
SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15

Posted By: FlashBurn

SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/15/12 07:48 PM

http August Sabow open beta patch

Theres a few issues but over all its pretty golden IMO.

Links bottom of that page...........

As per usual with Graviteam patches it comes in 2 parts. Apply 5.81 first. After that the game updater should pop up. Find where you put the rest of patch. NOTE! You may need to hit show all files to find the bugger. I did!


links.......easier that way. biggrin

BTW........ try clicking around the interior of tanks. biggrin

Cause I am a screen shot whore............ooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh F5E ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Cause its a tank........go blow up this delightful beast. biggrin
Posted By: TacError

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 01:14 AM

I like your F-5E FlashBurn. smile
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 04:42 AM

Originally Posted By: TacError
I like your F-5E FlashBurn. smile

At some point want to revist textures on it. Was made "good" enough for zipping around above you. Modelling is pretty solid lower poly model that works. A few details to hard points is all I really need/want to do. Oh ya.........from the grape vine it may be possible to make aircraft blow up in nice little bits. But not sure on details...... That I most CERTAINLY want to do now that they maybe possible.
Posted By: Smithcorp

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 07:58 AM

Can this be used as it is (ie without other patches as pre-requisites)? I have vanilla SABOW - never updated any beta patches...
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 08:05 AM

YES. All graviteam patchs have zero dependency on previous patches.

WOW. Well its not the same game now. That is for sure. biggrin
Posted By: Nokturnal

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 10:01 AM

Am I doing something wrong, because that second link:
Just opens a new tab and the page is full of this sort of stuff:


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What am I doing wrong? It looks dangerous. :p
Posted By: Krabb

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 10:19 AM

You should right-click on the link and select Save. Your browser is just too stupid to do it automatically. biggrin
Posted By: Nokturnal

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 10:32 AM

Thank you for blaming my browser instead of me. :P I'll give that a shot - it seems to be downloading at least. biggrin
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 11:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Nokturnal
Am I doing something wrong, because that second link:
Just opens a new tab and the page is full of this sort of stuff:


&#133;Xͣ &#153;ǹg^g&#156;&#153;9sftbWŁx\Q+Qo 3LeeeVk[uۧV}y&#159;ح'V&#154;ּ}&#150;O&#156;&#145;%]Qo&#156;[>&#152;k]~>7&#131;&#155;ھr&#154;&#154;}2<o*bz'&#148;{)J-]'za%-3lk&#138;2&#154;ư&#156;(:0&#132;&#154;&#149;o`?K&#145;)u&#159;yYW&#134;{]i!Y^۫w,eeݪ)v&#149;gvk ~rM~a&#145;&+T&#132;_&#158;4YP&#159;d#&#159;P&#145;h&#136;,&#146;?/2gU&#159; fٸM&#147;+oK'%
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What am I doing wrong? It looks dangerous. :p

No, thats your browser saying FEED ME COOKIES!!!!!! Why on earth is it displaying that giberish?
Posted By: Nokturnal

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released - 10/16/12 12:04 PM

Got it sorted biggrin After many user-errors. Thanks for all the help folks, and nice work on getting your mods in-game Flashburn. smile

As for the random symbol spam - I am working on a theory that it is some Russian and or Chinese hacker group, determined to get their hands on my.....that's where the theory falls apart. But I'm convinced!
Posted By: Mitra76

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 05:04 PM

Thanks for the news,Flahsburn. How do you do the third-view screenshot of plane? I thought the visual was blocked on the tanks?
Posted By: 5555

SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 06:43 PM

Dear Flashburn or whomever:

I have attempted to download the August beta patch at least five times. Three times at SimHQ and twice at Graviteam. The only thing consistent in these attempts is that it stops at 167Mb. What is wrong? I know from experience that Graviteam patch upgrades reach closer to 900Mb on an average day.

Please advise...Over.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 07:02 PM

Originally Posted By: 5555

Dear Flashburn or whomever:

I have attempted to download the August beta patch at least five times. Three times at SimHQ and twice at Graviteam. The only thing consistent in these attempts is that it stops at 167Mb. What is wrong? I know from experience that Graviteam patch upgrades reach closer to 900Mb on an average day.

Please advise...Over.

That sounds right. Its compressed. DL the two bits. Install the V5.81, updater appears. Find location of patch in dialog window. For me the gt2 extention NEVER showed up and had to use show all files to find the bugger. A clck appears as it installs. hit save and play........good to go.

