Tag Archives | Arma3


Road To E3 2015 – ArmA 3

As you’re probably already aware, the Electronic Entertainment Expo, more commonly called E3, will be taking place next week (June 16-18). For the uninitiated, E3 is an annual gaming fair held by the Entertainment Software Association (ESA) and is used by many game developers and publishers as a platform to reveal their upcoming work. Representatives […]

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ArmA 3 DLC – Marksmen Developer Diaries pt. 2

Bohemia Interactive has released the second part of their Developer Diaries which aims to give a bit more background information on their Marksmen DLC for ArmA3. Check out our look at the first diary right here. The newest diary takes a look at the new showcase scenarios, training courses, firing drills, virtual garage, the new End […]

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ArmA 3 DLC – Marksmen Developer Diaries

Yesterday, Bohemia Interactive released the first of a two-part developer diary detailing more information on their upcoming Marksmen DLC for ArmA 3. In this first episode, Jay Crowe (Creative Director), Joris-Jan van ‘t Land (Project Lead), and Petr Kolar (Encoding Lead) explored the DLC’s new weapons and platform features with regard to their development and […]

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ArmA 3 – Marksmen DLC

Bohemia Interactive’s ever popular ArmA series is poised to expand its current incarnation, ArmA 3, with the upcoming Marksmen DLC, hopefully sometime this April. Anyone who has played the games knows that Bohemia puts a lot of care and attention into their projects with constant “free” updates. I say free in quotes because although the […]

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