
Requesting 3d sights...

Posted By: Vanderstok

Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 04:01 PM

I am used to flying with the 3d cockpit turned on only and with TIR this works great.

However, on the Fokker D-VII and the Albatros D-V there is not a centrally mounted sight. There are iron sights on the machineguns themselves, but it's quite hard to keep your head steady when shifted to the left/right and the sights don't seem to be properly aligned?

I noticed some photos which suggest that these planes did have proper centrally mounted sights.

I love the new Albatros cockpit. How difficult would it be to model and add a centrally mounted sight???

Posted By: killdevil

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 06:27 PM

Some DVs were even fitted with a reflector type sight, but probably just prototypes.
Posted By: harlikwin

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 09:12 PM

Funamentally the setup you have there is what would be required for actual gunnery, a front and rear sight for each gun, including the center sight. Otherwise you'd have incredible parralax aiming errors. Frankly I'm not sure how they could even model the use of the rear sights, and thats probably why they don't. Another concession to playavility vs realism.
Posted By: 2Lt_Joch

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 09:21 PM

Originally posted by harlikwin:
Funamentally the setup you have there is what would be required for actual gunnery, a front and rear sight for each gun, including the center sight. Otherwise you'd have incredible parralax aiming errors. Frankly I'm not sure how they could even model the use of the rear sights, and thats probably why they don't. Another concession to playavility vs realism.
TW took the time to model the SE5 sight, so I'm sure they could have modeled the DVII sight to the same degree. This question should be posted on the TW site so we can get TK's response.
Posted By: Boilerplate*

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 09:56 PM

This question should be posted on the TW site so we can get TK's response.
Be my guest Sherpa. I'll be at the gate taking bets on how long its takes for the lock.

Stuff like this is nonsense...
Posted By: Vanderstok

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 10:23 PM

Please explain why this is nonsense? As it is, I have no tool to aim the sights properly when in the virtual DVII cockpit.
I'm not asking for a telescopic sight, just for 2 metal rings on the engine block as seen in the top picture. Should be very easy to model I thin k.
Posted By: Boilerplate*

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 11:02 PM

Originally posted by Vanderstok:
Please explain why this is nonsense? As it is, I have no tool to aim the sights properly when in the virtual DVII cockpit.
I'm not asking for a telescopic sight, just for 2 metal rings on the engine block as seen in the top picture. Should be very easy to model I thin k.
What's wrong with the default? And which legacy sim are you basing your experiences on?
Posted By: Wolfar

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/15/06 11:10 PM

Originally posted by Preduzece 44:
This question should be posted on the TW site so we can get TK's response.
Be my guest Sherpa. I'll be at the gate taking bets on how long its takes for the lock.

Stuff like this is nonsense...
One mans trash is anouther mans wealth. :rolleyes:
Posted By: Vanderstok

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 10:00 AM

What's wrong with the default?
Isn't that clear when reading my post? I can't aim accurately in the DVII (or Albatros).

And which legacy sim are you basing your experiences on?
I'm not sure what you mean here, but I have mostly flown IL2 this year.
Posted By: ArgonV

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 01:20 PM

Many of the German aircraft had sights fitted in the field by the pilots themselves. Some mounted ring and bead sights, others just mounted a small central aiming post while many just used the existing gun mounted sights. In contrast, many of the British and French aircraft which had telescopic sights mounted from the factory had them removed by many pilots on the field in fear that in a crash their heads would bash up against them.
Posted By: Airdrop01

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 03:34 PM

Originally posted by Preduzece 44:
[QUOTE]What's wrong with the default? And which legacy sim are you basing your experiences on?
Preduzece 44: Why, why, why when someone asks a question like the perfectly innocent and honest one asked by the poster of the thread is there a need to berate him in a smart ass way? Stuff like this just turns people off and hurts the sales because from what I can see, TK games apparently have a small - and I mean very small - segment of zealots in the relatively large, polite, helpful and kind fan base that actively seek to put down and condescend to anyone that has an honest question, as if that person were questioning that the sky is blue, water is wet and fire is hot. Please, consider others.
Posted By: Boilerplate*

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 05:49 PM

Originally posted by Airdrop01:
Originally posted by Preduzece 44:
[QUOTE]What's wrong with the default? And which legacy sim are you basing your experiences on?
Preduzece 44: Why, why, why when someone asks a question like the perfectly innocent and honest one asked by the poster of the thread is there a need to berate him in a smart ass way? Stuff like this just turns people off and hurts the sales because from what I can see, TK games apparently have a small - and I mean very small - segment of zealots in the relatively large, polite, helpful and kind fan base that actively seek to put down and condescend to anyone that has an honest question, as if that person were questioning that the sky is blue, water is wet and fire is hot. Please, consider others.
Did you see the post at the Thridwire forum requesting a starter switch? It was locked. So Sherpa comes with the attitude that "well the SE5 sight was set right, so let's ask TK why the DrVII is not so."

My point is this. Everyone is flocking to the game with preconceived notions. Usually they base it on their favorite legacy sim. Notably IL2, RB3d, and EAW. When it doesn't fit their box, the criticisms begin. As far as I'm concerned, it goes both ways. If you have a concern or criticism, then you'd better be prepared to accept criticism on those points as well. Not everyone is on the same page.
Posted By: Vanderstok

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 06:06 PM

Guys, no need to make a fuss. I only asked this because this sim is open for modding and it seemed cool to be able to add a sight. It's not criticism at TK, merely a suggestion for the talented modelers in this community....
Posted By: Airdrop01

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 06:10 PM

Originally posted by Preduzece 44:
Originally posted by Airdrop01:
Originally posted by Preduzece 44:
[QUOTE]What's wrong with the default? And which legacy sim are you basing your experiences on?
Preduzece 44: Why, why, why when someone asks a question like the perfectly innocent and honest one asked by the poster of the thread is there a need to berate him in a smart ass way? Stuff like this just turns people off and hurts the sales because from what I can see, TK games apparently have a small - and I mean very small - segment of zealots in the relatively large, polite, helpful and kind fan base that actively seek to put down and condescend to anyone that has an honest question, as if that person were questioning that the sky is blue, water is wet and fire is hot. Please, consider others.
Did you see the post at the Thridwire forum requesting a starter switch? It was locked. So Sherpa comes with the attitude that "well the SE5 sight was set right, so let's ask TK why the DrVII is not so."

My point is this. Everyone is flocking to the game with preconceived notions. Usually they base it on their favorite legacy sim. Notably IL2, RB3d, and EAW. When it doesn't fit their box, the criticisms begin. As far as I'm concerned, it goes both ways. If you have a concern or criticism, then you'd better be prepared to accept criticism on those points as well. Not everyone is on the same page.
Hopeless. Where is the criticism in the first post? Point to one single criticism, constructive or otherwise in that post.

You just proved, again, the very point I'm making.
Posted By: Wolfar

Re: Requesting 3d sights... - 12/16/06 07:12 PM

For starters I am the one that posted the start / stop as per the request of many users here.

It never hurts to ask because it was the badgers that pestered TK that got it locked NOT THE QUESTION

Everyone has the right to ask. Try and be polite in your response and you might see things in a differnt light.

At this rate this thread will get locked down pretty soon with responses like
Stuff like this is nonsense... , What's wrong with the default? And which legacy sim are you basing your experiences on?
Rude comes to my mind.
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