your Campaign\SAVE folder.

I loaded my .cam file and then clicked random until I saw a big red blob near Palese. Under 'Display Controls' choose your map (Korea, Balkans, Israel, etc) and you can change the overlays to show the map so you see where your base is.

Once I had the red blob (bad weather) I just clicked Save Package and it generated a zip file. Just unzip the contents of that zip in to your campaign save folder and fire up F4. Check the box in the weather section in BMS that enables auto map updating and you're good to go.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
#4348148 - 03/31/17 07:36 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Thanks for the heads up DBond.

#4348166 - 03/31/17 09:01 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Originally Posted by DBond
I do yes, and I use both of those. I actually used the landing runway call on the mission you and I flew the other day, not that you could have heard that biggrin I'm not seeing how that may have helped me or made a difference. Can you expound?

Originally Posted by DBond
The whole mission I kept reminding myself to check the debrief to see what the wind velocity was. But of course upon landing I had completely forgotten.


I remember doing a mission with bad weather... takeoff was challenging, but when I broke through the weather, it was fine. I then dropped 4 GBUs from altitude and RTB'ed. Landing was challenging and had to use the ILS... quite a relief once you see the runway lights. I really liked using the GBUs after that... no loitering required like with LGBs, plus you can drop all 4 in one pass with some fancy ICP work.

- Ice
#4348178 - 03/31/17 09:49 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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theOden Offline
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Just went far into hostile territory, two bags really needed, for a DEAD on a AAA battalion.
Map was pretty empty so I switched the HARM's for 2x2 CBU87 for me and the wingman.
Should give better results on a AAA battalion.

Escort in package was two Hornets.

Kept the speed "carrot" well centered all the way and with that the Escort (put in on datalink 5 and 6) was always nearby.

Ground Radar showed the Classic "line" of units in a 10-4 o'clock line once we reached target area so I Went right to line up for a ripple x4 CBU pass in one go.
There was this SA-2 nearby but was expecting that one to keep silent on this distance. If not, it should be easy to Dodge.

Downed by an SA-6 launching 3 missiles at me when I was running in, never stood a chance.

Lesson Learned: Do not trust the map (even though I knew that) and bring those 88 when heading into an unknown area first time.

Could I have killed the SA-6 or would I've been ambushed again like the previous time I got one of those up my belly? Not sure but this mission was a pure disaster.

My "easy" Campaign is not going well but I will keep at it to show you guys there is always someone flying worse than you smile

#4348186 - 03/31/17 10:29 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Small nitpick... "carrot" -> "caret" biggrin

Any pics?

- Ice
#4348187 - 03/31/17 10:34 PM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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haha Ice, I know I know but since we always "chase" it we started to call it the carrot (my sub-par falconeers and I).
No pics sadly, I always plan to but once I get in hot I most often totally forget to slap that printscreen key.
I will try to remember to the next sortie.

#4348210 - 04/01/17 12:29 AM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Ah, if you put it that way, *"carrot" does make sense!

- Ice
#4348228 - 04/01/17 02:21 AM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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Another post about weather. I'm loving it. I fragged a strike mission near Podgorica, armed with a pair of 2000 pound JDAMs, two slammers and two 9x. Took two bags as well. I set the ToT to have takeoff near dawn. Let's go on little weather tour, shall we? The storm has blown through and I took off into this

[Linked Image]

Over the Adriatic there was a solid overcast, the bottoms about 12,000. I started to climb through it, but since I had two wing tanks I stayed below. Without them I would have needed to climb out to stretch the fuel. The SAM threat in the target area has been neutralized. Plus I wanted to see the weather below, not just sled on a field of snow above. As we approach the coast of Montenegro, the weather seems to be clearing just a bit.

[Linked Image]

Sure enough, as we continue north toward the IP it's looking better. That's Tivat right 3 low.

[Linked Image]

For the record, I dropped the two JDAMs on the target, damaging the plant and destroying a tower. Enemy aircraft didn't make an appearance. So I got a tower. That should slow them down.

