
Movies about the War of 1812

Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 12:31 PM

I realize that this is a pretty esoteric film category but I have been wanting to watch a movie that is centered on the War of 1812 and I've been doing some research.

Apparently there is a film called "The Buccaneer" from 1958 starring Charlton Heston. Here is a video clip depicting the Battle of New Orleans and while it is wonderfully shot, I got a chuckle from the goof made with Charlton Heston who is portraying Andrew Jackson. Jackson looks the way he did when he was President, not when he was much younger during the War of 1812. smile

Posted By: F4UDash4

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 02:10 PM

Back in 2012 I thought maybe there would be some good movies or documentaries made about the war on it's 200th anniversary but I don't recall there ever being any.
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 02:25 PM

Originally Posted by F4UDash4
Back in 2012 I thought maybe there would be some good movies or documentaries made about the war on it's 200th anniversary but I don't recall there ever being any.

Movies definitely not since no studio would take the financial risk but I am surprised about no new documentaries. To be honest, the War of 1812 is largely a forgotten war and is only really remembered in Canada.
Posted By: No105_Archie

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 03:04 PM

To be honest, the War of 1812 is largely a forgotten war and is only really remembered in Canada.

That's because , in the Canadian version we won smile My American cousins view the war of 1812 as a war between the US and Britain. Most Canadians view it as an invasion of Canada by the Americans ,in which the Canadians repelled the invaders. In the States , the battle of New Orleans seems to be most famous. If it wasn't for the Johnny Horton song of the 1960s ,most of of would have never heard of it. To us Queenston Heights is the most famous battle.
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 03:17 PM

Originally Posted by No105_Archie
[quote] My American cousins view the war of 1812 as a war between the US and Britain.

Well technically it was! smile Canada did not become a self-governing dominion until several decades after the war.
Posted By: No105_Archie

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 05:14 PM

Agreed that it was "technically" a US / England war...........but to those living in the colonies of Upper and Lower Canada , many of whom had fled new United States to escape the revolution, it was an invasion.

The only involvement that Nfld (a colony at the time ) had was fighting off Yankee privateers, and in some isolated coves, making a bit of profit by selling them supplies smile
Posted By: Raw Kryptonite

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 06:02 PM

I was thinking Last of the Mohicans was set in the time, but it was the French and Indian War.
Posted By: David Kennard

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 06:16 PM

Posted By: bones

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 07:00 PM

There was also "Taboo" starring Tom Hardy and Ooma Chapman that takes place during the War of 1812 in England but also in the US.

Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 07:02 PM

Thanks for that info bones! I will definitely check out "Taboo".
Posted By: Raw Kryptonite

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 07:13 PM

Is it getting a 2nd season? It was interesting but I don't think we ever finished the first season for some reason.
Posted By: bones

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/20/18 09:01 PM

I've heard rumor that it is, but I don't know.

Posted By: Clipper79

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/23/18 08:38 PM

We Invaded but when we got there it was much too cold, and we said the hell with this turned around went back to the USA.
Studies from that time found out that the yanks didn't pack enough Red Sox for the winter, but that's another story.

BTW: Do you 105 guys still have a squadron night? I miss those JG3 vs. 105 Battles.
Posted By: KraziKanuK

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/23/18 09:16 PM

Couple of books,


[Linked Image]


[Linked Image] ]

By a Canadian so might be biased. wink
Posted By: Dart

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 12:25 AM

I heard that this movie genre is dying.
Posted By: No105_Archie

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 01:06 AM

KraziK...I have those books........ not biased at all wink

Blade: 105 stood down years ago...but I still keep in touch with some of the guys
Posted By: Coot

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 07:57 AM

Its been awhile but wasn't Master and Commander around then?
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 02:31 PM

Originally Posted by Coot
Its been awhile but wasn't Master and Commander around then?

Not quite. M&C took place in 1805 so it was several years before the conflict in North America.
Posted By: EAF331 MadDog

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 05:55 PM

Originally Posted by Raw Kryptonite
Is it getting a 2nd season? It was interesting but I don't think we ever finished the first season for some reason.

It has been confirmed by the BBC that season 2 is happening.
Posted By: Forward Observer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 06:46 PM

Originally Posted by PanzerMeyer
Originally Posted by Coot
Its been awhile but wasn't Master and Commander around then?