Yes 3rd person cam is locked out EXCEPT in after battle statistics! You get the free cam then.
Posted By: Friday

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 08:01 PM

Hey guys, after updating, mine says version : 5.81 (1962) Update : may.12b1 , is that right?

Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 08:22 PM

YES! it is an open beta biggrin. But MUCH better in all reguards to older sabow IMO.
Posted By: Friday

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 09:51 PM

Excellent, cheers FlashBurn thumbsup
Posted By: speck01

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/16/12 11:24 PM

Anyone else have trouble getting this update working? Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, but it's not taking. I must be missing a step somewhere?

When I run the "gte2_core_update_eng_v581.exe" it seems like it installs, but doesn't bring up the game updater (and when I run the game manually I still see 5.77).

When I try to install the "mtc80_sabow_patch_aug12_eng_beta1.gt2extension" through the updater, it crashes and I get a text file named


that has some question marks in it.

Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 12:07 AM

Originally Posted By: speck01
Anyone else have trouble getting this update working? Can't figure out what I'm doing wrong, but it's not taking. I must be missing a step somewhere?

When I run the "gte2_core_update_eng_v581.exe" it seems like it installs, but doesn't bring up the game updater (and when I run the game manually I still see 5.77).

When I try to install the "mtc80_sabow_patch_aug12_eng_beta1.gt2extension" through the updater, it crashes and I get a text file named


that has some question marks in it.


64 bit windows? Sounds like that OLD annoying issue. If so.... Copy paste the entire directory for sabow out of programs and make a folder called FB your like super duper (or whatever) and copy paste directory to it. Any thing under C: drive (or whatever letter). A games folder is handy here. Issue is related to windows not allowing core update to overwrite. For whatever reason even running as admin does not seem to help. It seems it does for some. Vary odd at anyrate. But works fine anywhere out side of programs.

So if that is issue as I suspect.....

#1 try running as admin. You maybe more lucky than me.
#2 failing that copy paste out side of programs.
Posted By: speck01

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 12:54 AM

thanks for posting, flashburn - I do have 64bit (win 7), but thing is I always keep my games in a C:\Games folder (for example, sabow is in C:\Games\Steel Armor).

I've updated operation star in the past with no problems, plus this one before, so I'm a bit stumped why this time isn't working.

I've also re-downloaded the files a couple of times, thinking I got a bad download but no luck.

Thanks again
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 02:00 AM

OK doky not that then. Something silly like wrong path for the 5.81 part? OR installing APOS 5.81 instead of sabows? I have done that one before. And certainly does not work.
Posted By: godzilla1985

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 02:14 AM

Watch the default install path of the patch, it wants to go into C:\Games\Graviteam\Steel Armor Blaze of War. It tripped me up several times when I tried to install it last night, and I couldn't get the patch to work either. Had me pretty confused until I just happened to look in my C:\ directory and seen a new folder titled C:\Games\Graviteam\Steel Armor Blaze of War. My install of SABoW is in C:\Steel Armor (which I made myself) duh . You will probably find this new folder in your C:\ also. Just delete this folder and reinstall but make sure you direct the patch to where your copy of SABoW really is on your C:\ drive.
Posted By: speck01

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 02:36 AM

ah ha! That was it, thanks to both of you!
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 02:44 AM

Originally Posted By: speck01
ah ha! That was it, thanks to both of you!

Go blow up stuff now. biggrin hopefully you do not encounter hind gunships your first battle. They work now........REALLY well. 1 m60 took an at missle to the face and got messed up really bad. My m60 took 57mm rockets to the engine deck. No vroom vroom for me. A line of 6 to the north I had took a rocket barrage. 1 mobilty kill. Thank gawd my apcs where hiding in palm trees. biggrin
Posted By: TacError

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 03:56 AM

One time I managed to hit a Hind with a HEAT round in an earlier version of SABOW...the helicopter kept on flying...
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 04:08 AM

Originally Posted By: TacError
One time I managed to hit a Hind with a HEAT round in an earlier version of SABOW...the helicopter kept on flying...

Ya as of now there is no destroyed aircraft model. What they do is fly off map when they take hits. But from what I hear.......the code is now in place to support blowing up aircraft bits.

With attack aircraft the flying off map is somewhat legit. Even if massive damage where inflicted on it the bloody thing would not likly blow up hollywood style. Maybe if bad enough loose a wing or something. Even then as fast as its moving would likly clear the area of the size of sabows maps. Depending on how high it is. BUt Helos.......thats different. You manage to put a heat round in the right spot.....its going down like a brick.

