Uh, since we've ventured way off topic anyway, and there's no forum section for the Spit here, I'll continue with custom skins topic.

Tom, have You ever considered tweaking the colours on your natural metal finish Spit DCS template so that the aluminium part doesn't appear so blue? I admit the very first thing which struck me hard when I loaded the skins I was interested in (RAAF and KNIL ones) was how "in-your-face-blue" they look, especially compared to your reworked NM Mustang template, which represents much more natural looking aluminium finish. I've made some comparison screens, but the ones on page 5 are sufficient really. Your NM looks NM only when the camera is rotated so that the sun reflects off the surface and kills the colour, at all other angles the planes look as if they were painted somewhat faided PRU blue, no matter what time and weather conditions are set. On these screenies, the metal looks even more blue than your interpretation of Ocean Grey on camo'ed skins. The problem doesn't seem to be there on the equivalent versions of these skins You did for BoX and P3D.