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#3500925 - 01/22/12 03:50 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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its fixed! but i don't know exactly how. i have AVG free, but it was closed during install and after attempting to run the game NOTE: the game was able to run in compatibility mode before the fix was applied. the error occurred after applying the fix. what did i do differently: uninstalled AVG(didn't know how to exclude LB2.exe) and not applied the 2209 patch. is there a chance that this was caused by the 2209 patch? also the game is still fairly unstable. crashes on screen transitions is a constant gable while training will go on a loop crash. also there are a few other problems, the menu screen is tiny but that's not the main problem, but that is......colorful. i mean its like a rainbow. the problem somehow stops when i open the desktop personalization on resolution settings.

as for the bankruptcy, well it cost me 50$ and another 38$ for shipping, and that's not to much i believe.

Last edited by FlightJunkie; 01/22/12 04:40 PM.
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#3500962 - 01/22/12 04:47 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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I have AVG free too, and it's easy to exclude folders. I hope you have installed some kind of AV program!

As for the instability, try "Phoenix's Last Fix As Promised", here:

Be sure to read the instructions!

#3501674 - 01/23/12 04:42 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Thanks for your help, but Phoenix's fix doesn't seem to be doing anything, unless im missing something. there were no instructions as to how to install it. i just unzipped it and pressed "install" and its said that it installed successfully. tried running LB2 in win95 mode, but to no avail.

also for some reason i cant enter 3d cockpit(F4) and i cant lock on(T)

Last edited by FlightJunkie; 01/23/12 05:02 PM.
#3501739 - 01/23/12 06:05 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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You installed Phoenix's fix correctly, if it says it installed, then I guess it did!

What operating system are you using? Those fixes will only work for Windows Vista / 7.

Compatibility modes don't really work for LB2 on modern computers.

I've got to run and may not be online until nearer the end of the week.

For now, uninstall Phoenix's fix from Control Panel -> Add/Remove Programs. It should be listed as 'LB2 Fix' or something. Go back to that page on my website and install Phoenix's Final Solutions. Try the game. If no luck, uninstall that and then try Phoenix's XP Fix on my site. If THAT doesn't work, I'm sorry to say it but you may well be out of luck.

There are some people who simply cannot get LB2 to run without crashing, or at all. The Phoenix fixes are really the last stand and if they don't work, the game generally won't get 'fixed' for you.

#3567100 - 05/04/12 06:12 AM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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So we do not use a compatibility mode after installing one of the Phoenix fixes? Once I got the X65F programmed, I started noticing definite issues with it while LB2 was installed in the Program (x86) directory. Errant key presses have been reduced now with it in the main C directory, but I still get CTDs at the end of missions... especially with the profiler running in the background. It's strange that key and joystick configs still aren't saving within the sim, as if things are still write protected. And alt, shift, and ctrl keys still seem to stick or behave like they are latched at times. Much worse in x86 folder, but still some weird things. Like Autopilot switching on out of the blue. I don't even have that mapped on the HOTAS. And Numpad Enter wouldn't work at all while in x86 folder. I wonder if part of this stuff is write protection folder issues and the rest is due to joystick profilers havingn to run in the background and LB2 not liking Windows preferred joystick or any other programs/processes running at the same time.

The term "necroposting" was invented by a person with no social memory beyond a year. People with a similar hangup are those o.k. with the internet being transient vapor.

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#3567844 - 05/05/12 05:55 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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You shouldn't need to use the Windows compatibility fix with Phoenix's fixes, no. But it won't harm you to experiment if you still get problems. And just to be clear, you should only use ONE Phoenix fix at a time. I can't comment on the various folder installation paths or file write-protection, but a guy e-mailed me a while ago about joystick/control issues. After much testing on his part, and various suggestions by myself, he figured out that LB2 doesn't like joystick profiler software. So if you can comfortably use your joystick without all the fancy stuff, it would be best to do so with LB2.

#3572357 - 05/14/12 01:24 AM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Hey all! A....mmmm, 7 year lurker here who was just too lazy to register or post, but since I'm dusting off my LB2 for another round, I figured it was time.

