
An Unreserved apology

Posted By: UK_Widowmaker

An Unreserved apology - 04/27/14 09:47 PM

A while back, I posted that I was disappointed somewhat, in the difficulty of flying the Snipe.
This obviously attracted some people to accuse me of being 'ungrateful' after I had hassled the Devs to include it in WOFF.

When I bought WOFF..it was a difficult time for me, and I didn't really have much time to do anything except install it, and fly it straight 'out of the Box'... I hadn't realised, that I was running on full realism.

I'm not a very good pilot if I'm honest, and the whole experience (along with a lot of juddering in flight)didn't warm me to the whole experience.

So, this weekend I sat down..went through all the settings (hence realised my mistake) and read up on all the tweaks for the Graphics card etc etc...and am now running it like I wanted it to run.

Long and short...I'm now really enjoying The Snipe.

My friends from Combatace (and I hope the Devs) will know, that I've been on board this simulator since Phase 1.... I'm never ungrateful for anything they do..and have given my 100% support all the way through. To those who don't know me, and those who do know me, but had a pop anyway...I'm sorry I came across as an arse... It was my fault for not setting it up correctly.

Anyhow, just wanted to get that off my chest.... back into the Ready room now
Posted By: Robert_Wiggins

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/27/14 10:30 PM

Originally Posted By: UK_Widowmaker
A while back, I posted that I was disappointed somewhat, in the difficulty of flying the Snipe.
This obviously attracted some people to accuse me of being 'ungrateful' after I had hassled the Devs to include it in WOFF.

When I bought WOFF..it was a difficult time for me, and I didn't really have much time to do anything except install it, and fly it straight 'out of the Box'... I hadn't realised, that I was running on full realism.

I'm not a very good pilot if I'm honest, and the whole experience (along with a lot of juddering in flight)didn't warm me to the whole experience.

So, this weekend I sat down..went through all the settings (hence realised my mistake) and read up on all the tweaks for the Graphics card etc etc...and am now running it like I wanted it to run.

Long and short...I'm now really enjoying The Snipe.

My friends from Combatace (and I hope the Devs) will know, that I've been on board this simulator since Phase 1.... I'm never ungrateful for anything they do..and have given my 100% support all the way through. To those who don't know me, and those who do know me, but had a pop anyway...I'm sorry I came across as an arse... It was my fault for not setting it up correctly.

Anyhow, just wanted to get that off my chest.... back into the Ready room now

So...your not perfect!... None of us are!...posts like this just confirm my faith in all of us!

You are a good man Charlie Brown!!
Posted By: Olham

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/27/14 10:48 PM

Well, I have caught myself ranting terrible rants about this my fav sim, Widow.
Just because I was and am so determined to love it so much, I am getting angry
about everything that goes wrong for me, or doesn't seem right.
I guess it's like a Spanish marriage - they love each other so much, they could
kill each other at times!

Well, now you have appoligised - and words are all very fine, but - how about
a free round of Old Speckled Hen for all?
Posted By: Hellshade

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/27/14 11:26 PM

I'm sorry for your difficult times and I hope they are past now or soon will be. Everyone goes off on a rant now and then. It takes a gentlemen to admit when he's wrong though, and a gentlemen you are.

Well...at least until you start shooting defenseless cows. biggrin
Posted By: RAF_Louvert

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/27/14 11:34 PM


I'm betting the cows had it coming. You know how they can be, all boviney and such. "Ooooo, look at me, I have four stomachs, I give milk, I'm great a barbecues." It's so annoying.

Posted By: Leaf85

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 03:29 AM

I've always enjoyed your banter UKW, over at CA and here, and have a lot of respect for what you stand for outside the sim. I think of you as a capital chap. That you had issues with the Snipe in WOFF doesn't change that for me, m8. Glad you managed to get some time to sort the sim out. smile

Kind regards,


(Baldric on CA)
Posted By: UK_Widowmaker

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 08:16 AM

Thank you everyone for your kind words..I appreciate it
Posted By: Polovski

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 09:39 AM

I appreciate you coming back and saying that, most wouldn't UK_W.
Posted By: UK_Widowmaker

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 04:45 PM

Thanks Pol
Posted By: RAF_Louvert

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 04:56 PM



Posted By: UK_Widowmaker

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 07:11 PM

You're next Lou!!! ar15
Posted By: RAF_Louvert

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 07:23 PM


Wha? What did I moo ... er ... do?

Posted By: Olham

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/28/14 08:19 PM

The effect of too much fresh milk, I'd say - tragic, Moo - aerh, Lou! screwy
Posted By: Robert_Wiggins

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 01:51 AM


You guys kill me!
Posted By: RamblingSid

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 02:02 AM


forget it.

You are passionate abt your "hobby" (for want of a better word).
That is a very good thing.

Re the Snipe, it's not bad, you know.
Climbs much better than the Camel;
Much better above 10000 than the Camel;
More stable gun platform than the Camel.
More suited to B&Z than turning fights though,
definitely not a "super-camel".
And the speed is a bit disappointing given the
extra 100hp over a Clerget Camel.

All the best
Posted By: Leaf85

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 02:53 AM

Originally Posted By: Robert_Wiggins

You guys kill me!

I think they're milking it now.
Posted By: 77_Scout

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 02:57 AM

This thread is getting udderly ridiculous.
Posted By: Nefaro

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 04:17 AM

She can't take anyMOOre Cap'n!
Posted By: UK_Widowmaker

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 11:44 AM

Come on guys...pull the Udder one!
Posted By: Robert_Wiggins

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 12:09 PM

Well now this thread is getting UDDERly rediculous! It's time to Moooove on to more important things! biggrin
Posted By: RAF_Louvert

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 12:27 PM


I think it’s all bullocks and regret following the herd in this. To steer others from the trail was not my intent and for being such a maverick I wouldn’t blame any of you if you were to put me out to pasture. I ox your forgiveness for my part in this foolishness. Please consider this my formal kowtow.

Posted By: Mr_Dirt

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 12:47 PM

Lou you are not right, but where would the world be without you. Thanks for the laughs Gentleman and Widow we have always known you as a fine upstanding fellow. I have read your posts since day one and I knew you would resolve your issues with the Snipe. Something that we Love so much are the things that frustrate us the most. Carry on Gentlemen and Happy Hunting.
Posted By: Gordohk

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 06:17 PM

Lou, it is best to stamp out mootiny whenever it rears it ugly head!!!
Posted By: bisher

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 06:23 PM

Cows are ungulates

Darn it, that's not funny is it? I have nothing else
Posted By: Leaf85

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 07:45 PM

Originally Posted By: bisher
Cows are ungulates

Darn it, that's not funny is it? I have nothing else

Well, you could say NAPOE flying over rolling fields and fences is flying over undulations, I suppose flying NAPOE over vast herds of cows could be considered flying over ungulations...

Ugh...I'll get my cardi
Posted By: RAF_Louvert

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 09:08 PM


This has turned unguly.

Posted By: Nefaro

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 09:37 PM

You guys are pinching my teet.
Posted By: Leaf85

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/29/14 10:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Nefaro
You guys are pinching my teet.

Nice moobs
Posted By: bisher

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/30/14 03:18 AM

LOL biggrin
Posted By: Nefaro

Re: An Unreserved apology - 04/30/14 08:06 AM

Got Moobs?

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