We have been hammering away FULL TIME since August on this...the first of three announcements.
We will be sending SET 10 out for free to all the customers who have all the Yankee Air Pirate mission sets. It is not freeware or shareware. It is a reward to our customers and we have no plans to sell it. We would like those of you a few sets short to fill in, though. Anyone at anytime that completes the 9 sets, will receive SET 10 free.
What's in it? It is our best set of missions yet. In these, you have to FLY! Right. This is not a sim where you are a Blackhawk pilot in 3 minutes. You start over Dien Bien Phu flying the mission of Earthquake McGoon. You end in the South China Sea flying the mission of Major Buong Li, VNAF pilot and American citizen. In between, you take down the Ham Rong bridge then prove it with a photo run in a Vigilante. Then you have to land it on the America. It's the toughest plane to trap in our whole fleet. By now, a piece of cake for you.
You fly the missions of the secret war, go in on the worst SAR in the war to get the pilot out, and shoot down an American rescue helicopter in a MiG-21. Then you try to save the Special Forces patrol in the last MOH fight of the war.
540506 Earthquake C-119C CIA Cat Bi
620214 Ben Cat T-28D VNAF Bien Hoa
641014 Ban Phanop T-28D RLAF Savanaket
641014 Post Strike RF-101C USAF TSN
680628 Air America PC-6 CIA lima site
680307 Misty Finds a SAM F-100F USAF Phu Cat
680307 Great Risinger Raid F-100D USAF Phu Cat
690117 Stormy 02 Bravo 1 A-1H USAF NKP Tchepone
690117 Stormy 02 Bravo 2 HH53 USAF NKP Tchepone
690511 Hamburger Hill UH-1B HH USA Camp Eagle
700128 Jolly 71 Mig-21 VPAF Vinh
710806 Last Stand A O-2A USAF Hue
710806 Last Stand B AH-1G USA LZ Sally
710806 Last Stand C F-4E USAF Danang
720112 Skyline Ridge T-28 RLAF Long Tieng
720910 Shamrocks F-4J USMC America
721006 Final Blow A-7B USN America
721006 Picture Perfect RA-5C USN America
750429 Silver Lining O-1E VNAF Midway Con Son Island
Lots of new stuff. New places. Lots of work to help you believe you are there. Great models in Rising Sun quality.
Two things: These missions take up to 3 minutes to load.
There are cockpits in the O1E, O2A and PC-6 that are passable. We did not intend to use them but once to tell one tale. FAC planes cannot direct a flight and the Porter would not be exciting for you once you complete the one flight...which is the hardest one in YAP.
Next up: YAP3