
Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal

Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 02:22 PM

The blame is on high winds. High winds common there? Never happen before to other ships. The pilot fell asleep or was driving and texting.


Unstucking it will be like this.

Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 02:25 PM

I recall the ancient Greeks and Romans having this problem all the time with their merchant ships being stuck as well in the Suez Canal.
Posted By: Nixer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 04:37 PM

Originally Posted by PanzerMeyer
I recall the ancient Greeks and Romans having this problem all the time with their merchant ships being stuck as well in the Suez Canal.

Especially their aircraft carriers.
Posted By: LB4LB

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 04:47 PM

I wonder if there are any U.S. military ships being held up by this.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 06:06 PM

Originally Posted by PanzerMeyer
I recall the ancient Greeks and Romans having this problem all the time with their merchant ships being stuck as well in the Suez Canal.

The canal was less wide and less deep and they didn't have sonar.
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 06:08 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy

The canal was different than. Less wide and less deep and they didn't have sonar.
True. There was no sonar but the Romans and Greeks could still use towed underwater arrays made of aluminum to reflect any sound waves that were close to the ship.
Posted By: coasty

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 06:15 PM

We locked through the Soo locks with several other ships. Our 180 foot buoy tender was the little ship.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/24/21 06:28 PM

search aircraft carrier Suez Canal


Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 04:51 PM

It's still stuck and it may take weeks. Remove the containers on it and make it lighter. Or tie ropes to the end of it and connect the other ends to tug boats and pull backward.
Posted By: Nixer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 05:02 PM

So...I guess the Suez Canal has a...

Wedgie! bananadance
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 05:05 PM

It won't be a good day, week or few months for whichever company owns that cargo ship.
Posted By: Chucky

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 05:06 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
It's still stuck and it may take weeks. Remove the containers on it and make it lighter. Or tie ropes to the end of it and connect the other ends to tug boats and pull backward.

I would send them an e-mail stating that just in case they didn't think of it.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 05:13 PM

The way around Africa is expensive and can take 41 days. But how much is the cost of all those ships waiting for weeks in the traffic jam and not delivering their cargo?

Posted By: Crane Hunter

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 07:43 PM

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Herman

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 07:53 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
The way around Africa is expensive and can take 41 days. But how much is the cost of all those ships waiting for weeks in the traffic jam and not delivering their cargo?

I'm certain that all shipping companies have already taken the longer distance and delay into account and made a business decision. They aren't dummies. Those that can re-route economically will already have done so.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 08:00 PM

Originally Posted by Crane Hunter
[Linked Image]

Are my Amazon packages on one of those ships?
Posted By: malibu43

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 08:27 PM

Originally Posted by Chucky
Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
It's still stuck and it may take weeks. Remove the containers on it and make it lighter. Or tie ropes to the end of it and connect the other ends to tug boats and pull backward.

I would send them an e-mail stating that just in case they didn't think of it.

Posted By: FlyingToaster

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 09:23 PM

Originally Posted by Herman
Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
The way around Africa is expensive and can take 41 days. But how much is the cost of all those ships waiting for weeks in the traffic jam and not delivering their cargo?

I'm certain that all shipping companies have already taken the longer distance and delay into account and made a business decision. They aren't dummies. Those that can re-route economically will already have done so.

It's really a gamble for them.
How long will the ship be stuck? is the massive big question that nobody has a good answer to.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 10:27 PM

Originally Posted by Chucky
Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
It's still stuck and it may take weeks. Remove the containers on it and make it lighter. Or tie ropes to the end of it and connect the other ends to tug boats and pull backward.

I would send them an e-mail stating that just in case they didn't think of it.

Excellent! You a good man to help them.
Posted By: malibu43

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/25/21 11:08 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
Originally Posted by Chucky
Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
It's still stuck and it may take weeks. Remove the containers on it and make it lighter. Or tie ropes to the end of it and connect the other ends to tug boats and pull backward.

I would send them an e-mail stating that just in case they didn't think of it.

Excellent! You a good man to help them.

popcorn popcorn
Posted By: Nixer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 12:58 AM

Originally Posted by malibu43
Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
Originally Posted by Chucky
Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
It's still stuck and it may take weeks. Remove the containers on it and make it lighter. Or tie ropes to the end of it and connect the other ends to tug boats and pull backward.

I would send them an e-mail stating that just in case they didn't think of it.

Excellent! You a good man to help them.

popcorn popcorn


You might consider sending them some of that popcorn. Oh and ...

[Linked Image]

By golly, imagine that stuck sideways!

Attached picture manatee.jpg
Posted By: JimK

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 02:33 AM

Easiest way to get it unstuck. Land based winch lines on opposite sides of the canal. No tug or dozens of them have the juice to move it. Unloading it. Take to long.
Posted By: Tarnsman

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 03:01 AM

ALL OF IT!!!!!!

Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 01:56 PM

One minute.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: LB4LB

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 08:43 PM

Can you imagine how many shipments of illegal arms and drugs are going to be late because of this? There are going to be some pissed off traffickers..
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 09:42 PM

My Waygu beef will be rotted weeks on those ships.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/26/21 11:43 PM


Posted By: Nixer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/27/21 12:21 AM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
My Waygu beef will be rotted weeks on those ships.

