

Posted By: SKIP2008

DAGR - 06/18/13 01:03 PM

Hy guys those are direct attack guided rockets, should be nice have them in EECH, what do you think?

Posted By: SKIP2008

Re: DAGR - 06/18/13 01:11 PM

DAGR is guided by a semi-active laser device (sal) and can be fire both LOAL and LOBL, also AH1 and AH6 can be equipped with it.

Posted By: kaboom

Re: DAGR - 06/18/13 05:10 PM

I just commented on this in the other thread!
This seems to be yet another rip of the APKWS2, who's making THIS version? It would make three companies that I know of.
I don't see any launch and leave capability here, I think they got the art wrong, wouldn't be the first time.

Ok just checked, it's Lockheed but they're going to have to change the name, we already have a DAGR, but it's a radio.
I believe the US Navy still has a truck-load of 5 inch Zunis to which this would be an AWESOME upgrade to that heavy hitting rocket.
Posted By: Magitek

Re: DAGR - 06/19/13 03:37 PM

Can someone outline the exact differences between how our current hellfires can operate in EECH and these ones new ones?
Posted By: Heretic

Re: DAGR - 06/19/13 04:16 PM

Originally Posted By: Magitek
Can someone outline the exact differences between how our current hellfires can operate in EECH and these ones new ones?

They appear to self-guide after release, i.e. you can bug out while the missile is still in flight.

In short, it's a Hellfire for sissies.
Posted By: kaboom

Re: DAGR - 06/19/13 05:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Heretic
Originally Posted By: Magitek
Can someone outline the exact differences between how our current hellfires can operate in EECH and these ones new ones?

They appear to self-guide after release, i.e. you can bug out while the missile is still in flight.

In short, it's a Hellfire for sissies.

No "fire and forget" capabilities on DAGR or APKWS2 unless someone else is dez'ing the target.
Posted By: Magitek

Re: DAGR - 06/20/13 12:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Heretic
They appear to self-guide after release, i.e. you can bug out while the missile is still in flight.

That is what I thought, given the picture diagrams.
If this is not the case, what do these missiles actually do differently, kaboom?

Would adding these missiles to EECH actually improve the game any?
Posted By: Heretic

Re: DAGR - 06/20/13 02:39 PM

Originally Posted By: kaboom
No "fire and forget" capabilities on DAGR or APKWS2 unless someone else is dez'ing the target.

Just took a closer look at the pics, so I stand corrected: It's a Hydra for sissies.

And the last pic shows some sort of self-guidance capability.
Posted By: kaboom

Re: DAGR - 06/20/13 07:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Magitek
Originally Posted By: Heretic
They appear to self-guide after release, i.e. you can bug out while the missile is still in flight.

That is what I thought, given the picture diagrams.
If this is not the case, what do these missiles actually do differently, kaboom?

Would adding these missiles to EECH actually improve the game any?

It's just Lockheed wanting thier piece of the pie, they've added a four-pod that integrates onto the Hellfire launcher but since APKWS2 just loads and is fired like a regular rocket from a regular 4 or 16 pod I would rather have the 16 guided rounds than the 4-pod taking space on the Hellfire launcher. The ONLY thing I see different about DAGR is it has a lock before launch capability so you can see where the rocket is planning to go, but it still needs the LASER to guide it.

This would be a great weapon in the game for light structures or light armor leaving our Hellfires for the heavy stuff.
I should point out that I have not heard that the warhead needs to be any different from the regular Hydra warheads, so it could be blast-frag, HEAT, smoke or Gator mines ( 10 of them btw ).
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