FYI........you can test this easy in quick battles. Pick a side with helos. Set up enemy side with zillions of zu23-2 12.7mg. call in air suppport before mission starts......wait 2 minutes for them to show up. Watch light show. With jets well.........its hard for the aaa to actually hit them. Sometime yes, sometimes no. Choppers ususally cant get all the ground stuff shooting at them before they get lit up.
Posted By: 5555

SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 04:26 AM


I was able to run successfully the Core update 5.81 which ended with a "save and play" commit.

I next unpacked the new core (sabow patch aug12) on to the established core. However, product launch then failed. I pressed "Starter" but after a few seconds an application warning bar for the starter.exe surfaced on the desktop:

"The instruction at "0x00cbOf22" referenced memory at "0x0001a123". The memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on Cancel to debut the program

I first selected "Cancel", but that brought no joy upon the land. So NOW WHAT? Help!
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 04:37 AM

Originally Posted By: 5555


I was able to run successfully the Core update 5.81 which ended with a "save and play" commit.

I next unpacked the new core (sabow patch aug12) on to the established core. However, product launch then failed. I pressed "Starter" but after a few seconds an application warning bar for the starter.exe surfaced on the desktop:

"The instruction at "0x00cbOf22" referenced memory at "0x0001a123". The memory could not be "read".
Click on OK to terminate the program
Click on Cancel to debut the program

I first selected "Cancel", but that brought no joy upon the land. So NOW WHAT? Help!

UGH.........? You unpacked the 2nd file? You mean into directory of game? Not understanding. BUT

Probably going to have to reinstall game. Dont know. Try patch 1st.

It should go.......

Install 5.81 patch. The games updater SHOULD pop up. If not run updater from directry. Then click on install. A dialog appears. Find the patch. You may need to click on all files. click patch. Clock appears. When clock is none hit save and play.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/17/12 05:06 AM

Dont know if you can see this but......an at2 anti tank missle badly guiding in on something? LOL. AND firing a rocket salvo at me.

I dont ever remember the hinds being so nasty. But ya they took a hell of alot of zu23 fire and kept going. Not sure if that maybe over kill. Older test with South Afician helos was more productive. A couple bursts from zu23's and off they flew.
Posted By: Mace71

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/18/12 10:09 AM

I run the first part of the patch and it runs ok but I don't get the updater come up automatically I have to open it manually and then when I direct it to the second part of the update (the GT2 extension file) I get notepad pop up with a few ????? on the page and the updater quits. Downloaded loads of times but same thing happens.
Posted By: Smithcorp

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/18/12 11:25 AM

Mace - check again that it installed the update (patch) to the correct directory. As I found (and others documented above), the patch install path defaults to a location where SABOW is not installed. Re-run the patch and manually browse to your install location - I reckon that might be the problem you are having.
Posted By: Vitesse

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/18/12 02:43 PM

I had the same problem.

When I did point to the right directory installation was fine but the starter would not run so I ended up copying the whole lot to where the updater wanted in the first place!

No problems since.
Posted By: Xambrium

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/18/12 06:34 PM

gravitem should sell this as Sabow2012 to the german publisher so they get more money for the WW2 Sim wink
Posted By: Mace71

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/18/12 10:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Smithcorp
Mace - check again that it installed the update (patch) to the correct directory. As I found (and others documented above), the patch install path defaults to a location where SABOW is not installed. Re-run the patch and manually browse to your install location - I reckon that might be the problem you are having.

Doh! Yeah that was it and I didn't notice, cheers biggrin
Posted By: Chucky

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 10:38 AM

I didn't persevere with this game because I personally didn't find it at all intuitive.
Is this latest patch going to change my mind?
Posted By: Vitesse

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 10:45 AM

The in-game interface (3d bit) has been completely reworked.

All the new changes make this game something quite special.

Worth another look, I think, Chucky
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 11:19 AM

Ya took a BIG step forward IMO. Some stuff is still a bit clunky but the little bit of being able to click for actions around the cocpit is something I hope is further developed and made more game required. Makes you look at those even MORE awesome interiors. Totally reworked animations and lighting. VARY nice. Gravi keeps on this path there next sim, whenever that will be, should be vary sweet indeed.
Posted By: Mace71

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 11:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Chucky
I didn't persevere with this game because I personally didn't find it at all intuitive.
Is this latest patch going to change my mind?

Could do with some zombies in though, Chucky biggrin
Posted By: Chucky

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 12:11 PM

That shouldn't be beyond Flashburn's capability I'm sure? biggrin

Ok guys,I will give it another go.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 12:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Chucky
That shouldn't be beyond Flashburn's capability I'm sure? biggrin

Ok guys,I will give it another go.

