
Team Norway Olympic uniforms

Posted By: LukeFF

Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/29/14 11:58 PM

Hmm, looks like something straight out of the 70s biggrin

(Original caption: Members of Norway's Men's Olympic Curling Team in their new Sochi 2014 suits, from Foster City''s Loudmouth Golf.)
Posted By: Peally

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 12:21 AM

My eyes, they burn biggrin

Which may be a benefit in competitive sports, since the other team is blind.
Posted By: oldgrognard

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 12:23 AM

Eric the Red would be so proud.
Posted By: Wklink

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 12:28 AM

Please tell me that's a joke.

I heard Herb Tarlek has put an order in for five of those suits.
Posted By: Ajay

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 03:38 AM

Looks like a sheet set i had as a kid.
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 04:32 AM

All they need are the old fashioned straw hats and they can be a barbershop quartet.
Posted By: Vertigo1

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 05:28 AM

They forgot the white facepaint and red noses.
Posted By: Ajay

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 05:39 AM

dazzle camouflage.
Posted By: Dervish

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 05:51 AM

Matches that joke of a sport.
Posted By: HogDriver

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 06:44 AM

They're really pushing the gay pride thing at Sochi aren't they? biggrin
Posted By: EAF331 MadDog

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 08:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Wklink
Please tell me that's a joke.

I heard Herb Tarlek has put an order in for five of those suits.

It's not a joke. It's become somewhat of a gimick for the curling team, after the 'clown pants' in Vancouver. But it's not the official norwegian uniform, no smile

Even so, it's still ten times better than that horror the US call their olympic uniform.
Posted By: kaa

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 08:36 AM

Why not ? It reminds us that sport should not be taken seriously and money should not be the main engine behind the so called O.lympic spirit..
Posted By: WangoTango

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 09:36 AM

Why ? nope
Posted By: LukeFF

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 10:01 AM

Originally Posted By: EAF331 MadDog
Even so, it's still ten times better than that horror the US call their olympic uniform.

I agree, it looks awful. That's Zach Parise of the men's hockey team, looking like he's wearing either a bad Christmas sweater or a quilt belong to your overly-patriotic grandma. eek

Posted By: ColJamesD

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 10:08 AM

I don't think those 4 have to worry about a Terrorist Attack.
Posted By: Para_Bellum

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 10:22 AM

Well, you ain't seen the German team's uniform yet...


A weird mix of rainbow colours and some kind of Flecktarn camouflage trousers.
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 11:35 AM

Yeah that's pretty bad indeed Para.
Posted By: KraziKanuK

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 02:13 PM

At least the American uniforms aren't made in China, like the last ones?
Posted By: KraziKanuK

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 02:18 PM

Yup Para, look like a gay parade.

Posted By: Jayhawk

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 05:02 PM

Originally Posted By: KraziKanuK
Yup Para, look like a gay parade.

I assume that's the whole point behind all these "gaudy" outfits.

Since displaying "rainbow" colors is now outlawed in Russia.


Posted By: Kontakt5

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 05:29 PM

Taste and Olympics are like oil and water.

Remember back in the 90s whenever the US hockey team scored a goal: "Whoomp, There it Is! Whoomp, There it is! Whoomp, There it is!"

Posted By: LukeFF

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 08:20 PM

Gotta say, though, that Canada got it right:


(Drew Doughty of the L.A. Kings)
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 08:39 PM

Yes, whoever team Canada hired as their clothing designer knew what they were doing!
Posted By: kaa

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/30/14 08:43 PM

Yep, the little duffle-coat (?) is absolutely neat.
Posted By: LukeFF

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/31/14 04:54 AM

Originally Posted By: kaa
Yep, the little duffle-coat (?) is absolutely neat.

Agreed, it looks very good. Stylish without looking gaudy.

And, getting back to awful-looking uniforms, it looks like the U.S. Snowboarding Team robbed a couple of homeless guys for their jackets:

Really, that's the best our clothing designers can do? Yeesh.
Posted By: LukeFF

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/31/14 05:01 AM

Someone explain to me what Sweden was thinking with this:

Posted By: KeyCat

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/31/14 12:30 PM

Originally Posted By: LukeFF
Someone explain to me what Sweden was thinking with this:

I guess no one was thinking, they just grabbed what was left in the wardrobe! Ugliest dress I've seen but I guess I'm just getting old and out of what they call "fashion" - LOL

Posted By: ColJamesD

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 01/31/14 12:37 PM

Couple of the women on the German team are uber wunder bar!!
Posted By: wheelsup_cavu

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/01/14 05:51 AM

Originally Posted By: ColJamesD
Couple of the women on the German team are uber wunder bar!!

The gal from Canada is none too shabby.

Posted By: Vertigo1

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/01/14 06:39 AM

Originally Posted By: LukeFF
Someone explain to me what Sweden was thinking with this:


I would have assumed he's from Finland from a quick glance.
Posted By: - Ice

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/01/14 10:43 AM

Who cares what their uniform looks like? Some of these girls are HAWT!!
Posted By: PV1

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/01/14 10:50 AM

I like to imagine the one one the left put her foot down
and said no way I'm wearing that - or maybe accidently on
purpose lost it in the goodwill donations bag...
Posted By: ColJamesD

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/02/14 08:24 PM

Anymore photos of gawdy Sochi uniforms?
Posted By: trindade

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/02/14 08:30 PM

Originally Posted By: - Ice

Who cares what their uniform looks like? Some of these girls are HAWT!!

Posted By: PFunk

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/02/14 08:51 PM

The real Olympic sport this time around is Worst National Uniform.
Posted By: komemiute

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/02/14 08:55 PM

Originally Posted By: - Ice

Who cares what their uniform looks like? Some of these girls are HAWT!!

Posted By: Vertigo1

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/03/14 04:42 AM

Which national team is that last photo from?
Posted By: - Ice

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/03/14 10:12 AM

Originally Posted By: komemiute

Well, not sure what to make of the brown-haired girl with the bangs in the middle, plus the last two on the right I would say are average, and the second on the left is obscured --- so "some."

Girl 3rd from left looks like a relative of that girl in Game of Thrones... the one with the gay brother.
Posted By: LukeFF

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/03/14 10:46 AM

Originally Posted By: Vertigo1
Which national team is that last photo from?

Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/03/14 11:21 AM

Any photos of the Haitian national team?
Posted By: ColJamesD

Re: Team Norway Olympic uniforms - 02/03/14 01:22 PM

The 2 blondes after the obscured girl are doable. So is the blonde in the front from the right.
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