
O.T.....Ace Combat 6!

Posted By: Pooch

O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/14/07 01:04 AM

All right, all right!!! I know it's a consol game. But if any of you haven't been over to IGN.COM to see those screenshots...well, you just have to take a look.
If they ever come out with a joystick arrangement for the 360, I'd be tempted to save my pennies.
Really looks good.
Posted By: Chappy.

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/17/07 10:44 AM

I heard the Ace Combat series are not so bad, but to me Console Games=Arcade Games!
Posted By: bogusheadbox

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/17/07 01:51 PM

<puts on best Yoda voice>

Pretty screens does not a sim make great.

<lowers eye borws in disspointment>

Beware powers dark of console. True be it path of console is quick and easy. But depth in sim and heavy in features console make not !!!

<looks over at Obe Wan>

troubbles soul has he. Afraid i am for he. tempted by console simplistic.
Posted By: Pooch

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/18/07 02:17 AM

Please help me fight the call of the Dark Side!!!!
Posted By: JoeyJoJo

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/18/07 03:58 AM

um, what bogus said...but normal ;\)
Posted By: Mogster

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/18/07 07:28 PM

The terrain looks similar to FSX, in fact I would believe its the FS engine.


Hardcore sim fans are being short changed in the gfx department there's no doubt about that. Most flight sim developers have no resources to produce new gfx engines so we just end up with more stuff being bodged onto the old ones leading to poor optimisation and therefore performance.

I wonder what the budget is for the Ace Combat series, if only we could get a detailed flightsim dev team with a budget like that.
Posted By: sinner6

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/18/07 11:04 PM

this has a dynamic campaign, and so far the screens have had nary a "space jet" ...
...count me in.
Posted By: CowboyTodd4182

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/19/07 12:22 AM

I was up at Gamestop the other day and they had a price list for upcoming games and Ace6 was listed on there twice, once a $59.99 for "Ace Combat: 6" and the other for $129.99 for "Ace Combat: 6; w/ Flight Stick" so uh, looks like this is getting better and better
Posted By: joey45

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/19/07 01:23 AM

nice screenies.... shame 'bout the console bit. \:\)
Posted By: gonzlor

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/19/07 03:16 AM

I've played an Ace Combat game before, And anybody into flight sims on the PC will find it very disapointing, it's fun for a short period but there's no real decent flight models, It's all arcane style stuff, very easy to control and shoot too, gets old quick, but for a console game it's not too bad.
Posted By: Mogster

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/19/07 11:46 AM

Hmmm Tornies. \:\(

Why can't we have a detailed sim with terrain like this. Notice how the smoke doesn't go staraight up, it looks like its being blown by the wind.

Posted By: PFunk

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/19/07 02:04 PM

I certainly hope that 129.99 version with the joystick isn't one of those apocryphal things you hear about. I looked on the website and there wasn't a version selling bundled with a joystick. I do hope that someone comes up with one, though. The 360 is perfectly capable of handling a sim-quality title.

Those screens look absolutely amazing. If that's in-game, it'll blow away anything done before.

Posted By: swampthng

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/19/07 11:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Mogster
The terrain looks similar to FSX, in fact I would believe its the FS engine.


Hardcore sim fans are being short changed in the gfx department there's no doubt about that. Most flight sim developers have no resources to produce new gfx engines so we just end up with more stuff being bodged onto the old ones leading to poor optimisation and therefore performance.

I wonder what the budget is for the Ace Combat series, if only we could get a detailed flightsim dev team with a budget like that.

Have you ever looked at PC versus console game sales figures?

The number one PC game made 2.9 million in april. The number one console game sold 17.4 million in april. If you total up the 6 consoles just for april your looking at 42 million dollars just for the number one titles. The number 10 xbox 360 game sold the same as the number one pc game.

Now, imagine what a flight sim must make? The only flight sims that regularly stay in the top 10 are the microsoft series. Rarely do any others other than maybe il2 ever even break the top 10. So how do you expect them to use a multimillion dollar state of the art graphics engine with those kinds of figures? Honestly we should be thankful we see ANY pc games at all as with those sales figures i dunno why they bother unless it's a port. PC gaming just ain't worth it for developers or publishers in most cases unless it's a MMORPG or a guaranteed top end title like Half life etc. The figures flat out show pc gaming is a dying breed.