ONly if they are undead zombie space nazi's. Otherwise no.
Posted By: Chucky

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/19/12 01:48 PM

Steady on Flashburn,you will be getting Mace harder than a piece of Chobham armour hahaha
Posted By: Chucky

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:04 AM

Guys,have I done this right?

Updated my game and it says it is 'Version 5.81 (1962) Update:may.12b1'

I used the links from the first page.

Should it say May? I'm confused about the whole 'August/October' reference in the OP title. wacky
Posted By: Xambrium

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:05 AM

yes its ok cheers
Posted By: Chucky

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:10 AM

Thanks Xambrium.
Off to get acquainted with this 'new' game. reading
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:15 AM

guys, can anybody upload the english language pack pls? I unfortunately deleted my steel armor backup folder during the reinstallation process banghead
thanks a lot!
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:23 AM

Originally Posted By: ramas
guys, can anybody upload the english language pack pls? I unfortunately deleted my steel armor backup folder during the reinstallation process banghead
thanks a lot!


You mean the one off install? NOT patch right?
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:37 AM

Actually I found the thread again. http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3475646/1.html
Unfortunately the mediafire link is dead.

It seems that the following files and folders need to replaced:

Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:44 AM

Running german version? Man I am tripping over this one right and left today being mr helful. UIG you stupid nerf herders. biggrin

http://www.mediafire.com/?fzdkx68f9cx8li6 ok thats JUST loc english.....
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 11:45 AM

http://simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/3633344/SABOW_total_newbie_here.html Also this thread. This is what I have been posting over at graviteam forum. I hope to hell this works.

You should not need the campaign folders. PAtch SHOULD install updated campaings with like f5e light fighters N stuff. biggrin They are in English of course.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 12:19 PM

Ramas let me know if that works. 3 times that came up in an hour.
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 03:47 PM

Flashburn, thanks a bunch, but the loc_eng file you uploaded already exists in my mtc80 folder, next to loc_ger and loc_rus.
I also stumbled across the thread you mentioned, but it was too complicated for me, and also I know that there was a much easier way of changing from german to english (copy-paste-rewrite?-yup!)

I will write Void a message, maybe he can upload it again!
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 04:04 PM

are you sure just this will not work. All that hex stuff should not matter a bit. Everything that is loc language is changed via patch. All campains have been updated ect.

A.....uninstall all patches to first release version...

1) Rename data\loc_ger folder to data\loc_eng I would think dumping old loc eng file first.
2) Apply English game core update 5.77
3) Install current March 2012 update

That does come from Andrey one of Gravis programmer types who made the dang thing.

The core of the game does not give a crap about language. Just a few text files here and there. All that needs to happen is fool the installer to think you are running english version. It then dumps english files into DEV UPDATE packed data which contains all that.

But I do suppose just dropping those files into folder would work as well. Just earlier today most certainly did NOT work. A guy with same problem on graviteam forum.
Posted By: Lars

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 05:04 PM

Probably there are simpler ways to convert from German to English and the folder provided by Flashburn helps, but I can explain what has worked for me. Although Flashburn made the loc_eng folder available, keep in mind that you still have references to loc_ger (that should be changed to loc_eng) in the ...\Steel Armor\data\mtc80\shared subfolders ("camps" config" and"packed data" subfolders).
You also have other references to loc_ger in the ...\Steel Armor\root folder.

I have the German version of the game and I successfully installed the latest engine and patch doing the following:

1) install the german 1.0 version
2) change the name of the loc_ger folder to loc_eng
3) hexedit all files within it replacing loc_ger with loc_eng (this step can now probably be skipped thanks to the loc_eng folder made available by Flashburn)
4) hexedit all files in the data\mtc80\shared subfolders (it's a pain in the neck, I know...)
5) do the same with the steel armor\root folder
6) now start the program: it should start the version 1.0 in English. If not, you have missed something and go back to step 1.
7) install the 5.81 engine (aim at the right folder when you do it...)
8) install the patch.

Just to add to the confusion, in my case the installation of the patch went right until 50% and then stopped. So I unpacked the patch (it is just a zipped file) and installed it manually. However, maybe this is due to my system (Win 7 64 bits).

In all cases, now the game works with the latest patch.

In order not to repeat the same procedure the next time when another patch comes out, I saved version 1.0 of the game in English (basically what I have after step 6 above). Next time, I will only have to do steps 7 and 8.

Is it a mess? Yes it is, but until somebody (or Graviteam) offers a better solution, this one works.

Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 05:11 PM

On this one I honestly dont know. But All campaigns are in the patch installed to dev updates packed data camps. or something like that. The old ones it just ignores. Hell probably could just delete.

Just I don't get why this should be such a stupid hassle. Wish I had a german version to play around with. UGH. Have been all over the insides of sabow and all the loc language stuff is filed away in a few places. All the text at this point for original is now in been pretty much replaced by patch files going into dev updates. Keep in mind the patches dont change any original files. Everytihng goes into dev updates for updates.

So campaigns should not matter at all. All loc_language stuff was always filed away under loc_whatever pretty much external to game files. Just fooling the updater to go oh gee english and all the paths should line up.

Once again.......really scratching my head on this one.
Posted By: Lars

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 05:23 PM

Flashburn, if you are right and all subfolders in "shared" are changed by the new patch (not only the campaigns), then probably the only thing one needs to do, is to change the files in the \root folder.

Anyway, my point is that if you have the German version, the best thing to do is to "rebuild" an English 1.0 version and save it somewhere. If you follow steps 1-6 in my previous post, it should work (I did it twice: one when I bought the game and now for the new patch). I think this is a good game that is worth the effort.

Once you have the English version, you just apply the latest (cumulative) patch like everybody else and everything works fine.

All this said, it is a bit of a shame that Graviteam does not come out with a patch for the German version, but they probably have commercial issues with the German distributor.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 05:29 PM

I think they are pissed at no support for patches from UIG. They even offered them. Plus noone there speaks German. They do speak Russian, Ukranian, and English. English being the international language of programming. Well no patch for german but I CAN try and fake out sabow into making my english version Russian. That sound fun. biggrin
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 06:03 PM

allright, I just PMed Void! I shall report back!
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 06:05 PM

Not going to work. Dont have the font set. Thank you stupid windows. But I did follow what Andrey said. Resulted in error message with ??? lol. Now pretty sure that IS missing correct windows font stuff. I have applied Russian patches over english version before. Results in alot of text doing the ??? but does run. But NOT renaming loc_eng to loc_rus.......which is bad for this. biggrin
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 06:08 PM

I also got ??? while I was playing around with the folders. I guess the program needs to be told to use loc_eng
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 06:12 PM

DID sabow crash out with a ??? error message or just missing text in interface. That one happens if you apply russian patch over english version without doing anything other than appling patch.
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 06:31 PM

well I got a black screen with ???, no intro or anything, followed by a ctd with a notepad ??? ???

A fresh install with the latest patch,gets me ??? instead of text. But more importantly, I get a ctd when sitting inside the tank and looking around. So I am waiting to "turn my copy english" and investigate further.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 06:42 PM

Grtrrr. Really want to help but everything I try is fail. Need someone who has done this before. I think I know which files are causing the issues but can not us mkflat on freaken loc_ger file for some stupid reason. VARY VARY ANNOYING. Have run into that with every release of mod. Not being able to do loc lang. For german I fake it. Ie for a mission I THINK if only 1 language is there it will show up. So google babble german into the loc_eng and call in german. LOL. Russian can not do anything with. Krabb helps with that ALOT. As well as making config file better than my half arsed way. biggrin Really wish you could CHOOSE language. I mean hell. I could be an English speaker living in Belorus. Or a Russian speaker living in Canada. or whatever.
Posted By: godzilla1985

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 07:04 PM

Guys let me chime in here with something concerning the English and German versions of SABoW that maybe the root of the problem.

When SABoW was released andrey stated that the western distributor (UIG Indie) never supplied Graviteam with the finished western retail versions of the game (and that was probably a good thing, I'll explain later) and to date UIG has not contracted Graviteam to do any further work on SABoW. Andrey did offer the community (shortly after SABoWs release) to make fixes in an totally unofffical capacity as just a regular user/modder(who just happen to have an excellent working knowledge of what a modder can do in SABoW btw biggrin ). But there was one catch, he needed the retail versions (English & German) to make the updates since he had no knowledge of what was in the released versions. The post for the offer and the request for the retail versions of SABoW is here in the Graviteam forum somewhere and if you look you will find it. But the main theme was in order to do it he needed western retail versions of the game sold to the western market. Andrey was supplied with a English version of SABoW and he has made the fixes to the English version as just a regular consumer and private owner, not as a developer or member of Graviteams developement team. Now going back to what I mentioned earlier if UIG had supplied these finished versions to Graviteam it might have been much harder for andrey to make any changes without crossing the line between private user and being a member of Graviteam developement team. Now I don't know if anyone sent andrey a German version of SABoW so that could be why we are seeing only Russian and English versions being fixed. And this could be the catch 22 since he owns the English Version and Russian version he can make "unofficial" changes because he owns the titles as an individual and is not doing it as a represenative of Graviteam and is working within what SABoW allows to be modded. Now if he doesn't own the German version he might not be able to make fixes specific to the German version because of copywrite infringements as a non owner of that version.
I'm not saying these are the total facts but just what I kind of cobbled together over several months of reading different post from andrey on this subject.
Posted By: Xambrium

