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#3700744 - 12/17/12 04:17 PM Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? *****  
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Hey all,
Lastnight I was doing a multiplayer mission ad nwanted to chnge my stores to some GBU's. well I managed to get them loaded on the plane but then I did NOT know how to enter them into the Computer to be able to drop them..

Well I ran throgh the Training missions and they touched on it but not enough to know how to change the stores from Mavs to LGB or whatever store I choose when I rearm..So I saw somewhat how to enter it but when I get it loaded in the page and go back to the store page it is RED?? How do I reconfigure the loadout, I looked on You tube but did NOT find such a video?? IS there a guide somewhere??

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
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#3700811 - 12/17/12 05:36 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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page 282 of the manual is a good starting point.

#3700812 - 12/17/12 05:36 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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The later part of this video shows you..

** Although I'm not sure that if you *change* loudouts that technique will work. I always just press and HOLD DSMS to bring it down to the bottom of the MFD, then go to load it from there.

Description of what I was trying to say from StrongHarm:

* Click and hold the MSG button on the right MFCD
* Click the OSB next to Load
* Click the MSG button again to redesignate that button as the Load button
* Do your load
* Reverse the above directions to set the button back to MSG


#3700954 - 12/17/12 08:35 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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I'll add, that it doesn't make any difference on which MFCD you use. It works the same either way.

Last edited by blindone; 12/17/12 08:36 PM.
#3700974 - 12/17/12 09:01 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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If you're really into realism and fine tuning you can manually inventory your DSMS. It's a good learning exercise even if you load from the "magical DTC that happens to have your current load out data despite your canopy being closed since rearm" for convenience most times.

One thing I do for example is inventory my GBU-12s to a laser code which is not the default to prevent someone else from designating them.

#3701150 - 12/18/12 01:16 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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I had printed out in the Manual pages 270-282 which seemed to be relevent.. I read it several times and started a mission and rearmed my plane in the hangar with 4 GBU-38's and 2 GBU-31's..

I successfully had them put into the dsms page but they turned up red and the followin code as stated on page 271:

RED: a Red indication means that the profile and the inventory have conflicting information for what's loaded on the station. Additionally, the station may be Red if the weapon profile for that station has invalid settings[/b]

Followed on the Weapons station is a P which States this:

P There is NO profile that contains the weapon loadedon the indicated station...

Now what I figure is that I have either invalid settings or NO profile loaded?? I am unsure how to fix either Problem?? I would appreciate a little prodding.. thnx

here is a screenshot of the corresponding page:

Uploaded with

I also wanted to note that the profile page is Empty I think that is my problem?? How can I get the new loadout to appear here:

Uploaded with

Hope the screenshot helped.. wink

Last edited by The Nephilim; 12/18/12 02:39 AM.

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
#3701224 - 12/18/12 04:14 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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Ah, that's Lesson #2 which follows closely on Lesson #1: Making your own profiles. :P

You select any representative store in the INV subpage , type in a name on the scratch pad, and create a new profile with an OSB press. Be aware that the inventory and (I think) profiles are independent between master arm off/arm and master arm sim. In reality you'd have tons of profiles on your DTC which would include stores you might not even plan to use. The on/off choice on the PROF subpage chooses if they are in the rotation activated by DMS left-right.

One could (and often does) have several profiles for the same weapon type with different profile values. "82 45HADB" and "82 20LALD" would both be for the Mk82 weapon type but one might be setup for the 45 degree dive bomb profile and the other from the 20 degree attack.

The other aspect about profiles is how they work with different configurations of the same weapon type. The classic example is the AGM-65D and AGM-65H which are both the same weapon type but different versions. The result is that cycling through profiles the profile that handles mavericks will have two positions on the rotary, one for each configuration. If you had 4 GBU-12s with 4 different laser codes then they would have a 4 different configurations so each GBU-12 profile would "sub cycle" through each config. It won't be possible to select differently configured weapons in the DSMS at the same time.

This is why I wish DCS would institute a DTC that could be preprogrammed and persist between sorties so we could specify a lot of preferences without spending 60 minutes each time the jet is started to make everything "just so."

#3701231 - 12/18/12 04:29 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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If you follow the LOAD DSMS procedures up above, the automatically-created profiles will transfer from the data transfer card to your DSMS. If you want to do it manually, like you did (kudos, BTW), you have to also manually create the profiles. Here's how:

Press the OSB next to the station number of one of the stores you just added via the inventory page to select it.

Then press OSB 1 over "PROF". This will bring up a temporary profile for that store. To make the temporary profile a permanent profile, you have to give it a name (wasn't that also the key to A Neverending Story?) then save it. Enter a name into the scratchpad using the up-front controller (UFC) located up front, beneath the HUD. Press the numbers to get numbers, press the "LTR" button then a number button to get a letter. Press the "LTR" button twice to lock the UFC in letter mode. You can enter almost any name you want. "MRSNUFFLEUPAGUS" seems to be too many letters for DSMS, but "SNUFFY" works just fine.