How many sims are even in development right now? Not that many. There's that joke enemy engaged game that appears to be using the exact same game engine as the last one with a minor update of some semi higher res textures and individual, albeit crappy looking, trees. There's BoB, what have we even seen of that lately? That honestly looks the same as IL2 and IL2 wasn't exactly a stunningly beautiful game with it's sparse and undetailed terrain. And then you have console gamers playing a stunningly gorgeous game like this that likely has tons of immersion and gameplay, albeit highly innacurate. When we do get a sim on the PC it's rehashed stuff with not much more than a flight model and some scripted dull missions.

I don't want an arcade sim, but ya know i'm willing to have them sacrifice modelling every damn sysytem in a multi million dollar aircraft for some fun.
Posted By: joey45

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/20/07 01:05 PM

how many console are out there...?

can you patch a console game..?

can you expand a console game [i.e. OFp]..?

sorry but a console is a home arcade machine.
Posted By: Trident

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/20/07 03:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Mogster
Notice how the smoke doesn't go staraight up, it looks like its being blown by the wind.

We had that in Flanker2.X, IIRC. That's one of the slightly annoying things about ED, you can't seem to count on features like this making it into their next sim. I mean, the major features are always there of course, but small and cool details like this one sometimes appear to get lost in the process. Same thing with the ability to engage and take out naval radars with ARMs. Far from a showstopper in a CAS oriented sim like LOMAC, but pretty puzzling all the same.
Posted By: swampthng

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/20/07 05:44 PM

Originally Posted By: joey45
how many console are out there...?

can you patch a console game..?

can you expand a console game [i.e. OFp]..?

sorry but a console is a home arcade machine.

1: there's 10.4 million xbox 360's bringing in 17.4 million for one game in a month.

2: yes, you can.

3: Yes you can.
Posted By: joey45

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/20/07 06:44 PM

2: how
3: how can you mod a console game...unless they releas the tools..

and yes i do own a console before you ask
Posted By: Colt40Five

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/20/07 07:42 PM

2. services like xbox live have allowed for patching, which IMHO kills one of the best thing about console games. they used to ship as finished products, now they use the same mentality as pc devs. release a public beta and then maybe fix some stuff...

3. you can mod a console game by buying the payware addons they deem fit for you. PC will remain the king of player-created mods for the forseeable future.

Sims reported to be in development(I'm sure I've missed a few):

Falcon 5.0 (title unannounced but probably a C hornet sim)
Fighter Ops (detailed survey sim with some lofty goals...)
Jet Thunder (Falklands)
Knights of the Sky (WWI)
LockOn: Black Shark (KA-50 done in excruciating detail)
Posted By: joey45

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/20/07 11:37 PM

payware addons.... you mean you HAVE TO PAY for addons or the TOOLS to make your own... which you would need a pc or buy a mouse and keyboard for your console...
Posted By: Colt40Five

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/21/07 01:57 AM

How can you make a mod on a console with a controller with limited buttons? You can't(or if you can they haven't figured it out yet). But they can sure sell you some extras. What services like Xbox live let the devs do is make more $$$ off you. I can't remember the game title, but there is a racing game for the PS3. In order to have every possible car/track/etc would cost several hundred dollars! Now I'm not opposed to paying for good content, but IMHO player mods can often be better than dev addons, and best of all they are usually free!

Either way I think anyone predicting doom and gloom for PC sims is full of it, at least in the near-term. With no controllers and no possibility of player mods on a console, plus plenty of small dev houses supporting the PC sim genre, I think the future looks bright.
Posted By: JoeyJoJo

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/21/07 01:07 PM

i like how the smoke doesn't dissipate at 100 feet off the ground!
Posted By: Maya7

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/22/07 10:30 PM

I made a topic on this subject a while ago, military PC simming is still rather dead and there's nothing "next gen" for us on the horizon either.
This game has amazing visuals though, just no soul..
Posted By: Mogster

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/24/07 12:01 AM

Originally Posted By: Maya7
I made a topic on this subject a while ago, military PC simming is still rather dead and there's nothing "next gen" for us on the horizon either.
This game has amazing visuals though, just no soul..