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 07:12 PM

best fix for it is not to buy german version and take the english version..
i wonder was happened to the anounced french and skandinavian versions by uig.. jawdrop
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 07:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Xambrium
best fix for it is not to buy german version and take the english version..
i wonder was happened to the anounced french and skandinavian versions by uig.. jawdrop

I guess the french one was released. UIG seem to be daft beyond measure. Best thing to do is have graviteam make a NEW tank sim with no stupid retarded publishers. Anyone have a few 100000 bucks laying around. Actually I think thats more than it would take. But hmmm MORE content LOL>
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 07:50 PM

I was so excited when I heard that sabow is coming out that I couldnt wait. So I went ahead and bought the german version, not knowing what was going on behind the scene with UIG!

Flashburn, do you have a vanilla copy on your hdd? Could you upload these folders for me? That would be great! I am pretty sure that Void uploaded those, I want to give it a shot. thx

Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 07:52 PM

ok but you dont need the camps. lol. give me a few. LOL and I dont have EM anyways. Long ago deleted all that to make space for custom campaigns.
Posted By: godzilla1985

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 07:56 PM

Originally Posted By: FlashBurn
Originally Posted By: Xambrium
best fix for it is not to buy german version and take the english version..
i wonder was happened to the anounced french and skandinavian versions by uig.. jawdrop

I guess the french one was released. UIG seem to be daft beyond measure. Best thing to do is have graviteam make a NEW tank sim with no stupid retarded publishers. Anyone have a few 100000 bucks laying around. Actually I think thats more than it would take. But hmmm MORE content LOL>

Totally agree FB thumbsup Btw since you check out sukhoi.ru like myself did you see that poll that andrey is running "How do you see the future of tank simulators?" . Looks like someone is testing the waters on some alternatives. Seen the FTP with DLC (like RoF present business model) seems to be leading the pack followed by a very distant SB Pro businesss model approach. However it turn's out it's good to see Graviteam is looking at some alternatives to the crappy publisher route they have had to endure.

P.S. Have been messing around with the new beta in QB mode and I agree with you that it's much improved. Going to start a new Iran/Iraq campaign tonight thumbsup
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 08:04 PM

Yes I have. LOL I voted. The free to play thing with payed content not sure about unless maybe some sort of multiplay is in there. But ya, I think they have had it with publishers going out of buisness or being stupid. With sabow BOTH uig and nd disk have acted retarded. Apos seems to be doing well (as it should, its vary good) so I think they may have a little breathing room to try another option. They are working on a zillion projects for a small company. All APOS related. Just a matter of time before they do something tankie. I hope anyways. OH and APOS is owned by them alone I do beleave. So the die was cast I guess.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 08:19 PM


the first one is where ever the heck that went in this post. No camps sorry. Deleted long ago. On both my installs too.
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 09:04 PM

ok, this is not working..... oh well, if everything else fails, I could always buy the english version from gamersgate
Posted By: Lars

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 09:06 PM

Originally Posted By: ramas
well I got a black screen with ???, no intro or anything, followed by a ctd with a notepad ??? ???

A fresh install with the latest patch,gets me ??? instead of text. But more importantly, I get a ctd when sitting inside the tank and looking around. So I am waiting to "turn my copy english" and investigate further.

Ramas,in the ...\steel armor\root folder there is a file called progams.flatdata. This is the only file that matters in that folder.

Get a hex editor (XVI32 is free if you don't have another one. Google it). Open the file with the hex editor, search for "loc_ger", replace it with "loc_eng" (both without the quotes). Start again the program.

This single file is one of the causes of the question marks in the notepad. It may not be the only one, but it is definitely one.
Posted By: godzilla1985

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 09:07 PM

Originally Posted By: ramas
I was so excited when I heard that sabow is coming out that I couldnt wait. So I went ahead and bought the german version, not knowing what was going on behind the scene with UIG!