It was never much of an issue before, even with XP, but with the upgrade to "7", the life of this game is now threatened, and I figured it was time for more of us to step up and help out. While I'm not a programer or developer, I make it somewhat of a hobby to get older games working on newer systems and wanted to share my "7" experiences with ya all. So here goes:

Let me start with system specs for those who are interested:

Mobo-Gigabyte Model EP45-UD3P
Processor Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU E8400 @ 3.00GHz, 3000 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 2 Logical Processor(s)
Sound Card-Name-Creative X-Fi Audio Processor (WDM)
Video Card-Name NVIDIA GeForce 8800 GTS
Hard Drive-Model WDC WD1001FALS-00J7B0 ATA Device Size 931.51 GB (1,000,202,273,280 bytes)
Memory-Installed Physical Memory (RAM) 4.00 GB
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

Most of us won't care about that info, but it could come in handy for others. Now, on to the install.

I started with a clean install of LB2 from the CD,
OBVIOUSLY it doesn't install correctly. It appeared to do fine until the DirectX, then it wasn't able to install DirectX5(chuckle), and that's where it stopped. I just clicked ok. The installation said it wasn't completed, but I knew that going in. What I found interesting, is it never asked for disk 2. If I remember correctly, it needed disk 2 before, but I'll eventually get back to that.

Next, I installed the LB2-WinVista-7-Fix file. Since that is named Jane's, and not Janes, this is a separate folder. That's a good thing. I didn't want it overriding the files. I tried that previously, and it was a disaster.

Now you have the Janes folder from the CDs, and the Jane's folder from the fix. I moved the LB2-WinVista-7-Fix folder(Jane's) to my desktop. I then opened up both folders. I then went through, file by file, and any file that was missing from the original LB2 folder(Janes), I copy/pasted that file from the Jane's(LB2-WinVista-7-Fix) folder.
Now this is somewhat time consuming, but I felt it was necessary. I had previously tried just copy/pasting every single file in the folder(Shift/click/drag box around) and just overwriting, but this did not work. When I was finished, I moved the LB2-WinVista-7-Fix(Jane's) to my documents folder so I could keep it, yet not confuse the two folders.

I then installed the voodoo 1.50 Glide Wrapper in the LB2 directory, and followed the setup directions posted earlier in this thread.

Ready to roll my first attempt at playing. Started game. Graphics sketchy on first screen, click past it, get to the menu screen. Choose the locker room, delete a pilot, create my own. So far, so good. Graphics good, no crash.
Head to training. Select basic flight training, start. Get all the way to the end, sound loop, freeze. Ok, well, I knew it wasn't going to be THAT easy.
Head back to forums. Flyboy mentions a duelcore problem. Ahhh, ok. Download Launch n Set, install, disable one of my cores.(At least I think so, it really doesn't tell ya what it's doing) fire up game. Start basic flight training again. No more sound looping, that indeed solved that problem, BUT......Freeze.
After a few more attempts, crashes, I decide the glide wrapper might be a problem. From reading the forums, more people have had success with an older version, 1.4. I manually delete every file from 1.5, install 1.4. Instead of loading up the flight training, I choose free flight gunnery practice so I can stress the setting more easily. A ton of talking in the training sessions. I gain altitude, speed, get going and freeze. Reload, freeze. Reload, freeze.

Ok. Remove that glide wrapper. Stumped. Decide to go without any glide wrappers. A noticeable difference in graphics, not nearly as good, HOWEVER, I finish basic flight training, then Longbow training, then advanced Longbow training. No freezes. A few glitches. A couple times I was asked to fire on a target, nothing happens, and the instructor says, "GREAT SHOT". Ummm, ok. Another problem, a bit more serious is any lack of communication with my wingman. He seems to do what I'm asking, but he doesn't respond, and you cannot use the mouse to select targets to send to your wingman.

To wrap things up, the game is running smooth on Windows 7, with a few minor glitches thus far, but it IS RUNNING without crashing or freezing on Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit. Patience is required. While you can read this post in minutes, this covers about 4-6 hours of testing. But if you're on these forums, my guess is you have patience aplenty.

P.S. I cannot end this post without mentioning the passing of Speicht. Obviously I'm a first time poster here, but I've been following this site so long, I was shocked to hear of his passing. RIP bro.
--Flyboy- gotta prop him for him tireless work keeping a 13 year old game alive without receiving a single dime. While it may seem not many people are paying attention, I'm betting there's a ton of people like myself who have lurked for years, but never posted. WE ALL NOTICE.
Also, the creator of the LB2-WinVista-7-Fix(Flyboy?) I don't know what you did, but it works, SHOCKINGLY! Getting this game to run on Windows 7 64 bit is one tall order, but I do believe were close to not only running it, but running it flawlessly. Props to everyone who's put in the work to make this happen!