Not quite. M&C took place in 1805 so it was several years before the conflict in North America.

The title of the movie is sort of misleading. "Master and Commander" was the first book and sort of became the general name for the whole series So the movie had the title of "Master and Commander---Far side of the World". This latter book was like the 10th in the series and it did take place toward the end of the Napoleonic wars and the war of 1812--hence the villainous enemy frigate threatening English whalers was American and not French.

However, knowing that wouldn't go over to well with American audiences, Hollywood converted the plot to be set only in the earlier Napoleonic war period. Since the books are historical fiction anyway, nobody made a big deal of it. I've only read the first one and part of "Far side" book. . I found them difficult reads due to the constant extensive use (every other line basically) of historically authentic "age of sail" naval terms---I constantly got the Mizzen stay sail mixed up with the middle staysail or is that the mizzen topmast staysail--no wait, it's the mizzen topgallant staysail or is that a spanker. Maybe I just need to be spanked. biggrin


P.S. It's still one of my favorite historically authentic movies of all time. It's a shame that modern audiences don't appreciate the work and attention to detail that went into the making of that movie---most today seem only to want to see super heroes and giant robot/creatures destroy cities fighting each other.

Posted By: Dunolde

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 07:00 PM


Where is the link that you originally posted for this thread? I can no longer find it; please post again.

Posted By: Cajun

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 07:19 PM

When I read this post, I knew it sounded familiar. For us down in the bayou, The Buccaneer movie is about pirate Jean Lafitte.

Charlton Heston played a supporting role as Andrew Jackson.

The star is Yul Brynner.

This movie could be called sort of a sequel to The President's Lady only because Charlton Heston played Andrew Jackson in this movie as well.
Posted By: Forward Observer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/24/18 10:02 PM

Originally Posted by Cajun
When I read this post, I knew it sounded familiar. For us down in the bayou, The Buccaneer movie is about pirate Jean Lafitte.

Charlton Heston played a supporting role as Andrew Jackson.

The star is Yul Brynner.

This movie could be called sort of a sequel to The President's Lady only because Charlton Heston played Andrew Jackson in this movie as well.

You are very correct

There are actually two versions of this movie made 20 years apart. They were both based on a novel titled: "Lafitte the pirate" I saw the 1958 version in the theater when it came out. I would have been 12 or 13 at the time. I have seen both it and the earlier version on TV several times. I believe Turner Classic Movies has the rights to both. Cecil B. Demille co-produced the 1958 version, which was directed by Anthony Quinn. Demille both produced and directed the 1938 black and white version with Quinn having a supporting role as one of Lafitte's captains. Frederick March played Lafitte in the first version.

Since both movies have almost the same screenplay they have a ton of historical inaccuracies, but are mildly entertaining. The first version has a short scene about the burning of Washington and the White house by the British (in retribution of the US burning York when they invaded Canada) That turned out to be the only clip of the first movie I could find. It's kind of interesting in that it retells the story of Dolly Madison supposedly saving both the portrait of George Washington and a copy of the Declaration of Independence.

Here's a trailer for the 2nd movie with Demille himself promoting the flick at the TCM site. Something you just don't see now a days.



Posted By: No105_Archie

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/25/18 02:09 AM

The first version has a short scene about the burning of Washington and the White house by the British Canadians

watch yer mouth oe\r we'll come down there and do it again wink biggrin
Posted By: Forward Observer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/25/18 06:34 AM

Originally Posted by No105_Archie
The first version has a short scene about the burning of Washington and the White house by the British Canadians

watch yer mouth oe\r we'll come down there and do it again wink biggrin

Not if we get our gold medal winning women's hockey team there first. neaner
Posted By: Nixer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/25/18 12:31 PM

That's tellin em FO! biggrin
Posted By: No105_Archie

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/25/18 12:32 PM

or your men's curling team........sad folks up here in the Great White North frown
Posted By: KraziKanuK

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/25/18 01:45 PM

Originally Posted by No105_Archie
or your men's curling team........sad folks up here in the Great White North frown

The American men curling team was given gold medals saying WOMAN on them. eek
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Movies about the War of 1812 - 02/25/18 02:01 PM

Might as well throw in the German men’s hockey team as well.

Oh snap! wink
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