I almost did the same thing ramas but due to some previous commitments (girlfriend needed new tires) I had to wait a week after the German release before I could purchase SABoW. It was fortunate because by then andrey had made a couple post that made me decide and wait just a little bit longer too see what was going on. The real shame was that poster (who we know was a UIG employee) popped over real quick after the German release to promise a english localization patch to get people purchasing SABoW before the english release, which if I remember correctly he said was "a ways off" (I think he said mid March or April 2012). On the surface it sounded like UIG was going to really support SABoW but when the english version showed up like a week or two later on Gamersgate after the German release and coupled with some comments andrey had made by then it confirmed my worst fear that UIG was only in it for the Christmas week sales only.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 09:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Lars
Originally Posted By: ramas
well I got a black screen with ???, no intro or anything, followed by a ctd with a notepad ??? ???

A fresh install with the latest patch,gets me ??? instead of text. But more importantly, I get a ctd when sitting inside the tank and looking around. So I am waiting to "turn my copy english" and investigate further.

Ramas,in the ...\steel armor\root folder there is a file called progams.flatdata. This is the only file that matters in that folder.

Get a hex editor (XVI32 is free if you don't have another one. Google it). Open the file with the hex editor, search for "loc_ger", replace it with "loc_eng" (both without the quotes). Start again the program.

This single file is one of the causes of the question marks in the notepad. It may not be the only one, but it is definitely one.

OMG. Thats why stupid mkflat only works on loc_eng.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/20/12 09:23 PM

Originally Posted By: ramas
ok, this is not working..... oh well, if everything else fails, I could always buy the english version from gamersgate

LOL no...... Don't give UIG money....you already purchased. I am sure they have tons of it with such exciting title as wootchooper and multiplayer snowplow. dancinfools

Well actually. ya, I would do it too if the moding german to english does not work out. eek2
Posted By: godzilla1985

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/21/12 02:27 PM

Okay finally got some M60 campaign time in and it is major improvement over the last update. A couple things are a little wonky like the default lime green night vision. But just switching it to black/white in the options is easy, and it's much easier to see targets now in black/white then ever before. Maybe it's my GFX settings or monitor settings but the lime green NV is totally useless.

The command tiles area is much more tidy now, but I think the tiles are a little on the small side and I could have swore there was an setting in the options to make them larger? (edit, found the settings in the options screen, large tiles icons are back thumbsup ) Maybe I'm just missing it, also whats the deal with the red check vs the black check to confirm your changes in the options screen? I have moused over it (the red check) and read the description but it's not making much sense to me.

M60's armor and cannon are much improved also I feel. I know when playing SABoW before (with all the previous patchs) the M60 seemed undergunned and I needed several hit's to even immobilize the T-62 let alone kill it. Even if I hit the T-62 in it's vulnerable spots shown in the encyclipedia it didn't seem to matter much pre patch, now if you get a round in one of those areas things happen biggrin Also like I stated above the M60 seems less fragile now, before even non critical hits tended to immoblize the M60 fairly quickly, not so now and thats a good thing. Also that annoying "head damage" problem with the M60 seems to have been fixed. I'm not saying the M60 has become a "super tank" with this patch but I now feel it's at least on parity with the T-62 in some areas now.

The zoom command in the gunners sight looks better then before, it's seems much easier to spot the enemy now and to me the view actually looks zoomed. Plus there are several more sub-tile interface options for the views that are nice features. I think many of these options were there before but now they are set-up in a subsystem drop down box and really helps keep the screen uncluttered with command tiles.

The mini map is gone which is something I did like. I know it was done to make the sim more realistic but I do wish it would have been kept at least as a selectable option.

It's great to see fixed and rotary aircraft back in the game and actually doing something. Had a fun time taking pot shots at some Iraqi Hinds dropping flares on friendly positions.

The Ctrl command key to access the mouse for the tiles has been change from a hold down at all times keystroke to an on/off keystroke. I like this change.

The one other problem I see is when you use the WASD to control your tank from the commanders or gunners station. Sometimes pressing the "S" key or "W" key activates a "manuver" mode and it's a real pain to get your tank back on the direction you wanted to go. I usually have to pop outside (via the camera mode) to see just what my tank is doing and it's looks like the driver is just plain drunk hahaha . I suspect this new feature is for travelling with a platoon of tanks and you getting tangled up with other members of your platoon. But if your lone wolfing it, is a problem when you just want to simply go "forward or backward". I'm hoping this command can be marco'ed to a different keystroke other then the direct driving command keys. But I'm thinking it's not going to be something the user can do, so hopefully andrey takes a look at that.