I will shut up now. This post turned out way longer than expected haha. Talk to ya all soon! has been down at least the last few days. 3 that I know of. Is this site going to return? It's invaluable to anything Janes related!

Last edited by Jave; 05/14/12 01:34 AM.
#3572667 - 05/14/12 04:32 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Hi Jave, thanks for joining and posting. I'm normally the one who first welcomes newcomers, and as you address me directly in your post, I feel it's perhaps only fitting that I answer first.

Wow, long first post! Cheers for taking the time to type that all up. I'll just address various things that you said that I want to reply to...

* The best way to test the game and not get too complicated right from the get-go, is to run the game in Software mode first. That way, if you get any problems later on, you may be able to narrow it down to glide wrappers, glide wrapper versions, etc. Training may also not be the best place to test, as some people have reported slightly erratic behavior in that at the best of times.

* The in-game sound-looping and freeze SHOULD be fixed with one of Phoenix's fixes (I'll go into that more if that sounds totally alien to you).

* I have actually received a bit more than a 'single dime', just so you're not under any illusions. A few people have donated to me since I've had my generic donation page up, for my 'work' on LB2. It amounts to not a lot considering the hours I've put in, but I have received monetary gain nonetheless. I've also collectively got a few pounds from the Google Ads up on a couple of my sites. I just wanted to be open and honest about that.

* I am indeed the creator of the Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix, but only as the package itself stands. All included fixes and solutions are mostly other people's work and discoveries, and I got as many permissions as possible to include those. I really just brought everything together in one, hopefully, fairly easy-to-use package.


P.S. I have no knowledge of my website being down. It works perfectly for me and has done the last few days as far as I know. Unfortunately, I have heard that some other people do run into problems accessing my websites, or content hosted at my sites. I use a free webhost and haven't personally seen any major problems with it, so can't really comment about why others fail to see my sites. From MY end, I will try to do everything I can to keep my sites up for as long as possible. Sorry for the current problems with access you are having and hopefully my sites will resume functioning as normal very soon. If the problem persists, please let me know again and I'll contact my webhost.

#3572686 - 05/14/12 05:05 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Originally Posted By: Flyboy

P.S. I have no knowledge of my website being down. It works perfectly for me and has done the last few days as far as I know. Unfortunately, I have heard that some other people do run into problems accessing my websites, or content hosted at my sites. I use a free webhost and haven't personally seen any major problems with it, so can't really comment about why others fail to see my sites. From MY end, I will try to do everything I can to keep my sites up for as long as possible. Sorry for the current problems with access you are having and hopefully my sites will resume functioning as normal very soon. If the problem persists, please let me know again and I'll contact my webhost.


I will try it on IE, but I despise IE. Hope it doesn't work! haha

The in-game sound-looping and freeze SHOULD be fixed with one of Phoenix's fixes (I'll go into that more if that sounds totally alien to you).

Without access to the site, hunting down the various fixes has been problematic.

The best way to test the game and not get too complicated right from the get-go, is to run the game in Software mode first.

Not quite sure what your referring to here. What is software mode?

#3572691 - 05/14/12 05:12 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Just tried IE:

Not sure what the problem is. Just thought I'd let ya know.

#3573110 - 05/15/12 11:26 AM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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I don't know what the problem is with my website(s). I just tried again and it is fine on Internet Explorer, Firefox and Chrome for me. I hate Firefox though, as every time you access a new page on my sites you get a damn pop-up ad that you have to get rid of.

I'll send a message to the webhost via their members area and see if I can find out what's going on.

Software mode is a display mode. Before the LB2 patch and Display Driver Update (DDU) came out, everyone had to run the game in bare-bones Software (DirectX) mode. After the patch and DDU are installed (done for you in my Vista/7 Fix), you get the additional options of Direct3D and 3DFX hardware-accelerated display modes available. Run the 'lb2cfg.exe' file in your LB2 install folder and see what I mean.

#3574284 - 05/17/12 11:48 AM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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I've got a reply from my webhost and this is what they say...

