Thanks Hentzau,do you fly WOFF yourself pal? If so get some pics up..we'd love to see them.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Lovely pics as usual gents' - here's a couple more of my razor-sharp ver. 4.18 install. It's very pleasant flying over the lakes and also nice to see that OBD does condensation and cloud formation right, as does BuckeyeBob with his cloud mods. Noticed a few lower-lying clouds over the lakes, right where they should be.
Ver. 4.24 also works fine on the Mac as indicated in my other post here on the WOFF threads - with no terrain shadow flickering even at max settings on the AMD card, although SweetFX and ReShade are now a no-go on the Mac. Possibly SweetFX will become compatible again in the future. In the meantime I've got two WOFF installs running so that I can enjoy shadows and crisp textures, depending on taste.
Happy flying all, Von S
Last edited by VonS; 06/26/1912:51 AM. Reason: Embedded pics.
~ For my various FM/AI/FPS/DM Mods. for First Eagles 2, WoFF, RoF & WoTR, and tips for FlightGear, recommended is to check over my CombatAce profile ( and to click on the "About Me" tab while there. ~
Not sure if my Gyazo links'll work here, but they should.
Been trying out an Escadrille N 75 campaign. Started in August 1916 and went Captain to get my mitts on a Noop 17. Feels a bit ridiculous to be fighting nothing but Eindeckers in that thing. So far the fronts been nasty and wet for both missions. First one bagged me an Eindecker over german lines and the second one I didn't see even one boche. Was pretty spooky when our RecoNoop 12s engine went out on the way home and he just kind of glided it in. Pretty glorious flying with some post-rock ambiance in the background.
@Fenin Love the mean moody shot,welcome to WOFF pal.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Lovely pics as usual gents' - here's a couple more of my razor-sharp ver. 4.18 install. It's very pleasant flying over the lakes and also nice to see that OBD does condensation and cloud formation right, as does BuckeyeBob with his cloud mods. Noticed a few lower-lying clouds over the lakes, right where they should be.
Ver. 4.24 also works fine on the Mac as indicated in my other post here on the WOFF threads - with no terrain shadow flickering even at max settings on the AMD card, although SweetFX and ReShade are now a no-go on the Mac. Possibly SweetFX will become compatible again in the future. In the meantime I've got two WOFF installs running so that I can enjoy shadows and crisp textures, depending on taste.
Happy flying all, Von S! You probably explained it earlier but I can’t find it. What are we doing to get such graphics?
@Adger, glad you're liking the screenies, yours are always top-notch, desktop wallpaper quality @all, wonderful shots everyone, keep them coming @Duke, we are doing the following to get such crisp graphics:
1. running ver. 4.18 of WOFFue 2. running the Bucksnort SweetFX mod (JSGME-enabled) 3. running my "subtle bloom" sweetfx settings file in the Bucksnort mod, available in the bottom post, after the pictures, at:
for all of the different "Rings" level entries in compositetexturebudgets.xml, use the following for crisper graphics when in low-alt dogfights or for sightseeing:
5. running the "LOD Bias" value for the video card at -1 instead of the default of 0
Those who are running ReShade on ver. 4.24 of WOFFue might be able to reduplicate such settings too - ReShade is a no-go on my Mac unfortunately - but I'm hoping that SweetFX will eventually become compatible with the newer shaders in the latest WOFFue updates.
Representative screenies below (of ver. 4.18 with the tweaks listed in this post).
Happy flying all, Von S
Last edited by VonS; 06/29/1901:30 AM. Reason: Embedded pics.
~ For my various FM/AI/FPS/DM Mods. for First Eagles 2, WoFF, RoF & WoTR, and tips for FlightGear, recommended is to check over my CombatAce profile ( and to click on the "About Me" tab while there. ~
Thank you! One more for the road before I pass out tonight, its been heavily cut down and I may have ran it through a few simple online image editors, but it feels almost postcardy to me and wanted to share it.
Wanted to go check out the cliffs. I sure wish I could get sweet fx to work, but every time I try to load it up it fails when loading in the missions.
Have you tried reshade? - you can do some really good natural lighting, HDR, and color tweaks with it - it might work for you (if sweet fx doesn't (that was my situation - sweet fx doesn't work, but reshade does - though reshade is the more intensive tweak, go figure). Love the screenshots guys! some really great stuff!
.@ Fenin as Redwolf mentions Reshade works flawlessly with WOFF and WOTR..I use just 4 settings and I don't get any Fps drops ,the 4 I use are Clarity..Technicolor..Curves and Lift gamma gain. It's incredibly easy to set basically gives you a tutorial at the start.
I made a few posts about it so if you want to try and you get stuck il try help the best I can pal.
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning We will remember them.
Got reshade to work with minimal hassle. Thanks for suggesting it. Messed around with a bunch of shaders and got an image I think I like. I think the only graphical complaint I have about WOFF is that its grainy. Though, you can play with that instead of against it and you can come out ahead. Best, I feel, to see it as a style option that you work around than as a dated graphical system.
This little French airfield gives me nostalgia about Watership Down, but I just can't figure out why.
@Redwolf - Holy #&^$ !! I've never seen my Alb skins looks so #%&*$# nice! WOW! Thanks for posting that one! I've been considering taking some of these screenshots you guys have been posting over the years and making framed prints of them to hang around my desk.
@VonS - please, please post more of the OAW... but use another skin. That base/default OAW Alb D.III is ancient! I have to sent a new one to Pol and ask him to add it into the next update. That skins was made roughly 11-12 years ago when I first started to make the Alb set and has since been vastly updated including wood panels, fabric, colors, etc.. etc.
Keep 'em coming!
James 'OvS'
The Black Baron of Boistrancourt returns!!
I'd rather die fighting, than live for nothing. - Gen. G.S. Patton
Wow some of these images are extreme over the top colour and so on, each to his own of course. but Fenin all I can think is your monitor is on the blink as those Reshade manipulated pics you posted are wildly yellow and super high contrast. WOFF is toned to give a realistic slightly washed look as most things in life are when out in the sun etc using mark I eyeballs, with haze and sky reflections etc desaturating slightly etc. Of course I know people will be running on different calibrated monitors and have personal preferences and so on, but even so some pics late in this thread are very whacky to me
They are, you're not wrong. I quite like it though, but I have always been a little strange. I was very much aiming for a kind of over saturated look. I did a dogfight in that B.E.12 against an E.II shortly after that and man was he ever visible when head on. The white eindecker skin almost vanished when he turned on me once with the sun behind him though. It was almost like he turned on cloaking.
Then I put a .303 into his gas tank... and he... yeah. He didn't survive that. The B.E.12 is so strange. It's... not slow? I felt like I had every Eindecker I've messed with in QC absolutely out powered. I just wish the gunsight wasn't designed for a cowboy doing hip shooting.