Overall I'm very happy with this latest patch. I still have much to check out but from what I have seen so far it's a big improvement thumbsup smile
Posted By: Mace71

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/22/12 11:32 PM

First time trying after installing this patch and after the splash screens and game title screen it crashes to desktop with this notepad entry:

Critical error
002: An error has occurred while initializing objects

[ i_opgame:opgame -> i_lines2d:lines2d ]

What's that mean?
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/23/12 02:57 AM

002 no idea. strange indeed. Well it is a beta. =/
Posted By: frinik22

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/23/12 12:49 PM

MaceUk I have seen that critical error popping up a lot with Graviteam's games APOS .Here's what a guy with a similar problem said on a forum about that error:

Many thanks! I didn't notice the installer amidst those dozens of files.

OK, so I ran the Direct X installer, fired up the game and this time got some sound before getting the critical error 002 crash again. Decided to uninstalled & reinstall. With great trepidation I started the unpatched game and it worked! Then I carefully added the patches and lo and behold, I think we're up and running on version 580! Added the DLCs and they too appeared in the campaign list. I dare not push my luck any further.

Between the totally inadequate documentation, the rubik's cube patching procedure, and sporadic in-game crashes, you have to really LOVE this game to put up with it! And I do.

< Message edited by shrek -- 6/23/2012 4:22:32 AM >

You may have to do the same.It's p[ossible that some files went missing when you installed the patch and that why the game won't " initialise"
Posted By: Mace71

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/23/12 01:13 PM

Thanks Frinik, I was guessing it would be a reinstall job smile
Posted By: ramas

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/24/12 07:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Lars

Ramas,in the ...\steel armor\root folder there is a file called progams.flatdata. This is the only file that matters in that folder.

Get a hex editor (XVI32 is free if you don't have another one. Google it). Open the file with the hex editor, search for "loc_ger", replace it with "loc_eng" (both without the quotes). Start again the program.

This single file is one of the causes of the question marks in the notepad. It may not be the only one, but it is definitely one.

thanks a lot, I finally got it to work! Woohoo tanksalot
Wow, a lot has changed. The graphics looks crisper now and there are more sparks when things blow up. I just gotta get used to the new interface.
Posted By: andrey12345

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/25/12 07:55 AM

Originally Posted By: MaceUK33
First time trying after installing this patch and after the splash screens and game title screen it crashes to desktop with this notepad entry:

Critical error
002: An error has occurred while initializing objects

[ i_opgame:opgame -> i_lines2d:lines2d ]

What's that mean?

Core update (or patch) is not correctly installed.
Posted By: wertumnus

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/29/12 10:25 PM

I bought SABOW once again (because i lost previous game) and now i have big problem with correct patching.
After installing core update gte2_core_update_eng_v581 (D:\games\Steel Armor) i cannot install update mtc80_sabow_patch_aug12_eng_beta1.gt2extension because of error "last bug - ??? ???".

With core patch 577 it wasn't problem for me. What's wrong now?

My system: win7 64
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/30/12 01:39 AM

Originally Posted By: wertumnus
I bought SABOW once again (because i lost previous game) and now i have big problem with correct patching.
After installing core update gte2_core_update_eng_v581 (D:\games\Steel Armor) i cannot install update mtc80_sabow_patch_aug12_eng_beta1.gt2extension because of error "last bug - ??? ???".

With core patch 577 it wasn't problem for me. What's wrong now?

My system: win7 64

Keep in mind that these are betas of the unofficial patches. As such expect issues. Right now I am in the middle of an "issue" as well. lol. biggrin

It occurs to me that I should explain that last thing I said.... Newer beta released on graviteam forum.........I can't install the bugger either. The oct 15 worked but had minor to mid level issues. Small stuff overall you probably did not notice.
Posted By: wertumnus

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/30/12 09:54 AM

Ok but now i have clear game with one unit on one square grid of map frown. Reason to buying game once again was mod ISABOW.
Posted By: FlashBurn

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/30/12 05:58 PM


Newest beta there. It does seem to work. For SABOW beta 3.

Wow Wertumnus. You just lit a fire under my behind to complete the playable m113's and campaigns. biggrin
Posted By: wertumnus

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 10/30/12 11:04 PM

I'll test this update soon smile.
New campaign is always like icing on the cake for new version of mod.

Thx FlashBurn
Posted By: Void

Re: SABOW open beta August Patch released OCT 15 - 11/28/12 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: ramas
guys, can anybody upload the english language pack pls? I unfortunately deleted my steel armor backup folder during the reinstallation process banghead
thanks a lot!

I totally missed Ramas message.

Here are the files, if anybody needs it:

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