Heading back to base, approaching the coast

[Linked Image]

Here you can actually see the weather front

[Linked Image]

The proverbial hole in the clouds

[Linked Image]

The coast of Italy as I approach Palese

[Linked Image]

Back down on the deck it looks like a nice typical sunny Italian morning.

[Linked Image]

Attached Files takoff.jpgcoastmontengro.jpgfurtheron.jpgegress.jpgholeinclouds.jpgweatherfront.jpgitaly.jpgsunshinehome.jpg
Last edited by DBond; 04/01/17 02:50 AM.

No, now go away or I shall taunt you a second time!
#4348269 - 04/01/17 10:11 AM Re: Falcon 4 Campaigns [Re: DBond]  
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theOden Offline
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Since I dropped my dead-is-dead here is the 2nd attempt at above failure, now with pictures. smile


[Linked Image]

Clearly states there is a SA-6 nearby - my fault for not reading it first time.
Obviously, one has to be an active pilot reading, and understanding, the information given and preferrably edit the steerpoints in given flight plan.
I have to admit I way to often skip these rather important steps.

RAMP start

[Linked Image]

Waiting for ALIGN to blink along with Serpent 1 going somewhere with 6xAGM-65D and a handful of British Tornado F2's (none of them in my package)

Have lots of pictures from the ATC releasing us one-flight-by-one but trying to keep this compact you only get to see me leaving "Gioia Del Colle"

[Linked Image]

Fence In and arranging all basics I trigger the DLink to see if my Hornets are on time, and they show up just fine in green on the HSD:

[Linked Image]

Keeping the speed caret reasonably under control I should keep my Escort well in range should any bad guys approach us.

Getting closer to the coast I check for the avarage situation asking AWACS for a "Requst Picture".

[Linked Image]

As expected I get a "Picture Clear" in return.
Clearly we have the sky under control but I would not call it air-superiority yet, far from it as the SAM threat is still significant.

Reaching the coast passing the very airbase my previous mission had as target area chasing the last AAA assets:

[Linked Image]

There are 2 blue airmobile units south of the airbase making me keep a strict north of base only targets during that mission and as you can see on my right MFD the HAD still show their search radar and one AAA tracking radar - more job to be done here but I am waiting to see if those two air mobile units are going to eliminate these assets for me or not.

Check that RWR:

[Linked Image]

One difficult thing in Balkans is that we have friendly MiG-21's
Makes me very very nervous each time I meet them.
I am calling AWACS but getting that "all is good dude, keep sailing" I just cannot get rid of the feeling they might have missed that 21 despite their big black all-seeing-eye radome.

Anyhow, keep trucking on I get these AAA tracking radars locking me up:

[Linked Image]

But just a brief jammer in operating mode usually drops them off and if not so it seems to keep them from shooting, all calm at angels 25. Always something to do while playing the instrument-chess cruising at altitude.

Getting closer to target area you can see that SA-2 I was talking about:

[Linked Image]

I guess, should he fire at us it should be good enough to just extend from him for a few miles and should not pose a big problem, right?

Mission main target:

[Linked Image]

Locking up that AAA search radar and releasing my wingman on it trying to keep my HARM's available for extra targets.
Just later the AAA tracking radar woke up too and I gave my wingman that target too making him out of 88's and placing him in position for taking on any aerial threats should they show up.

Enter the Arena we have that darn SA-6 again. All red from the very start!

[Linked Image]

I mean, really - they used to start off in yellow search before.
within seconds he launched missiles at me like a mad man.

Locking him up and breaking hard left into his position I am trying to
1. disable the autopilot (should have long ago, my mistake)
2. get a view of the missiles and
3. pressing print screen

all at the very same time.

Let me assure you this did not end well, again.


[Linked Image]

What you see says all.
Another disaster.

I will fly this one more time with no picture-taking whatsoever and hopfully be able to continue this horrible horrible campaign soon after.

(pun intended)

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