Assign the name to the profile by pressing OSB button 17, next to the "[] NEW". Don't forget to enter the name on the scratchpad. (BTW, the "[]" symbol next to any OSB button means the system is expecting a scratchpad input there. Neat, eh?)

Once you've created a profile for a store on one pylon, it's good for all stores of that type.

Rinse and repeat for all your other stores, et voilá!

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#3701233 - 12/18/12 04:32 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: Frederf]  
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sniped by Frederf...but I included pretty pictures! wink

Originally Posted By: Frederf
...a DTC that could be preprogrammed and persist between sorties...
Or could be separately edited outside the mission and saved/loaded into the sim. And that DTCs could be emailed/posted between flight members/friends/etc.

2 Main.Ground Crew

F1. Refuel...
F2. Rearm...
F3. Load DTC...


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#3701292 - 12/18/12 07:38 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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Einstein, Thank You so Much for those Pics they where invaluable.. it seems it was simpler then I had thought.. Picture is worth a thousand words and you had several is the result of my labors:

Uploaded with

As you can see they are loaded and ready to go.. Easy when you know how,, wink

I also learned a few new tricks like the ones with the [] are able to enter digits for them.. and learned how to switch to write words like for the profile name.. I also saw on the HUD Bottom where the entry from the UFC Scratchpad appeared.. VERY COOL!! now if I could just find some more missions or campaigns for MP, SP..

Last edited by The Nephilim; 12/18/12 07:41 AM.

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
#3701299 - 12/18/12 08:20 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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I've edited my keybindings so all 26 letters of the CDU keyboard are their normal keys on the keyboard. It makes typing much much faster.

#3701300 - 12/18/12 08:27 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: Frederf]  
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Originally Posted By: Frederf
I've edited my keybindings so all 26 letters of the CDU keyboard are their normal keys on the keyboard. It makes typing much much faster.

Now that is a good Idea..

Intel i7 11700K @ 4.8GHZ / ASRock Z590 Phantom Gaming 4AC Motherboard / MSI 4070Ti Ventus 12GB / SoundBlaster Z / Windows 10 64bit / Reverb G2 VR Gear. / Thrustmaster Cougar / Buttkicker Gamer 2 /
#3701469 - 12/18/12 04:08 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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Glad to see you're sorted, Neph! I never have gotten around to mapping mine, but I second Frederf's recommendation. Mapping CDU keys (or any other often used keys!) is a fantastic tip.

See you on the flight line!

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#3701497 - 12/18/12 04:42 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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BeachAV8R Offline
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Mapping the CDU to your normal keyboard may be faster, but it is less realistic IMHO. Just nit-picking though.. biggrin

#3701622 - 12/18/12 08:17 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: BeachAV8R]  
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Originally Posted By: BeachAV8R
Mapping the CDU to your normal keyboard may be faster, but it is less realistic IMHO.

True, true. I'd love to have a CDU panel sitting on my desk! I bought a USB 10-key pad thinking I could map it as an independent device, but I've tried it with Falcon4 and DCS and neither application makes a distinction between it and the 10-key pad on the keyboard. I looked briefly into HID macros, but shrugged it off as too much work.

I gotta go get with those serious pit builders and see how they do it. They make it so easy looking!

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#3701679 - 12/18/12 09:49 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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CDU keyboard, not the UFC buttons. It might not be QWERTY but it's a lot closer to a keyboard than hunt-n-peck with the UFC panel. If you want to develop, make, and gift a CDU panel USB controller for me I would be happy to go full realism smile

The 10-key area of my keyboard is just like the 10-key area of the CDU and that is super handy for jotting down JTAC coords as read. Backspace and pgdn/pgup round it all off nicely.

Now be nice or I'll DL MSG you some of my Vogon poetry :evil:

#3701760 - 12/18/12 11:33 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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I already have my towel ready.

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#3701771 - 12/18/12 11:57 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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I'm just saying - I fly with a Universal UNS-1 in my real airplanes at work all day long. I can type 80 words per minute on a standard keyboard and about 5 per minute on the UNS-1.. It is a big difference for data entry that ABCDEF format..

#3701809 - 12/19/12 01:14 AM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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#3715235 - 01/10/13 04:26 PM Re: Rearming, How to reset Stores need to know ??? [Re: The Nephilim]  
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What I did was assigned the QWERTY keys and numbers to the CDU while a modifier was pressed, then used a logic toggle on the Cougar to press the modifier. This way, I can hit a HOTAS button to enter "CDU Mode" and another button (or same button shifted) to exit CDU mode and go back to default key commands.

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