This could be because your IP has been banned (as for example we can visit your website without any problems). Please do one of the following to rectify the issue:

1. Wait 24 hours for the IP ban to go away.
2. Contact your ISP to change your IP for you.
3. Restart your router or modem which may change your IP. Please note that this may not change your IP and in this case you will have to choose another option.
4. Try to access your website by using online proxy service such as

An IP ban occurs when one IP address accesses server for more than 2000 times in 24 hours.

So I'm still really none-the-wiser. Any input from anyone regarding this issue would be appreciated.

#3575652 - 05/19/12 07:40 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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An IP ban occurs when one IP address accesses server for more than 2000 times in 24 hours.

I pride myself on being persistent, but I'm sad to say, I'm not THAT persistent! biggrin

I will email my ISP. It's probably something stupid on their end.

Last edited by Jave; 05/19/12 07:41 PM.
#3576014 - 05/20/12 12:50 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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I sent a reply to my webhost's reply, and when they replied to that reply (still with me? LOL) it seems that they actually thought that I meant that I was having issues accessing my website. So the answer quoted in the above post, is telling ME what to do and not YOU.

In their reply they told ME...

If you still experience any problems accessing it, please try cleaning up your browser cache, resetting your internet connection or restarting your computer.

... so perhaps if YOU did that, it might help YOU!? smile

Or of course they advise that I can upgrade to their premium account, so that all these little issues should be made less frequent or obsolete. Obviously that would be a very last resort on my part, as so far all of my websites have been freely-hosted.

#3603839 - 07/09/12 09:51 AM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Hi Flyboy, thank you for your good work.

I had a real great moments playing Longbow 2, there are more than ten years ago ... It was the smoky time of Pentium ... By chance I came across this forum, and I learned that you could run LB2 under windows 7!
I followed all the instructions found here and there (well, I hope): install from the CD iso, use LB2 Win 7 fix, use Winlauncher (by checking a single processor)... But, by launching the game, it starts displaying a black screen for a second (you can see a window pop up early) and it suddenly returns under windows without error message.
And now ... I still can not run LB2 ... I must be cursed.

My config : WIN 7 ultimate, Bi-Proc workstation, Quadro 4000 graphic card, 48 Go Ram (I work in Video editing & Special FX ...)

And of course, sorry for my very rusty english ...

#3603930 - 07/09/12 01:41 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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I just found ... I had a too big screen resolution: 1920x1080 ... So just drop it and LB2 works perfectly!
By cons the game resolution now something like 640x480 ... and it seemed at the time, we could choose the resolution directly from the menu. But here, we can just change the size of the textures and details ... I had to miss an episode ...
I checked the compatibility tab, it is well on Windows XP SP2 (the other boxes are unchecked). I also configured the Voodoo setup as specified on the screenshoot ...
Arrghhhl, my screen is 35'' and I playing in a tiny window ...
I still cursed.

#3603991 - 07/09/12 02:45 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Hello Manfred_Man, I'm pleased to hear that you found this forum and had a go at getting LB2 running again.

It's good that you narrowed your issue down to being a graphics-related one. I don't know why your game is being displayed in a small window. Are you using the dgVoodoo glide wrapper? If so, make sure that you have Fullscreen enabled in the settings.

If you have done that, but still have the problem, I suggest using the newer nGlide glide wrapper. Perhaps the older dgVoodoo that you are currently using doesn't like your graphics card/drivers for some reason. nGlide can be found at the link below...

Also note that nGlide has very few customizable options, so may be less intimidating at first if you're not experienced with configuring glide wrappers.

#3604499 - 07/10/12 10:05 AM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Hi Flyboy and thank you for your advice.
The problem actually comes from HDMI. I have a pretty wide screen ...(32''), connected to the HDMI cable and whatever I do, LB2 will always start in a ridiculous windows size (640x480).
I plugged another screen (17'' standard) with DVI ... and then finally, LB2 starts without any problem in full screen. Too bad, I would have liked to burst hellfire in HD (we can't have everything!). I will now try to set my joystick (Saitek X52 Pro).

#3604548 - 07/10/12 12:45 PM Re: Longbow 2 Windows Vista/7 Fix available for download! [Re: Flyboy]  
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Hi Manfred_Man, that's good to hear about your widescreen monitor/HDMI setup being the problem. It's not always easy to isolate an issue with a game that is so temperamental on new PC setups. I don't think that I have ever heard of your particular issue before, so it may come in handy in future if users report a similar one.

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