Geography can be very helpful, ya might wanna brush up on it.

But, maybe the Indian scammers are branching out...sacred cow Waygu!
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/27/21 02:51 PM

Is your child texting about the Suez Canal boat?

BRB - Bow Really Bulbous
LOL - Lack Of Leeway
CBA - Canal Blocked, #%&*$#
LMFAO - Lol, Mother #%&*$# Aground, Oh!
BYOB - Boat Yeeted On Bank
WTF - What The Frigate
BTW - Boat Totally Wasted

[Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image] [Linked Image]

Originally Posted by Tarnsman
ALL OF IT!!!!!!

[Linked Image]
Posted By: BD-123

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/28/21 10:04 PM

Thanks to Chucky's heads up, our British Forces have engineered a solution.

[Linked Image]
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/28/21 10:24 PM

That looks like a plan to me! Let's DO IT!
Posted By: Zamzow

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 12:33 AM

I read this is costing the world economy $400 million an hour.

Maybe it should just be blown to pieces...
Posted By: Crane Hunter

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 12:50 AM

The needed fix:

[Linked Image]
Posted By: Sokol1

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 01:26 AM

Fate is sometimes ironic.

In 2020, sea freight increased 150% due to the pandemic crisis... then in 2021 a ship blocks the Suez Canal for weeks.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 01:38 AM

Buy the toilet paper and coffee while you can

Posted By: Nixer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 03:39 AM

Man...what the heck am I gonna do without my Bangladesh toilet paper?

Or my Indian coffee?

USA Today experts went to the same schools as you methinks... you know, the ones where geography is "flexible". skyisfalling
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 05:17 AM

Don't count all your chickens https://www.wsj.com/articles/ship-blocking-suez-canal-is-partially-freed-11616989503
Posted By: BD-123

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 09:13 AM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy

They've got chickens on board too? Perhaps if the crew could get them all to flutter in the air at the same time it would lighten the boat enough to be finally freed.
Then perhaps I will get the thingummy I ordered, but don't really need.
Posted By: rwatson

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 11:33 AM

Interesting post https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/steering-worlds-biggest-ships-suez-canal-cmd/index.html
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 02:12 PM

Fantastic! I don't have to make a toilet paper run! https://www.cnbc.com/2021/03/29/sue...er-cargo-ship-ever-given-is-removed.html

There are ships North of it waiting to go South and ships South of it waiting to go North.

Is the canal wide enough for two way traffic? It's not how they do it? Send a ship that's North of it to go South and once it exit, send the next ship in line South of it to go North? Only one ship can be in the canal at a time?
Posted By: wormfood

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 02:24 PM

Originally Posted by Crane Hunter
The needed fix:

[Linked Image]

Looks like them Duke boys are at it again!
Posted By: rwatson

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/29/21 03:46 PM

Some good news

Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/30/21 05:09 PM

We too can get that cargo container ship stuck


Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/30/21 05:13 PM

Seems like that public library curator has a lot of time on his hands.....
Posted By: Crane Hunter

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/30/21 07:04 PM

Originally Posted by PanzerMeyer

Seems like that public library curator has a lot of time on his hands.....

Says the guy with over 113,000 posts. wink
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/30/21 07:09 PM

Originally Posted by Crane Hunter

Seems like that public library curator has a lot of time on his hands.....

Says the guy with over 113,000 posts. wink

Making posts is a lot easier and less time consuming than programming an app! And besides, my posts are spread out over 20 years. wink
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 01:04 PM

The ship is owned by a Japanese company, operated by a Taiwanese company, with a crew of 25 Indians.


Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 04:27 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
The ship is owned by a Japanese company, operated by a Taiwanese company, with a crew of 25 Indians.

Globalization FTW!
Posted By: KraziKanuK

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 04:55 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
The ship is owned by a Japanese company, operated by a Taiwanese company, with a crew of 25 Indians.



You forgot, registered in Panama.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 07:40 PM

Why many ships register in Panama? I see that on passengers cruise ships too. Something special about Panama?
Posted By: wormfood

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 07:55 PM

Originally Posted by NoFlyBoy
Why many ships register in Panama? I see that on passengers cruise ships too. Something special about Panama?

Cheaper registration fees, lower taxes, and usually lower regulations than other countries.
Posted By: Nixer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 08:44 PM

Also, "easy" inspections.
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 09:19 PM

Let's move to Panama and we don't have to pay taxes!
Posted By: oldgrognard

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 09:34 PM

Where did you get that ?
Posted By: wormfood

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/31/21 10:46 PM

https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-28558480 and https://www.panama-offshore-services.com/benefits_and_advantages_of_ship_registry_in_panama/
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 04/01/21 10:34 AM

Originally Posted by oldgrognard
Where did you get that ?

Don't bother OG. It's like pissing into the wind.
Posted By: Herman

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 04/01/21 04:26 PM

Learn something new every day. thumbsup
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 04/01/21 04:29 PM

So in a nutshell, shipping companies and cruise lines register their ships in countries where it simply costs less to do so. Imagine that!
Posted By: NoFlyBoy

Re: Massive cargo ship becomes wedged, blocks Egypt’s Suez Canal - 03/16/22 06:44 AM

More training and experience before someone is put behind the wheel of one of these ships at this Evergreen ship company?

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