
Who says men don't cry?

Posted By: Desert Eagle

Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 07:43 PM

Here are some pictures of Grooms seeing their Brides for the first time during their wedding:


Posted By: oldgrognard

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 07:45 PM

Bunch of pansies.
Posted By: Raw Kryptonite

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 07:59 PM

They're each saying one of two things:
What have I done?
Can't wait to hit that ASAP.
Posted By: RedToo

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 08:07 PM

Originally Posted By: oldgrognard
Bunch of pansies.

Well said that man.

Posted By: Cold_Flying

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 08:49 PM

Originally Posted By: oldgrognard
Bunch of pansies.

Posted By: Murphy

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 08:55 PM

I wonder what their future wives thought when they realized what they were getting into....tears and all.

'This guy is gonna take care of me??'....lol.
Posted By: Timothy

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 09:04 PM

Crying by seeing your wife? Really? I mean, crying at the loss of a family member, understandable. Crying at your wedding (and you're a man). OG said it best.
Posted By: - Ice

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 09:30 PM

They're crying coz they know they're doomed!! DOOOOOOooooMMMMED!!!


Also, they're now infected with the disease "one-gina"!!
Posted By: JAMF

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/26/13 10:03 PM

Originally Posted By: - Ice

Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/27/13 02:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Raw Kryptonite

Can't wait to hit that ASAP.
Like they haven't hit it already many times before! Lol!
Posted By: Husar

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/27/13 09:17 AM

Well, maybe they actually love and get along with their wives unlike some of the ice cubes posting here about how wives are scary. neaner
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/27/13 12:57 PM

This is what it sounds like when the men cry.
Posted By: UnderTheRadar

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/27/13 01:21 PM

I don't get it.

I was so sad at my friends fathers funeral that I literally could not compose myself, I had to leave but, I have never been so happy that it made me cry.

Posted By: Cali

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 01:29 AM

Manly tears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YZPC0j-f2tU

here is another good one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dd7FixvoKBw

also type in Coach Hines.
Posted By: LugnutUSA

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 01:47 AM

Different people react to emotions in different ways. This is largely due to the fact that not all humans are exactly the same.

I know, this is earth-shattering news.
Posted By: Cold_Flying

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 02:24 AM

Originally Posted By: UnderTheRadar
I don't get it.

I was so sad at my friends fathers funeral that I literally could not compose myself, I had to leave but, I have never been so happy that it made me cry.


I hear ya.

My 19 year-old nephew - my closest brother's son - suffered a cardiac arrest a few weeks ago, and was in an induced comma, and his body was being chilled to keep down any physical stress. He was in ICU and had more freaking tubes and IVs in him than I have ever seen. They didn't know if he would live or not, or if he would suffer brain damage if he did wake up. I thought when I saw him I would be John wayne at the Alamo. Riiiiight. After about ten-minutes sitting next to him, looking at him, touching his hair, I lost it completely.

And just so you know, he's fine now. He was out of the comma two or three days later and now he's home with an iProd (mini-defibrilator) under his skin.
Posted By: Legend

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 04:48 AM

Originally Posted By: UnderTheRadar
I don't get it.

I was so sad at my friends fathers funeral that I literally could not compose myself, I had to leave but, I have never been so happy that it made me cry.


Already hinted at it in the good news thread, but when my wife turned out to be pregnant (we've been trying for well over five years; got married a year and a half ago and I thank you not to do that math wink ) and we had the first echo... suddenly the operator turned on the sound. The heartbeat of this little creature was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.
I didn't cry but was very close to it.
Posted By: hansundfranz

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 10:21 PM

Not sure about men but
Boys donīt cry

Posted By: UnderTheRadar

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 10:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Legend

Already hinted at it in the good news thread, but when my wife turned out to be pregnant (we've been trying for well over five years; got married a year and a half ago and I thank you not to do that math wink ) and we had the first echo... suddenly the operator turned on the sound. The heartbeat of this little creature was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard.
I didn't cry but was very close to it.

I love my kids. I would take a bullet for any of them, no doubt. Maybe because the last two were unplanned but, I ... feel really weird admitting this but... the news of their arrival was not as joyous as I was led to believe it would be by the greeting card industry. I ... again hate to admit this... but, honestly, nothing has brought me more pure, unadulterated joy than buying sports cars... I am at a loss to explain it but, I swear it is true.

The biggest highs in my life so far have been new relationships, getting a new job and buying a new sports car.

Getting married
Buying a house
Finding out I will be a parent... did not live up to the hype.

I love being a husband, parent and homeowner but, those moments when they initially happen... the advertising agencies are lying to you... they are not as magical as they are sold to be. At least in my experience.
Posted By: knightgames

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 11:44 PM

Ray Lewis cried like a little girl last Sunday night.
Posted By: knightgames

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/28/13 11:47 PM

Originally Posted By: PanzerMeyer
This is what it sounds like when the men cry.

PM, the artist formerly known as Prince?
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/29/13 04:18 AM

Originally Posted By: knightgames
Originally Posted By: PanzerMeyer
This is what it sounds like when the men cry.

PM, the artist formerly known as Prince?
LOL! I'm glad someone got my reference. biggrin
Posted By: Snap

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/29/13 08:23 AM

It's funny to look at all the big, strong men with their egos seemingly intact in this thread.
Posted By: PanzerMeyer

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/29/13 12:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Snapdad2112
It's funny to look at all the big, strong men with their egos seemingly intact in this thread.
I'll be the first to admit that I have cried on other occasions but never during my wedding day.
Posted By: Top Gun

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/29/13 01:27 PM

I didn't cry but my eyes watered when my ex-wife walked out in her gown, she was beautiful and still is.
I cried at both my children's births, like a baby!

And I even stand up when I pee, enough with the machoism.... neaner
Posted By: Timothy

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/29/13 02:32 PM

When a woman reads a love letter vs. a man.

Posted By: Para_Bellum

Re: Who says men don't cry? - 01/29/13 03:02 PM

Originally Posted By: Timothy
When a woman reads a love letter vs. a man.

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