I'd say it has soul but lacks accurate systems modelling and physics. Its like the opposite of Lock On and IL2.
Posted By: Mogster

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/24/07 12:05 AM

Originally Posted By: Colt40Five

Sims reported to be in development(I'm sure I've missed a few):

Falcon 5.0 (title unannounced but probably a C hornet sim)
Fighter Ops (detailed survey sim with some lofty goals...)
Jet Thunder (Falklands)
Knights of the Sky (WWI)
LockOn: Black Shark (KA-50 done in excruciating detail)

The only one I'd add is the all new Korean war sim that's using the new Maddox Batttle of Britain engine under licence. Its being produced by the same team that made Pacific Fighters for the Maddox team.
Posted By: Jedi Master

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/24/07 12:27 PM

I hope it actually has the planes from Korea in it. PF is infamous for all the planes it FAILED to cover.

The Jedi Master
Posted By: NavyGuy06

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/27/07 08:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Mogster
Originally Posted By: Maya7
I made a topic on this subject a while ago, military PC simming is still rather dead and there's nothing "next gen" for us on the horizon either.
This game has amazing visuals though, just no soul..

I'd say it has soul but lacks accurate systems modelling and physics. Its like the opposite of Lock On and IL2.

Thats kinda the nice thing about the AC games for me anyways. They dont even claim to be a simulation in any way. Its pure flight action. Kinda a nice diversion if all you want to do is go kill things, rather then spend hours reprograming a jet for every situation it may be in. Dont get me wrong, I love LO/FC, have a great time playing them, Its just nice to have a change every now and again, take a brain break if you will...LOL I have AC04, 5, and zero on PS2 and personaly am looking foward to the release of the next one. Got my 360 all ready, though I was expecting a PS3 exclusive thing, kinda wierd....
Posted By: Keithb77

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/28/07 03:29 PM

Its on my list, for when the new XBOX-360 Elite is available in the UK.
For the same price as a graphics card to replace my current year-old card, that wont run the latest games, which are will all be out on XBOX.
So it will be XBOX in the lounge to relax with AC6, Forza 2, Alan Wake(?), R6 Las Vegas etc and the PC in the study for the sims - Lomac, Il2etc, BoBWoV, FA18, GTL, GTR2, TDU, HalfLife2, BF2
And no p******-about with Vista for DX10 either!

Posted By: NavyGuy06

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 05/30/07 01:23 AM

Kieth, just as an FYI, I have LOMAC, HL2, FA18(I assume the old Janes one is the one your talking about), and IL2 running perfectly on Vista, didnt have to play with them at all. Though I will admit Vista is kinda hit or miss with some stuff, overall I'm happy with it.
Posted By: Maya7

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 06/04/07 03:11 PM

why cant we have a full sim that looks this good!?! The japanese have a real knack for the details, esp when it comes to the visuals..they will put in all those little things most people would neglect but that adds so much to the immersion. I've noticed this in their anime to their games..technically they're very good.
Posted By: FastCargo

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 06/04/07 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Maya7
why cant we have a full sim that looks this good!?! The japanese have a real knack for the details, esp when it comes to the visuals..they will put in all those little things most people would neglect but that adds so much to the immersion. I've noticed this in their anime to their games..technically they're very good.

That's easy to do when you don't have to worry about avionics fidelity, decent tactical AI and proper flight physics.

Realize I'm not putting down Ace Combat per se...they don't pretend to be a sim. Just that if you have a budget of money and time, it's always a tradeoff where you want to put your emphasis. Ace Combat goes for the flash, LOMAC goes for the tactical action, F4AF works on the dynamic campaign, etc.

Posted By: NavyGuy06

Re: O.T.....Ace Combat 6! - 06/06/07 11:15 PM

That is a good point FastCargo, each game has its stong points and its low points, I have and play all three of thouse games, and have fun with all of them, but with they could be combined into one...that would be sweet....LOL
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